PHP Classes

FTPeasy: Transfer files to one or more FTP servers

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ftpeasy 1.0GNU General Publi...3Networking, Files and Folders


This class can be used to transfer files between one or more FTP servers.

It can establish one or more connections to FTP servers with optional SSL based security. If an FTP server connection was already established, it reuses that connection.

The class can perform several connection operations like setting the connection timeout, set the connection passive mode, login as a given user, and execute a server side program.

It can also perform operations with files like uploading and downloading files, delete or rename a file, get the size of a file, setting file permissions and changing file modification time.

The class can also perform operations on directories like listing the contents of a directory, creating and removing directories.

Picture of Alessandro Rosa
Name: Alessandro Rosa <contact>
Classes: 10 packages by
Country: Italy Italy
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x


FTPeasy --------------------------------------------- manage FTP operations with no difficulties now FTPeasy is a PHP class managing FTP connections and operations with ease. Multiple connections are allowed (see attached example). The file go.php includes the code examples for all implemented features of the class. While the file _index.php includes a form to be optionnally used with the upload operation as shown again in the file go.php Each FTP operation is performed through the automatic sequence connect-login-operation-disconnect. Anyway advanced users may want to disable the automation so to perform connection, login and disconnection separately by switching on/off the automatic mode via the member function setAutomaticMODE( true/false ). A number of management members function are available and the developer may get familiar with them by looking at the end of class code in the file FTPeasy.php For troubles, questions, comments, please write to: Alessandro Rosa
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file ftpeasy.php Class FTPeasy class file
Plain text file go.php Example example file
Plain text file readme.txt Doc. class description
Accessible without login Plain text file _index.php Example another example file

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