PHP Classes

Lightweight PHP API Key Authentication: Store and validate user API keys in files

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2019-03-04 (4 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 1 This week: 1All time: 9,527 This week: 463Up
Version License PHP version Categories
apikeys 1.0Public Domain7PHP 5, User Management, Web services, S...
Description Author

This package can store and validate user API keys in files.

It can take a given API key eventually taken from a API call request parameters and checks it against a list of allowed API keys retrieved from a given file that stores allowed users API keys.

The class can also add or update an API key for a given user in a the same file used from validating API keys.

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readme for class_APIKey.php

This set of classes is a response to a request at this URL:

There are 3 classes in the set:

Abstract class APIKey
This is the base class that the other classes extend.  It has one method, generate(),
which creates a unique API key.  It also defines two other methods.  Method validate()
test a given API key for validity and returns the name of the person it belongs to, or
throws APIKeyException.  Method storeKey() takes the name of a person, calls generate()
to get a new API key, and stores the name:key combination in a place that validate()
can find.

Class APIKeyValidation
This is the concrete class that provides the two abstract methods called for by APIKey.
When validate() cannot associate an API key with a user name it throws APIKeyException.

Class APIKeyException
Extends Exception and provides a message and an HTTP code.

There are 2 demonstration files in hte set:

Script demo_APIKey.php exercises the classes.
Text File demo_APIKey.txt simulates a database or flat file of valid API keys.

Add a method to invalidate an API key.
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file class_APIKey.php Class Abstract Class
Plain text file class_APIKeyException.php Class Exception Handler
Plain text file class_APIKeyValidation.php Class Extends Abstract Class
Accessible without login Plain text file demo_APIKey.php Example Demonstration Script
Accessible without login Plain text file demo_APIKey.txt Data Test File for Demo
Accessible without login Plain text file readme_APIKey.txt Doc. Readme text file

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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This week:463Up