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![]() <?PHP
/** * @package pdf_gantt * @name pdf_gantt.php, contains class PdfGantt, * for generating PDF documents with Gantt charts. * @uses TCPDF (printing to PDF document) * @Author Alexander Selifonov, <alex [at] selifan {dot} ru> * @version 0.90.0018 2013-04-26 * @Link: * @Link: * @license BSD * **/ class PdfGantt { const DEFAULT_MARGIN = 5; const DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT = 'd.m.Y'; static $_show_taskid = FALSE; private $_locStrings = array( 'days' => '%s day(s)' ,'task' => 'task' ,'subtask' => 'subtask' ,'subtasks' => 'subtasks' ,'milestone' => 'milestone' ,'milestones'=> 'Milestones' ); private $_data = array(); # _data['title'] - general title, _data['tasks'] - array of tasks to be rendered private $_tcpdf = null; private $_curstate = array(); private $_milestones = array(); private $_config = array( 'stringcharset'=>'UTF-8' ,'dateformat' => 'M Y' # date format for timeline titles : default creates titles like "Jan 2013" ,'dateformat2' => 'm/j' # date format for task start dates ,'title_fontsize' => 8 # main title font size ,'show_taskdays' => 1 ,'descr_width' => 0.20 # "description" column width (relational or abs.) ,'bgcolor' => '' # background color for the whole chart area ,'grid_color' => '#888' # chart grid color ,'box_bgcolor' => '#88e' # background for "task" bars ,'box_bgcolor2'=> '#ccf' # background for "undone" part if 'progress' less than 1 ,'box_bgcolor3'=> '' # background for overdue tasks, by default don't show overdue (NOT IMPLEMENTED!) ,'ms_color' => '#4ff' # milestone "gem" fill color ,'box_border' => '#111' # border color for "task" bars and milestone gems ,'text_color' => '#000' # text main color ,'arrow_color' => '#777' # arrows showing dependencies ,'dates_fontsize' => 6 # dates font size ,'taskdescr_fontsize'=>7 # people in task font size ,'members_fontsize' => 5.5 # people in task font size ,'shade_color' => '' # shadow background color (no shade by default) ,'shade_offsetx' => 1.0 # shadow offsets ,'shade_offsety' => 0.7 ,'ms_height' => 0.08 # part of chart height to print milestones ,'ms_fontsize' => 6.0 # font size for milestone titles ); var $_pos = array(0,0); # left, top positiion of render area var $_dim = array(0,0); # width, height of render area var $_error_message = 'unknown error'; public function __construct($tcpdfobj, $cfg = null, $x=0,$y=0,$w=0,$h=0) { $this->_tcpdf = $tcpdfobj; $this->_error_message = ''; if(is_array($cfg)) $this->setConfig($cfg); $this->_pos = array($x,$y); $this->_dim = array($w,$h); } /** * Localizing output strings like task, days, etc. * * @param mixed $strarr assoc.array with new string values */ public function localize($strarr) { if(is_array($strarr)) foreach(array_keys($this->_locStrings) as $key) { if(!empty($strarr[$key])) $this->_locStrings[$key] = $strarr[$key]; } return $this; } /** * Sets area for gannt bar * * @param mixed $x start x pos * @param mixed $y start y pos * @param mixed $w width * @param mixed $h geight * @return PdfGantt */ public function setAreaPosition($x, $y, $w=0, $h=0) { $this->_pos = array(floatval($x),floatval($y)); $this->_dim = array(floatval($w),floatval($h)); return $this; } public function setData($data) { $this->_data = $data; return $this; } public function setConfig($cfg) { if(is_array($cfg)) $this->_config = array_merge($this->_config, $cfg); return $this; } public function getErrorMessage() { return $this->_error_message; } /** * convert string date 'yyyy-mm-dd' to dateTime var * * @param mixed $chdate */ public static function char2date($chdate) { $darr = preg_split("/[\s,-\/\.