PHP Classes

PHP Htaccess File Configuration: Generate Apache configuration to redirect requests

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2021-10-10 (2 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 239 All time: 7,966 This week: 152Up
Version License PHP version Categories
criarhtaccess 1.0.0The PHP License5HTTP, PHP 5, Configuration
Description Author

This package can generate Apache configuration to redirect requests.

It can generate the .htaccess file in the document root directory of the current domain of the site that executes this class.

The .htaccess file defines parameters to configure the Apache Web server to perform several types of requests. Currently, it can:

- Redirect user-friendly URL accesses to a script named index.php

- Redirect all non-SSL requests to the same URL of a site in the SSL version

The class can also remove the .htaccess file from the current domain document root directory.

In Portuguese:

Este pacote pode gerar configuração do Apache para redirecionar solicitações.

Ele pode gerar o arquivo .htaccess no diretório raiz do documento do domínio atual do site que executa esta classe.

O arquivo .htaccess define parâmetros para configurar o servidor Apache Web para realizar vários tipos de solicitações. Atualmente, ele pode:

- Redirecionar acessos de URL amigáveis para um script denominado index.php

- Redirecionar todas as solicitações não SSL para o mesmo URL de um site na versão SSL

A classe também pode remover o arquivo .htaccess do diretório raiz do documento de domínio atual.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2021
Number 3
htaccess files are used with the Apache configuration to set up specific parameters that define how to Web pages to the user browsers.

Many PHP applications developers need to configure the .htaccess file to handle requests to access many types of pages using a single PHP script.

This package can generate a .htaccess file to set up that Apache Web server configuration and redirect requests to the Web server using HTTP to use HTTPS.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Maic Nogueira
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file CriarHtaccess.php Class Classe Criar htaccess

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User Comments (1)
Ai está uma óptima classe, no entanto o .
1 month ago (José Filipe Lopes Santos)

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