namespace ParagonIE\EasyDB;
use ParagonIE\EasyDB\Exception\{
use RuntimeException;
use TypeError;
use function
* Class EasyStatement
* @package ParagonIE\EasyDB
class EasyStatement
* @var array<int, array{type:string, condition:self|string, values?:array<int, mixed>}> $parts
private array $parts = [];
private ?EasyStatement $parent;
private bool $allowEmptyInStatements = false;
public function count(): int
return count($this->parts);
* Open a new statement.
* @return self
* @psalm-suppress UnsafeInstantiation
public static function open(): self
return new static();
* @param bool $allow
* @return self
public function setEmptyInStatementsAllowed(bool $allow = false): self
$this->allowEmptyInStatements = $allow;
return $this;
* Alias for andWith().
* @param EasyStatement|string $condition
* @param mixed ...$values
* @return self
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function with(EasyStatement|string $condition, ...$values): self
return $this->andWith($condition, ...$values);
* Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "AND".
* @param string|self $condition
* @param mixed ...$values
* @return self
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
* @throws MustBeEmpty
public function andWith(EasyStatement|string $condition, ...$values): self
if ($condition instanceof EasyStatement) {
if (!empty($values)) {
throw new MustBeEmpty("EasyStatement provided; must be only argument.");
$values = $condition->values();
$condition = '(' . $condition . ')';
return $this->andWithString($condition, ...$values);
* Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "AND".
* @param string $condition
* @param mixed ...$values
* @return self
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function andWithString(string $condition, ...$values): self
$this->parts[] = [
'type' => 'AND',
'condition' => $condition,
'values' => $values,
return $this;
* Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "OR".
* @param string|self $condition
* @param mixed ...$values
* @return self
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function orWith(EasyStatement|string $condition, ...$values): self
if ($condition instanceof EasyStatement) {
if (!empty($values)) {
throw new MustBeEmpty("EasyStatement provided; must be only argument.");
$values = $condition->values();
$condition = '(' . $condition . ')';
return $this->orWithString($condition, ...$values);
* Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "OR".
* @param string $condition
* @param mixed ...$values
* @return self
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function orWithString(string $condition, ...$values): self
$this->parts[] = [
'type' => 'OR',
'condition' => $condition,
'values' => $values,
return $this;
* Alias for andIn().
* @param string $condition
* @param array $values
* @return self
* @throws MustBeNonEmpty
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function in(string $condition, array $values): self
return $this->andIn($condition, $values);
* Add an IN condition that will be applied with a logical "AND".
* Instead of using ? to denote the placeholder, ?* must be used!
* @param string $condition
* @param array $values
* @return self
* @throws MustBeNonEmpty
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws TypeError
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function andIn(string $condition, array $values): self
if (count($values) < 1) {
if (!$this->allowEmptyInStatements) {
throw new MustBeNonEmpty();
// Add a closed failure:
$this->parts[] = [
'type' => 'AND',
'condition' => '1 = 0',
'values' => []
return $this;
try {
return $this->andWith(
$this->unpackCondition($condition, count($values)),
} catch (MustBeEmpty $ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state reached", 0, $ex);
* Add an IN condition that will be applied with a logical "OR".
* Instead of using "?" to denote the placeholder, "?*" must be used!
* @param string $condition
* @param array $values
* @return self
* @throws MustBeNonEmpty
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
public function orIn(string $condition, array $values): self
if (count($values) < 1) {
if (!$this->allowEmptyInStatements) {
throw new MustBeNonEmpty();
return $this;
try {
return $this->orWith(
$this->unpackCondition($condition, count($values)),
} catch (MustBeEmpty $ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state reached", 0, $ex);
* Alias for andGroup().
* @return self
public function group(): self
return $this->andGroup();
* Start a new grouping that will be applied with a logical "AND".
* Exit the group with endGroup().
* @return self
public function andGroup(): self
$group = new self($this);
$this->parts[] = [
'type' => 'AND',
'condition' => $group,
return $group;
* Start a new grouping that will be applied with a logical "OR".
* Exit the group with endGroup().
* @return self
public function orGroup(): self
$group = new self($this);
$this->parts[] = [
'type' => 'OR',
'condition' => $group,
return $group;
* Alias for endGroup().
* @return self
public function end(): self
return $this->endGroup();
* Exit the current grouping and return the parent statement.
* @return self
* @throws RuntimeException
* If the current statement has no parent context.
public function endGroup(): self
if (empty($this->parent)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Already at the top of the statement');
return $this->parent;
* Compile the current statement into PDO-ready SQL.
* @return string
public function sql(): string
if (empty($this->parts)) {
return '1 = 1';
return array_reduce(
* @psalm-param array{type:string, condition:self|string, values?:array<int, mixed>} $part
function (string $sql, array $part): string {
/** @var string|self $condition */
$condition = $part['condition'];
if ($this->isGroup($condition)) {
// (...)
if (is_string($condition)) {
$statement = '(' . $condition . ')';
} else {
$statement = '(' . $condition->sql() . ')';
} else {
// foo = ?
$statement = $condition;
/** @var string $statement */
$statement = (string) $statement;
$part['type'] = (string) $part['type'];
if ($sql) {
$statement = match ($part['type']) {
'AND', 'OR' => $part['type'] . ' ' . $statement,
default => throw new RuntimeException(
sprintf('Invalid joiner %s', $part['type'])
/** @psalm-taint-sink sql */
return trim($sql . ' ' . $statement);
* Get the parameters attached to this statement.
* @return array
public function values(): array
return (array) array_reduce(
* @psalm-param array{type:string, condition:self|string, values?:array<int, mixed>} $part
function (array $values, array $part): array {
if ($this->isGroup($part['condition'])) {
/** @var EasyStatement $condition */
$condition = $part['condition'];
return array_merge(
} elseif (!isset($part['values'])) {
return $values;
return array_merge($values, $part['values']);
* Convert the statement to a string.
* @return string
public function __toString(): string
return $this->sql();
* Don't instantiate directly. Instead, use open() (static method).
* EasyStatement constructor.
* @param EasyStatement|null $parent
protected function __construct(EasyStatement $parent = null)
$this->parent = $parent;
* Check if a condition is a sub-group.
* @param mixed $condition
* @return bool
protected function isGroup(mixed $condition): bool
if (!is_object($condition)) {
return false;
return $condition instanceof EasyStatement;
* Replace a grouped placeholder with a list of placeholders.
* Given a count of 3, the placeholder ?* will become ?, ?, ?
* @param string $condition
* @param int $count
* @return string
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition
private function unpackCondition(string $condition, int $count): string
// Replace a grouped placeholder with an matching count of placeholders.
$params = '?' . str_repeat(', ?', $count - 1);
return str_replace('?*', $params, $condition);