\:]+/",$chdate); $ret = 0; if(count($darr)>=3) { $year = ($darr[0]<=31) ? $darr[2] : $darr[0]; $mon = $darr[1]; $day = ($darr[0]<=31) ? $darr[0] : $darr[2]; if($year<15) $year+=2000; # correct "2-digit" year $ret = @mktime(1,0,0,$mon,$day,$year); } return $ret; } /** * calculates amount of days between two dates (in 'YYYY-MM-DD' string values or times) * * @param mixed $date1 date 1 * @param mixed $date2 date 2 */ public static function daysBetween($date1, $date2) { $dt1 = is_string($date1) ? self::char2date($date1) : $date1; $dt2 = is_string($date2) ? self::char2date($date2) : $date2; return floor(($dt2 - $dt1)/86400); } public static function addDays($date1, $days) { $dt1 = is_string($date1) ? self::char2date($date1) : $date1; $ret = $dt1 + ($days*86400); return (is_string($date1) ? date('Y-m-d',$ret) : $ret); } private function _convertCset($strval) { $ret = ($this->_config['stringcharset']!='' && $this->_config['stringcharset']!='UTF-8') ? @iconv($this->_config['stringcharset'],'UTF-8',$strval) : $strval; return $ret; } /** * Prints Gannt chart for passed task data * * @param mixed $tcpdf_obj TCPDF instance */ public function Render($data=null) { if($data && is_array($data)) $this->setData($data); if(!($this->_tcpdf instanceof TCPDF)) { $this->_error_message = 'Passed parameter is not TCPDF instance, rendering impossible!'; return false; } $this->_saveCurrentPdfState(); # $curfontSize = $this->_tcpdf->getFontSize(); $this->_tcpdf->setPageUnit('mm'); # we work in millimeters! $width = (float)$this->_dim[0]; $startx = floatval($this->_pos[0]); $starty = floatval($this->_pos[1]); $height = (float)$this->_dim[1]; $endy = min($this->_tcpdf->getPageHeight(), $starty+$height); $height = $endy - $starty; $drange = array(0,0); if(isset($this->_data['daterange'])) { $drarr = is_string($this->_data['daterange']) ? explode(',',$this->_data['daterange']) : $this->_data['daterange']; $drange[0] = $drarr[0]; if(isset($drarr[1])) $drange[1] = $drarr[1]; } $datestart = $drange[0] ? self::char2date($drange[0]) : 0; $dateend = $drange[1] ? self::char2date($drange[1]) : 0; $auto_start = ($datestart==0); $auto_end = ($dateend==0); $rawdata = array(); # Create "raw data" for rendering if(isset($this->_data['items']) && is_array($this->_data['items'])) { foreach($this->_data['items'] as $rawno => $item) { $item_id = isset($item['id']) ? $item['id'] : 'item_'.$rawno; $descr = isset($item['description']) ? $item['description'] : $item_id; $dt1 = isset($item['datestart']) ? self::char2date($item['datestart']) : 0; $depend = isset($item['dependencies']) ? $item['dependencies'] : ''; $dt2 = isset($item['dateend']) ? self::char2date($item['datestart']) : 0; $days = (isset($item['workdays'])) ? intval($item['workdays']) : false; $progress = isset($item['progress']) ? floatval($item['progress']) : 1; $members = isset($item['members']) ? $item['members'] : ''; $color = isset($item['color']) ? $item['color'] : ''; $mcolor = isset($item['mcolor']) ? $item['mcolor'] : ''; $mstone = isset($item['milestone']) ? $item['milestone'] : false; $box_bgcolor = isset($item['box_bgcolor']) ? $item['box_bgcolor'] : $this->_config['box_bgcolor']; if(isset($item['dateend']) && !empty($dt1)) { $dt2 = self::char2date($item['dateend']); if($dt1>0) $days = self::daysBetween($dt1,$dt2)+1; # jan.01..jan.02 = 2 workdays: (1 day difference) } if($dt1>0 && $days>0 && empty($dt2)) { $dt2 = self::addDays($dt1, $days-1); } if(!