PHP Classes

HTML Google Fonts using PHP on Time: Store and retrieve font values to use in Web pages

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
Not yet rated by the usersTotal: 104 All time: 9,753 This week: 54Up
Version License PHP version Categories
htmlgooglefonts 1.0.0Public Domain5HTML, PHP 5, Databases, Graphics


This package can be used to store and retrieve font values to use in Web pages.

It provides traits that can be used by classes to store values in a NoSQL database that associate a named group of font values to use in Web pages.

The package can also retrieve the font values of a given the group name, so applications can use the fonts when they render the HTML of the current page being served by PHP.

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('display_errors', true);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE | E_WARNING);

$license = new CCLicense(3,2,1);

$html = new html();

// Just to have something to see on body
$google = $html->ShwCntIn('letters',"page");
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <?php $html->Getheader(); ?>
<?php foreach ($google as $clave => $valor) { if ($valor=='google') { ?>
<p style=<?php echo '"font-family:'.$clave ; ?>">This is a paragraph <?php echo $clave; ?>.</p>
<?php }} ?>
<?php echo '<br>'.$license->logo . '</br>'.$license->url; ?>


How use OnTime backend to store and setup google fonts in html

The OnTime framework is designed to be modular, scalable and comprehensive, so that each new feature integrates without difficulty and maintains a unique class definition (OnTime) and all "additional classes" are "trait" that enrich it, in such a way that an integrated system is obtained, not separate programs which do not necessarily have to behave correctly together.

This is just a sample to show how todo, can add o remove all tag you wan

Installation in test environment:

1.- Copy all the files in the directory where was instaled OnTime

2.- With the browser of your preference, locate the directory and enter it

3.- Execute the OntimeInstaller.php file

4.- When executing the file, the files the required environment was created


If you know how to create a subdomain that points to the "demo" directory, it is more comfortable and realistic.

After install

1.- Select the file FillDataxxx.php, to create sample data, can use it to adapt as you need. 2.- The file HtmlPage.php show the result in the browser,

Screenshots (3)  
  • GoogleFont.png
  • googlefontsc.png
  • Htmlfont.png
  Files folder image Files (9)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file FillData001.php Example Example script
Plain text file HtmlClass.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file HtmlPage.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file licencia Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file license Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
Install with Composer Install with Composer 232KB
Downloadhtmlgooglefonts-2021-05-06.tar.gz 232KB
Install with ComposerInstall with Composer
Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
PHP NoSQL Database OnTime Download .zip .tar.gz OnTime NoSqlDatabase Required
PHP Creative Commons Logo Download .zip .tar.gz Commom creative license Optional
HTML Metatags using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Html Meta Tag pacakage Recommended
HTML CSS Styles using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implements Css Html Recommended
HTML LayOut using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implement Layout Recommended
 Version Control Reuses Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:9,753
This week:54Up