PHP Classes

XSS attack vulnerability

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Subject:XSS attack vulnerability
Summary:Is XSS attack is possible when using PHP_SELF
Date:2007-02-11 10:25:46
Update:2007-02-11 13:31:13

  1. XSS attack vulnerability   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Chirs Chirs - 2007-02-11 10:25:46
Hey Menuel,

I would like to thank you for such a solid class that you provide for us.

This is a quote from your documentation for this class.

[[Quote]]One simple way to define the ACTION property to make the form be handled by the same script is to set it with the value of the PHP global variable $PHP_SELF.[[UnQuote]]

If followed, is it not vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack as mentioned in: ...

Thank you.

  2. Re: XSS attack vulnerability   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2007-02-11 13:31:13 - In reply to message 1 from Chirs
There is no security problem using $PHP_SELF with the forms class because it correctly encodes the ACTION attribute. Even if somebody tries to spoof a malicious value into $PHP_SELF, the forms class uses HTMLSpecialChars or HtmlEntities to encode the ACTION value, and so any CSS attack attempt does not have any harmful effect.

Anyway, I am glad you brought that quote of the documentation to my attention. I was written in the days when register_globals was on by default, so $PHP_SELF is often not set in many PHP installations.

Other than that, there is a much simpler way to make the form be submitted to the same script, which is by setting the ACTION to an empty string, or to ? in case you want to get rid of any GET request parameters passed in the script URL. I have now updated the documentation to explain that.