$item_id) continue; # empty ID not allowed if(($dt1>0 && $dt2>=$dt2) OR ($days>0 && !empty($depend))) { $rawdata[$item_id] = array('id'=>$item_id, 'description'=>$descr,'datestart'=>$dt1 ,'dateend'=>$dt2, 'workdays'=>$days, 'dependencies'=>$depend,'progress'=>$progress ,'members'=>$members,'color'=>$color, 'mcolor'=>$mcolor, 'milestone'=>$mstone,'box_bgcolor'=>$box_bgcolor ); } } } # adjust start dates of "dependent" tasks, by shifting them after "parent" tasks $b_dependencies = false; foreach($rawdata as $itemid => $rd) { $dt1 = $rd['datestart']; $dt2 = $rd['dateend']; if(!empty($rd['dependencies'])) { $darr = is_string($rd['dependencies']) ? explode(',',$rd['dependencies']) : $rd['dependencies']; if(!empty($darr[0])) foreach($darr as $taskid) { $b_dependencies = true; if($taskid != $itemid && isset($rawdata[$taskid]['dateend'])) { $dt1 = $rawdata[$itemid]['datestart'] = max($rawdata[$itemid]['datestart'], $rawdata[$taskid]['dateend']+86400); $dt2 = $rawdata[$itemid]['dateend'] = $rawdata[$itemid]['datestart'] +86400*($rawdata[$itemid]['workdays']-1); # auto-detect start and end date of a chart } } } if($auto_start) $datestart = ($datestart==0) ? $dt1 : min($datestart,$dt1); if($auto_end) $dateend = ($dateend==0) ? $dt2 : max($dateend,$dt2); if(!empty($rd['milestone'])) { $ds = $rawdata[$itemid]['datestart']; if(isset($this->_milestones[$ds])) $this->_milestones[$ds][] = $rd['milestone']; else $this->_milestones[$ds] = array($rd['milestone']); # if two or more milestones have the same start date, they will be joined into one, and it's title name will contain all titles } } if($auto_start) { # make shure area starts with 1 day of month $dom = date('d',$datestart); if($dom>1) $datestart -= 86400*($dom-1); } if($auto_end) { # make shure timeline finishes at 1st day of next month after the last task completion while(date('d',$dateend)!=1) { $dateend += 86400; } } # $this->_tcpdf->Line(($startx-2),$starty,$startx-2, $endy); # debug line # Now $rawdata ready to render, date range calculated ($datestart, $dateend) if($width<=0) { # if positive width not defined, stretch rendering to ALL available area. $width = $this->_tcpdf->getPageWidth() - $startx - self::DEFAULT_MARGIN; } if($height<=0) { # the same with height $height = $this->_tcpdf->getPageHeight() - $starty - self::DEFAULT_MARGIN; } # auto-convert title to UTF-8 if needed. $title = isset($this->_data['title']) ? $this->_convertCset(trim($this->_data['title'])) : ''; $shift = $ms_height = 0; if($title) { $shift = 8; $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', floatval($this->_config['title_fontsize'])); $this->_tcpdf->MultiCell($width,$height, $title, 0, 'C', 0, 1, $startx, $starty ); } if(count($this->_milestones)) { $ms_height = $this->_config['ms_height']; if($ms_height < 1) $ms_height = $height * $ms_height; } if($height-$shift-$ms_height < 16) { $this->_error_message = 'Too small height to render Gantt chart !'; return false; } $descWidth = ($this->_config['descr_width'] < 1.0) ? round($width * $this->_config['descr_width'],2) : floatval($this->_config['descr_width']); $timeline_x = $startx + $descWidth+0.2; $timelineWidth = $width - $descWidth - 0.2; $ms_size = round($ms_height/4,2); $max_x = $startx + $width; $rgbText = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['text_color']); $rgbGrid = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['grid_color']); $rgbFill = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['box_bgcolor']); $rgbFill2 = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['box_bgcolor2']); $rgbBorder = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['box_border']); $msFill = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['ms_color']); $rgbShade = $this->_config['shade_color'] ? $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['shade_color']) : FALSE; $lineStyle = array('width' => 0.1, 'dash' => 0, 'color' => $rgbGrid); $height -= $shift+$ms_height; if($ms_height>0) { $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($rgbFill); $this->_tcpdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgbGrid); } $grid_y = $starty + $shift; $milestone_y = $grid_y + $ms_height/2; $timeline_y = $grid_y + $ms_height; # gannt timeline top pos (first task row) $step_y = round($height / count($rawdata),2); # one row height in the grid $rgbBg = $this->_config['bgcolor'] ? $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['bgcolor']) : FALSE; # $boxBorderStyle = array('width' => 0.1, 'dash' => 0, 'color' => $rgbBorder); $this->_tcpdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgbGrid); if($rgbBg) { $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($rgbBg); $this->_tcpdf->Rect($startx,$grid_y, $width, $height+$ms_height, 'DF'); } else $this->_tcpdf->Rect($startx,$grid_y, $width, $height+$ms_height, '', $lineStyle, array()); if($descWidth>0) { $this->_tcpdf->Line(($startx+$descWidth),$grid_y,$timeline_x, ($grid_y+$height+$ms_height), $lineStyle); } $dayWidth = round(($max_x - $timeline_x) / ( $dateend - $datestart) * 86400, 3); # Draw all vertical bars for month beginnings, and their dates at the bottom: $dtstart = date($this->_config['dateformat'], $datestart); if(date('d',$datestart)==1) { $this->_tcpdf->SetTextColorArray($rgbText); $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', floatval($this->_config['dates_fontsize'])); $this->_tcpdf->Text($timeline_x-0.8, ($grid_y-3.2), $dtstart); } $curdt = $datestart; $dt_posx = 0; while($curdt < $dateend) { if(date('d',$curdt)==1) $curdt += 26*86400; while(date('d', $curdt) !=1) { $curdt += 86400; } $dt_posx = round($timelineWidth * ($curdt - $datestart) / ($dateend - $datestart),3); $strdate = date($this->_config['dateformat'], $curdt); if($timeline_x+$dt_posx > $width) break; $this->_tcpdf->Text(($timeline_x+$dt_posx-0.8), ($grid_y-3.2), $strdate); $this->_tcpdf->Line($timeline_x+$dt_posx,$grid_y,$timeline_x+$dt_posx, $timeline_y+$height, $lineStyle); } $kk = 0; $coords = array(); if(count($this->_milestones) && $descWidth>0) { $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', floatval($this->_config['taskdescr_fontsize'])); $this->_tcpdf->MultiCell($descWidth-2,5, $this->_convertCset($this->_locStrings['milestones']), 0, 'L', 0, 1, $startx, ($milestone_y - $ms_height*0.4) ); } # draw tasks on timeline foreach($rawdata as $itemid => $rd) { $posy = $timeline_y + ($step_y*$kk); $this->_tcpdf->Line($startx,$posy,($startx+$width), $posy, $lineStyle); $rdescr = ((self::$_show_taskid) ? ($itemid.':') : '') . $this->_convertCset($rd['description']); $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', $this->_config['taskdescr_fontsize']); if(!empty($rd['color'])) { $mrgb = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($rd['color']); $this->_tcpdf->SetTextColorArray($mrgb); } else $this->_tcpdf->SetTextColorArray($rgbText); # task description if($descWidth>0) { $this->_tcpdf->MultiCell($descWidth-2,$step_y/2, $rdescr, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $startx, ($timeline_y + ($step_y*$kk)+0.1) ); # working people if(!empty($rd['members'])) { # print working people list for the task $memb = is_string($rd['members']) ? explode(',',$rd['members']) : $rd['members']; foreach($memb as $k => $v) { $memb[$k] = $this->_convertCset($v); } $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', $this->_config['members_fontsize']); $max_h = $step_y - 4.2; if(!empty($rd['mcolor'])) { $mrgb = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($rd['mcolor']); $this->_tcpdf->SetTextColorArray($mrgb); } $this->_tcpdf->MultiCell($descWidth-2,$step_y*0.6, implode(", ",$memb), 0, 'L', 0, 1, $startx+3.0, $timeline_y + $step_y*($kk+0.3),true,0,0,true, $max_h,true); $this->_tcpdf->SetTextColorArray($rgbText); } } # Draw task box on timeline $posx1 = round($timelineWidth * ($rd['datestart'] - $datestart) / ($dateend - $datestart),3); $w = round($timelineWidth * ($rd['dateend'] - $datestart) / ($dateend - $datestart),3) - $posx1 + $dayWidth; $rect_x1 = $timeline_x+$posx1; # intent $rect_x2 = $rect_x1+$w; # intent ending position $real_x1 = max($rect_x1,$timeline_x); $real_x2 = min($rect_x2,$max_x); $real_w = $real_x2 - $real_x1; $coords[$itemid] = array($real_x1,$posy+($step_y*0.2),$real_x2); # start x,y and end x, to draw arrows later if(($rect_x1>=$timeline_x && $rect_x1 <= $max_x) OR ($rect_x2>=$timeline_x && $rect_x2 <= $max_x) OR $real_x1 < $real_x2) { # <4> # if($real_x1 < $real_x2) { # <4> all or a part of task is inside timeline # draw shadows ? (shade_color) if($rgbShade) { $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($rgbShade); $shade_x = max($rect_x1 + floatval($this->_config['shade_offsetx']),$timeline_x); $shade_x2 = min($rect_x2 + floatval($this->_config['shade_offsetx']), $max_x); $shade_w = $shade_x2 - $shade_x; $this->_tcpdf->Rect($shade_x,$posy+($step_y*0.2)+floatval($this->_config['shade_offsety']), $shade_w, ($step_y*0.57), 'F'); } if(!empty($this->_milestones[$rd['datestart']]) && $rect_x1 == $real_x1) { # draw milestone at this date (if task starts inside timeline) $this->_tcpdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgbGrid); $this->_tcpdf->Line($rect_x1,$milestone_y,$rect_x1, $posy); # vertical line from milestone to task bar $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($msFill); $this->_tcpdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgbBorder); $p = array($real_x1,$milestone_y+$ms_size,$real_x1-$ms_size,$milestone_y,$real_x1,$milestone_y-$ms_size,$real_x1+$ms_size,$milestone_y); $this->_tcpdf->Polygon($p, 'DF'); $ms_title = ''; #Print milestone title foreach($this->_milestones[$rd['datestart']] as $ttl) { if($ttl!= '1') $ms_title .= ($ms_title ? '/':'').$ttl; } $ms_x = $real_x1+$ms_size; $ms_w = $max_x - $ms_x; if($ms_title!='' AND $ms_x < $max_x) { $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', floatval($this->_config['ms_fontsize'])); # $this->_printClipped($this->_convertCset($ms_title),$ms_x,($milestone_y-$ms_height*0.2),$ms_w,$ms_height); $this->_tcpdf->MultiCell($ms_w,3, $this->_convertCset($ms_title), 0, 'L', 0, 1, $ms_x,($milestone_y-$ms_height*0.6),true,0,0,true, $ms_height,true); # $this->_tcpdf->Text($real_x1+$ms_size, ($milestone_y-$ms_height*0.2), $this->_convertCset($ms_title)); } } $this->_tcpdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgbBorder); $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray( $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec( $rd['box_bgcolor'] ) ); $this->_tcpdf->Rect($real_x1,$posy+($step_y*0.2), $real_w, ($step_y*0.57), 'DF'); if($rect_x1 == $real_x1) { # print task date/days only when start date inside timeline $outstr = date($this->_config['dateformat2'], $rd['datestart']); if($this->_config['show_taskdays']) $outstr .