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13 in a dozen db class: Access MySQL servers and display queries in tables

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dozen13 1.0.0Freely DistributableHTML, Databases


This class can be used to access MySQL database servers and display query results in HTML tables.

It can establish database connections to a given MySQL host, retrieve server database information, execute SQL queries, retrieve the inserted identifier by the last INSERT query, get the number of effected rows by a query, get the number of returned rows by a query, get the number of columns in a query result set, retrieve query result rows into arrays or objects.

The class can also generate HTML tables to display query result data or metadata about the query result columns.

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Name: joris visser <contact>
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All time rank: 74819 in The Netherlands The Netherlands
Week rank: 215 Up4 in The Netherlands The Netherlands Up


13-IN-A-DOZEN DATABASE YES YET AN OTHER DATABASE CLASS CREATOR: JORIS VISSER MY FIRST SELF WRITEN CLASS =-=-=-=-=-=-= tested under PHP 5.1.2 PHP 4.3.6 ==== manual var $db_HOST = "localhost"; var $db_USER = "root"; var $db_PASS = "root"; var $database = "db"; var $sqlerror = "sql could not be connected"; var $dbc ; =-=-=-=-=-=-= normal usage: <?php include("db.class.php"); $db = NEW database; ?> - assigning database class -- connection to database =-=-=-=-=-=-= database() - standard call -- connection to database =-=-=-=-=-=-= connect_db() - connect to database =-=-=-=-=-=-= query_db($query,$print = false) //1. query //2. show query (optional) - preform query -- show error if could not be executed - check if query was given -- show query when $print is given as true =-=-=-=-=-=-= close_db() - close database connection =-=-=-=-=-=-= id_db() - return last given inserted ID =-=-=-=-=-=-= affecte_db() - return affected rows in db =-=-=-=-=-=-= num_rows($q) 1. query - return number of rows in query =-=-=-=-=-=-= num_fields($q) 1. query - return number of fields from query =-=-=-=-=-=-= db_info() =-=-=-=-=-=-= fetch_db_row($fetched) 1. result from $db->query_db($query) - return as mysql_fetch_row =-=-=-=-=-=-= fetch_db_array($fetched) 1. result from $db->query_db($query) - return as mysql_fetch_array =-=-=-=-=-=-= fetch_db_assoc($fetched) 1. result from $db->query_db($query) - return as mysql_fetch_assoc =-=-=-=-=-=-= fetch_db_object($fetched) 1. result from $db->query_db($query) - return as mysql_fetch_object =-=-=-=-=-=-= get_table($query,$names='',$url='',$extrafields='') 1. query 2. names for table headers (optional) 3. Give url in field (optional) 4. Extrafields additional to rest of query (optional) - preform query -- give error - makeup given $_GET variables for sorting - give query back in table form -- makeup of table can be changed in Makeup 100% W3C xhtml compatible! =-=-=-=-=-=-=

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