PHP Classes

Mafia Session: Secure user authentication encrypting password

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
StarStar 35%Total: 3,462 All time: 980 This week: 455Up
Version License PHP version Categories
mafiasession 1.0BSD License5PHP 5, Databases, User Management, Se...


This class can be used to authenticate Web users securely.

It creates a key encoded with SHA1 based on the IP address and the current time when an user accesses the login page.

The key is used to generate a salt value that is used to encrypt the password that the user enters in the login form.

On the server side the class uses the same salt to verify whether the password entered by the user matches the password stored in a database.

If the authentication is successful, the class starts an authenticated user session.

The login keys, user and session information is stored in a database. Currently the class supports either MySQL or PostgreSQL databases.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2007
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Authentication is an aspect that concerns developers implementing sites that require high security level.

Using SSL avoids the eavesdropping problem caused by the possibility of having an attacker sniffing the connections to a Web site to steal user passwords. However, not every site owner can afford buying and renewing SSL certificates every year.

This package offers a solution that avoids the need for SSL certificates. It uses session keys to encrypt the user passwords before submitting a login form to the server.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Marcelo Costa
Name: Marcelo Costa <contact>
Classes: 9 packages by
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: ???
All time rank: 37129 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 227 Up20 in Brazil Brazil Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

  Files folder image Files (15)  
File Role Description
Plain text file class_pdosession.php Class version 2.0 for pdo driver
Accessible without login Plain text file base64.js Data javascript base64
Plain text file class_mafiarelbd.php Class base sql class
Plain text file class_mafiasession.php Class main class
Plain text file class_mafiasql.php Class sql class
Plain text file class_pdo_extension.php Class pdo extension class
Accessible without login Plain text file leiame.txt Doc. readme
Accessible without login Plain text file login.php Example login form exemple
Accessible without login Plain text file mafiasession.php Example exemple script
Accessible without login Plain text file md5.js Data javascript md5
Accessible without login Plain text file mysql.sql Data mysql database script
Accessible without login Plain text file pgsql.sql Data postgres database script
Accessible without login Plain text file sha1.js Data javascript sha1
Accessible without login Plain text file _autoload.php Conf. setup script
Accessible without login Plain text file _autoloadpdo.php Data pdo.php

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