PHP Classes

PHP Asynchronous Task 7: Execute parallel task using a sub-class

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2019-02-07 (2 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 53 This week: 53All time: 9,388 This week: 6Up
Version License PHP version Categories
asynctask-7 2.0.12BSD License7.1Utilities and Tools, Language, PHP 7
Description Author

This package can execute parallel task using a sub-class.

It provides a base class that can be called to start a task that would executed in parallel.

A sub-class may extend the base class to define functions for customizing the execution of the parallel task, like before the task is started, what the task will do in parallel, and output the progress of the parallel task.

  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x


Build Status Latest Stable Version License Total Downloads PHP Classes


AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.

The early class implementation supports PHP 5.3, but does not support what is implemented in this class.


  • PHP version ~7.1.0
  • Module installed pcntl and posix
  • All functions pcntl, posix removed from the directive disable_functions
  • SharedMemoryAdapter: - All functions shm removed from the directive disable_functions


1) Install composer

2) Follow in the project folder:

composer require dmamontov/asynctask-7 ~2.0.13

In config composer.json your project will be added to the library dmamontov/asynctask-7, who settled in the folder vendor/. In the absence of a config file or folder with vendors they will be created.

If before your project is not used composer, connect the startup file vendors. To do this, enter the code in the project:

require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

Adapter list

  • SharedMemory - working
  • ~~FileSystem~~ - in the process
  • ~~Redis~~ - in the process

Offer adapters that are missing. We develop!


Example of work

use AsyncTask\{

class TestTask extends AsyncTask
    protected function onPreExecute(Collection $collection)

    protected function doInBackground(Collection $collection)
        return 'My First Task';

    protected function onPostExecute($result)
        echo $result;

    protected function publishProgress()
        echo rand(0,9) . PHP_EOL;

$task = new TestTask();
    ->execute(new Collection);

Task Example

use AsyncTask\AsyncTask;
use AsyncTask\Collection;

class ExampleTask extends AsyncTask
     * Optional method.
    protected function onPreExecute(Collection $collection)
        return $collection;

     * Required method.
    protected function doInBackground(Collection $collection)
        return $collection;

     * Optional method.
     * With this method, an additional process is created.
    protected function publishProgress()

     * Optional method.
    protected function onPostExecute($result)

     * Optional method.
    protected function onCancelled()

Adapter Example

use AsyncTask\Adapter;
use AsyncTask\Interfaces\AdapterInterface;

class ExampleAdapter extends Adapter implements AdapterInterface

     * Required method.
    public function init(): AdapterInterface
        return $this;
     * Required method.
    public function finish(): AdapterInterface
        return $this;

     * Required method.
    public function clean(bool $parent = false): AdapterInterface
        return $this;
     * Required method.
    public function has($key, bool $parent = false): bool
        return false;

     * Required method.
    public function remove($key, bool $parent = false): bool
        return true;
     * Required method.
    public function get($key, bool $parent = false)
        return null;

     * Required method.
    public function write($key, $val, bool $parent = false): AdapterInterface
        return $this;


  • More tests.
  • More adapters.
  • Class for managing running processes.
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:53
All time:9,388
This week:6Up