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Description | | Author |
This package can extend PASETO to wrap and serialize keys.
It provides classes that can perform several operations with keys used by the PHP implementation of the PASETO security tokens specification.
Currently, it provides classes that implement:
- Types of data that can be encoded and decoded, like seals and secret passwords
- Operations with the types of data like wrapping and serialization Innovation Award
November 2022
Number 6 |
PASETO is an approach to sign, encrypt and decrypt data that is more secure than other approaches like JSON Web Tokens.
PASERK extends the PHP PASETO to add more functionality for serializing and wrapping kets used by PASETO. This possibility helps developers to use keys on different platforms.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
Nominee: 28x
Winner: 1x |
PASERK (PHP Documentation)
PASERK is an extension to PASETO that provides
key-wrapping and serialization.
To understand the motivation behind PASERK, please refer to the
PASERK Specification.
What Is PASERK Anyway?
PASERKs are serialized keys for use with PASETO. PASERK is short for
"Platform-Agnostic SERialized Keys".
A serialized key in PASERK has the format:
Each PASERK version corresponds directly with the PASETO version a serialized
key is intended to be used with, and it MUST NOT be used for another version.
Each PASERK type
is a composition of one or more PASERK operations.
Please refer to the PASERK specification
if you'd like to learn more about the types/operations.
This section merely focuses on how to use the PHP implementation.
Working with PASERK Types in PHP
For local-wrap
and secret-wrap
, the key-wrapping protocols this library implements
are listed in this directory.
What About the PASERK Operations?
We do not recommend interfacing directly with the PASERK Operations.
Use the PASERK Types instead.
Platform Agnostic SERialized Keys. Requires PHP 7.1 or newer.
PASERK Specification
The PASERK Specification can be found in this repository.
composer require paragonie/paserk
PASERK Library Versions
PASERK PHP Version 2
* Requires PHP 8.1+
* PASETO versions: `v3`, `v4`
* This means only the corresponding `k3` and `k4` modes are implemented.
PASERK PHP Version 1
* Requires PHP 7.1+
* PASETO versions: `v1`, `v2`, `v3`, `v4`
* This provides a stable reference implementation for the PASERK specification.
See this directory for the documentation.
Example: Public-key Encryption
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Builder;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Keys\SymmetricKey;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Protocol\Version4;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Operations\Key\SealingPublicKey;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Types\Seal;
$version = new Version4();
// First, you need a sealing keypair.
// $sealingSecret = ParagonIE\Paserk\Operations\Key\SealingSecretKey::generate();
// $sealingPublic = $sealingSecret->getPublicKey();
// var_dump($sealingSecret->encode(), $sealingPublic->encode());
$sealingPublic = SealingPublicKey::fromEncodedString(
$sealer = new Seal($sealingPublic);
// Generate a random one-time key, which will be encrypted with the public key:
$key = SymmetricKey::generate($version);
// Seal means "public key encryption":
$paserk = $sealer->encode($key);
// Now let's associate this PASERK with a PASETO that uses the local key:
$paseto = Builder::getLocal($key, $version)
->with('test', 'readme')
(new DateTime('NOW'))
->add(new DateInterval('P01D'))
->withFooterArray(['kid' => $sealer->id($key)])
var_dump($paserk, $paseto);
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Protocol\Version4;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Operations\Key\SealingSecretKey;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Types\Lid;
use ParagonIE\Paserk\Types\Seal;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\Parser as PasetoParser;
use ParagonIE\Paseto\ProtocolCollection;
$version = new Version4();
// From previous example:
$paserk = "k4.seal.F2qE4x0JfqT7JYhOB7S12SikvLaRuEpxRkgxxHfh4hVpE1JfwIDnreuhs9v5gjoBl3WTVjdIz6NkwQdqRoS2EDc3yGvdf_Da4K1xUSJ8IVTn4HQeol5ruYwjQlA_Ph4N";
$paseto = "v4.local.hYG-BfpTTM3bb-xZ-q5-w77XGayS4WA8kA5R5ZL85u3nzgrWba5NdqgIouFn71CJyGAff1eloirzz3sWRdVXnDeSIYxXDIerNkbLI5ALn24JehhSLKrv8R2-yhfo_XZF9XEASXtwrOyMNjeEAan5kqO6Dg.eyJraWQiOiJrNC5saWQueDAycGJDRmhxU1Q4endnbEJyR3VqWE9LYU5kRkJjY1dsTFFRN0pzcGlZM18ifQ";
// Keys for unsealing:
$sealingSecret = SealingSecretKey::fromEncodedString(
$sealingPublic = $sealingSecret->getPublicKey();
// Unwrap the sytmmetric key for `v4.local.` tokens.
$sealer = new Seal($sealingPublic, $sealingSecret);
$unwrapped = $sealer->decode($paserk);
// Parse the PASETO
$parsed = PasetoParser::getLocal($unwrapped, ProtocolCollection::v4())
// Get the claims from the parsed and validated token:
array(2) {
string(6) "readme"
string(25) "2038-01-19T03:14:08+00:00"
// Observe the Key ID is the same as the value stored in the footer.
var_dump(Lid::encode($version, $paserk));
string(51) "k4.lid.x02pbCFhqST8zwglBrGujXOKaNdFBccWlLQQ7JspiY3_"
string(51) "k4.lid.x02pbCFhqST8zwglBrGujXOKaNdFBccWlLQQ7JspiY3_"
PASERK Feature Coverage
Applications that use this package |
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