namespace ParagonIE\EasyDB\Tests;
use ParagonIE\EasyDB\EasyDB;
use ParagonIE\EasyDB\Exception as Issues;
use PHPUnit_Framework_Error;
use TypeError;
class EscapeIdentifierTest extends EasyDBTest
* EasyDB data provider
* Returns an array of callables that return instances of EasyDB
* @return array
* @see EasyDBTest::goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBProvider()
public function goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBWithIdentifierProvider()
$provider = [
[true, false],
[true, false],
[true, false],
return array_reduce(
function (array $was, array $cbArgs) use ($provider) {
foreach ($provider as $args) {
foreach (array_reverse($cbArgs) as $cbArg) {
array_unshift($args, $cbArg);
$was[] = $args;
return $was;
* EasyDB data provider
* Returns an array of callables that return instances of EasyDB
* @return array
* @see EasyDBTest::goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBProvider()
public function goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBWithBadIdentifierProvider()
$identifiers = [
'foo 3',
return array_reduce(
function (array $was, array $cbArgs) use ($identifiers) {
foreach ($identifiers as $identifier) {
$args = [$identifier];
foreach (array_reverse($cbArgs) as $cbArg) {
array_unshift($args, $cbArg);
$was[] = $args;
return $was;
private function getExpectedEscapedIdentifier($string, $driver, $quote, bool $allowSeparators)
if ($allowSeparators) {
$str = \preg_replace('/[^\.0-9a-zA-Z_]/', '', $string);
if (\strpos($str, '.') !== false) {
$pieces = \explode('.', $str);
foreach ($pieces as $i => $p) {
$pieces[$i] = $this->getExpectedEscapedIdentifier($p, $driver, $quote, false);
return \implode('.', $pieces);
} else {
$str = \preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/', '', $string);
if ($quote) {
switch ($driver) {
case 'mssql':
return '[' . $str . ']';
case 'mysql':
return '`' . $str . '`';
return '"' . $str . '"';
return $str;
* @param callable $cb
* @param $identifier
* @param bool[] $withAllowSeparators
* @dataProvider goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBWithIdentifierProvider
public function testEscapeIdentifier(callable $cb, $identifier, array $withAllowSeparators)
$db = $this->easyDBExpectedFromCallable($cb);
$db->setAllowSeparators(false); // resetting to default
foreach ($withAllowSeparators as $allowSeparators) {
$db->escapeIdentifier($identifier, true),
$this->getExpectedEscapedIdentifier($identifier, $db->getDriver(), true, $allowSeparators)
$db->escapeIdentifier($identifier, false),
$this->getExpectedEscapedIdentifier($identifier, $db->getDriver(), false, $allowSeparators)
$db->setAllowSeparators(false); // resetting to default
* @dataProvider goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBWithBadIdentifierProvider
* @depends testEscapeIdentifier
* @param callable $cb
* @param $identifier
public function testEscapeIdentifierThrowsSomething(callable $cb, $identifier)
$db = $this->easyDBExpectedFromCallable($cb);
$thrown = false;
try {
} catch (Issues\InvalidIdentifier $e) {
$thrown = true;
} catch (TypeError $e) {
$thrown = true;
} catch (PHPUnit_Framework_Error $e) {
if (preg_match(
'/^' .
('Argument 1 passed to ' . EasyDB::class . '::escapeIdentifier()'),
) .
' must be an instance of string, [^ ]+ given$/'
) {
$thrown = true;
} else {
throw $e;
} finally {
if (!$thrown) {
'Argument 2 of ' .
static::class .
'::' .
__METHOD__ .
'() must cause either ' .
Issues\InvalidIdentifier::class .
' or ' .
TypeError::class .
' (' .
var_export($identifier, true) .