PHP ORM Database in simplest way.
Include autoload file of SimpleORM to your project
require_once '../SimpleORM/autoload.php';
Config Database Connector
$configs = array(
'host' => 'localhost', // host name
'name' => 'd2_test2', //db name
'user' => 'root', //user db
'pwd' => '123456',//password db
'port' => 3306, // port connector
'prefix' => 'tbl_', // prefix for tables
'adapter' => 'mysqli', // adapter, supported MySQLi and PDO
'charset' => 'utf8', // charset of connector
'type' => 'mysql' // type of connection in case using PDO
$db = new Connector($configs);
??? Look the database sql file in folder "test/d2_test2.sql".
New Model
$oModel = new Model("client");
$oModel->getTable()->setPrimaryKey("client_id"); // should set primary key for table
Create Query
$query = $oModel->createQuery();
How to get all "clients" with filter
$mData = $oModel->createQuery()->where('client_id',1,'>')->select('*')->getAll();
Setup relationship tables
$oRelation = new Relation($this);
// 1-1
'source' => 'client_id', // from table column
'target' => 'client_id', // to target table column
'table' => 'client_info' // target table
// 1-n
'source' => 'client_id',
'target' => 'client_id',
'table' => 'client_app'
// n-1
'source' => 'level',
'target' => 'id',
'table' => 'client_type',
// n- n with bride(junction) table client_group
'source' => 'client_id', // from table column
'target' => 'id', // to target table column
'table' => 'group', // target table
'option' => array(
'bridge' => array(
'table' => 'client_group', // junction table
'source' => array(
'client_id' => 'client_id' // mapping junction table & source table
'target' => array(
'id' => 'group_id',// mapping junction table & target table
Advanced usage
- It's allowed to extend all of class such as: Model, Table, Reference and Relation, Even the Row Data.
- Look more at the folder "test/DbTest/Client".
- You can extend and write any advanced functions.