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Auto CMS trouble

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Subject:Auto CMS trouble
Summary:Difficulties installing
Author:Mike McMonagle
Date:2013-06-10 09:19:48
Update:2013-06-10 13:15:27


  1. Auto CMS trouble   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Mike McMonagle Mike McMonagle - 2013-06-10 09:19:48
Hi - Firstly let me say I appreciate the work that has gone into supplying this to the community. I was keen to try Auto CMS as it could turn a few hours work into a few minutes but I cannot get it to work. I could spend time delving into the code but that would take too much time for me at the moment. I will attempt when I have more time and let you know why it is failing on my server. Is it compatible with PHP 5.4?


Yo no hablo mucho español, pero voy a tratar de traducir si ayuda ...... Hi - En primer lugar quiero decir que aprecio el trabajo que se ha invertido en el suministro de esta a la comunidad. Yo tenía muchas ganas de probar Auto CMS, ya que podría a su vez un par de horas de trabajo en unos pocos minutos, pero no puedo conseguir que funcione. Podría pasar tiempo ahondando en el código, pero que tomaría demasiado tiempo para mí en este momento. Voy a tratar cuando tenga más tiempo y hacerle saber por qué está fallando en mi servidor. ¿Es compatible con PHP 5.4?

  2. Re: Auto CMS trouble   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Roberto Aleman Roberto Aleman - 2013-06-10 13:15:27 - In reply to message 1 from Mike McMonagle
Hello, thank you very much for writing, I commented that AutoCMS, is a project that grew out of a need throughout my experience as a developer of web pages.

At that time, and even now .. budgets people requested me about making a website .. and many felt they were very expensive but at the same time I realized that its requirements were not beyond an informative website to have an internet presence.

Then I got the idea to create something simple, fast and easy to install, now I see the latter has been an issue for some when I upgraded to safety as in 1.6 and 1.8 someone posted a script that broke security panel control.

About your question, if it works on PHP 5.4, if, if it works, probably by the htaccess settings you can not see, eliminates htaccess installation.

One of the interesting things is that it does not use database .. and the other is that all content assigned to the constants for that already in the first call of the script is loaded into memory. The CMS can be expanded easily as it has a structure that seeks to build on MVC and is completely separate from the presentation logic functions.

Soon I will be launching a new version revised and improved, taking into account the comments that I have written on it, One of the things I will implement is a script installer.