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Div PHP Nodes: Manage database of objects stored in record files

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div-nodes 2.0.0GNU General Publi...5.0PHP 5, Databases, Files and Folders
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divengine.div-nodes -


This class can manage database of mixed values (atomic values, arrays, objects) named "nodes", stored in record files.

It can create records that are stored in node files of a given schema directory.

Each node is serialized before storing the values in a file. Node files have a named defined by a identifier. Nodes may also reference other nodes in different schema directories.

The class may also search for nodes that match conditions, check if a node exists, update, delete and rename nodes already stored in record files, lock node files to prevent changes, get, add and remove node references, check if a schema directory exists, create, rename and delete schema directories.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2015
Number 6
Many PHP applications use relational databases to store and retrieve application information by connecting to SQL database servers.

Alternatively applications can also store information in file base databases that do not require the use of SQL, the so called noSQL databases.

This class provides a pure PHP implementation of a noSQL database that stores and retrieves information in files.

It provideds features to avoid problems caused by concurrent accesses such as the use of proper file locking, among other the non-trivial file database access features.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Rafa Rodriguez
  Performance   Level  
Name: Rafa Rodriguez <contact>
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: Suriname Suriname
Age: 38
All time rank: 17171 in Suriname Suriname
Week rank: 214 Up1 in Suriname Suriname Equal
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x


Div PHP Nodes 2.0.0

No-SQL Database System for PHP

Library for storage relational and serialized data using only PHP. The database can be divided into schemas. The objects (nodes) can be indexed for full text search and fast lookup.


Many PHP applications use relational databases to store and retrieve application information by connecting to SQL database servers.

Alternatively applications can also store information in file base databases that do not require the use of SQL, the so called noSQL databases.

This class provides a pure PHP implementation of a noSQL database that stores and retrieves information in files.

It provides features to avoid problems caused by concurrent accesses such as the use of proper file locking, among other the non-trivial file database access features.


This class can manage database of mixed values (atomic values, arrays, objects) named "nodes", stored in record files. It can create records that are stored in node files of a given schema directory.

Each node are serialized before storing the values in a file. Node files have a named defined by a identifier. Nodes may also reference other nodes in different schema directories.

The class may also: - search for nodes that match conditions, - check if a node exists, - update, delete and rename nodes already stored in record files, - lock node files to prevent changes - get, add and remove node references, - check if a schema directory exists, - create, rename and delete schema directories. - iterate each node with closure function - index the node's content for full text search - store statistics, and update it dynamically



With composer...

composer require divengine/nodes

Without composer, download the class and...

include "path/to/divengine/nodes.php";

Basic usage


use divengine/nodes;

$db = new nodes("database/contacts");

$id = $db->addNode([
    "name" => "Peter",
    "age" => 25

$db->setNode($id, [
    "email" => "",
    "phone" => "+1222553335"

$contact = $db->getNode($id);





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  Files folder image Files (6)  /  src  
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