PHP Classes

jlaso My Session: Store and get additional session data in files

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2024-01-09 (4 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 136 This week: 2All time: 9,232 This week: 204Up
Version License PHP version Categories
jlaso-my-session 1.0.10MIT/X Consortium ...5.2PHP 5, Files and Folders, User Manage...


This class can store and get additional session data in files.

It can set and get values of named keys that are stored in server side files.

The class can serialize in JSON format the list of defined keys before they are stored in a file in a given directory.

It can also read a previously saved file to unserialize and return the values of previously stored keys.

The accesses to keys file is done without locking the file.

Picture of Joseluis Laso
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 6x

Winner: 2x



if (isset($_REQUEST['sid'])) session_id($_REQUEST['sid']);
// MySession
require '../MySession/MySession.php';
$mysession = new MySession(session_id());
$id = isset($_REQUEST['id'])?$_REQUEST['id']:'';
// this sends to requester the percent of activiy and id,
    // normally the requester is a javascript routine and for not
    // use global id vars now this script returns id
"p" => $mysession->readKey($id),
"id" => $id,


This is a complement of session files.


When you start an activity through ajax request and you want to get info of this activity via ajax, the subsequents requests are blocked waiting for the termination of the first request.

You need to stop using php's session file to serve more ajax request.

Sample of use:



if (isset($_REQUEST['sid'])) session_id($_REQUEST['sid']);

// MySession
require '../MySession/MySession.php';
$mysession = new MySession(session_id());

$id = isset($_REQUEST['id'])?$_REQUEST['id']:'';

// this sends to requester the percent of activiy and id,
// normally the requester is a javascript routine and for not
// use global id vars now this script returns id
                    "p"  => $mysession->readKey($id),
                    "id" => $id,




This file is that starts the activity and controls the percentage of activity, sample:


function process_demo(){

// ..code..

$mysession = new MySession( session_id() );


$mysession->writeKey($id, 0);

// relase php session for calls from requester stay attended

// .. code that process long time ..

// indicates that finishes the long action
$mysession->writeKey($id, "OK");




In index.php bootstrap in SlimFramework project add:

// MySession require './app/others/MySession/MySession.php';

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file MySession.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file README.MD Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file status.sample.php Example Example script

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:2
All time:9,232
This week:204Up