= ($outstr?', ':''). sprintf($this->_locStrings['days'], $rd['workdays']); $this->_tcpdf->SetFont('', '', floatval($this->_config['dates_fontsize'])); $this->_tcpdf->Text(($timeline_x+$posx1-1.0), ($posy+($step_y*0.2)-2.5), $outstr); } if($rd['progress']<1) { # draw progress bar inside task $prg_x = $rect_x1 + ($w*$rd['progress'])+0.6; $prg_w = ($w*(1-$rd['progress'])-1.2); $prg_x2 = min($max_x, $prg_x+$prg_w); $prg_w = $prg_x2 - $prg_x; $prg_rx = max($timeline_x,$prg_x); # real start pos (if tasks starts outside timeline) $prg_w = $prg_x2 - $prg_rx; # real progress width $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($rgbFill2); $this->_tcpdf->Rect($prg_rx,$posy+($step_y*0.2)+0.5, $prg_w, ($step_y*0.57)-1.0, 'F'); $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($rgbFill); # back to main fill color $strprc = round($rd['progress']*100,2).' %'; # text representation of completed percent $this->_tcpdf->MultiCell($real_w,8, $strprc, 0, 'C', 0, 1, $real_x1, $posy+($step_y*0.3) ); } } #<4> $kk++; } if($b_dependencies) { # draw arrows from "parent" tasks $rgbColor = $this->_tcpdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($this->_config['arrow_color']); $this->_tcpdf->SetDrawColorArray($rgbColor); $this->_tcpdf->SetFillColorArray($rgbColor); $this->_tcpdf->SetLineWidth(0.1); // mm foreach($rawdata as $itemid => $rd) { if(!empty($rd['dependencies'])) { $darr = is_string($rd['dependencies']) ? explode(',',$rd['dependencies']) : $rd['dependencies']; $b_arr = false; if($rd['datestart']>=$datestart && !empty($darr[0])) foreach($darr as $taskid) { if(isset($coords[$taskid][0]) && $coords[$taskid][2] < $max_x) { $y_2 = round($coords[$taskid][1]+$step_y*0.3,3); $x_2 = max($timeline_x, $coords[$itemid][0]+1.0); if($x_2 <=$max_x) $poly = array(max($timeline_x,$coords[$taskid][2]+0.2), $y_2, $x_2-0.8, $y_2,$x_2, $y_2+0.8,$x_2, $coords[$itemid][1]-2); else # task ends outside timeline, so draw only horiz.fragment of reference arrow $poly = array(max($timeline_x,$coords[$taskid][2]+0.2), $y_2, $max_x, $y_2); $this->_tcpdf->Polygon($poly, '', array(),array(),false); if(!$b_arr) { $b_arr = TRUE; $ary = $coords[$itemid][1]-2; $p = array($x_2,$ary, $x_2+($step_y*0.07), $ary-$step_y*0.2,$x_2-($step_y*0.07), $ary-$step_y*0.2); $this->_tcpdf->Polygon($p, 'F', array(),array(),true); } } } } } } #restore PDF initial parameters $this->_restorePdfState(); # $this->_tcpdf->setFont('','',$curfontSize); return true; } private function _saveCurrentPdfState() { $this->_curstate = array( 'fontsize' => $this->_tcpdf->getFontSize() ,'fontfamily' => $this->_tcpdf->getFontFamily() ## ,'textcolor' => $this->_tcpdf->???? ); } private function _restorePdfState() { $this->_tcpdf->setFont($this->_curstate['fontfamily'],'',$this->_curstate['fontsize']); $this->_tcpdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); } private function _printClipped($text, $x, $y, $w, $h) { // Start clipping. $this->_tcpdf->StartTransform(); $this->_tcpdf->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'CNZ'); $this->_tcpdf->writeHTMLCell($w, $h, $x, $y, $text); $this->_tcpdf->StopTransform(); } } /** * create plugin class derived from PfPdfPlugin, for using in PrintFormPdf */ if(class_exists('PfPdfPlugin')) { class PfPdf_Gantt extends PfPdfPlugin { private $gantt_obj = null; public function __construct($pdfobj, $config=null, $x=0,$y=0,$w=0,$h=0) { $this->gantt_obj = new PdfGantt($pdfobj,$config,$x,$y,$w,$h); } public function Render($data) { $result = $this->gantt_obj->Render($data); $this->_error_message = $this->gantt_obj->getErrorMessage(); $this->gantt_obj = null; return $result; } } }
![]() // Item Example
$array = array('id'=>'task'.$id_taskreservation2, 'description'=>"", 'datestart'=>"$from2", 'dateend'=>"$to2",'members'=>$level2.$name2,'dependencies'=>"$id_taskreservation",'color'=>'#0000FF','mcolor'=>'#0000FF','box_bgcolor'=>$color ); $itens[] = $array;
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