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File: database_pgsql.sql

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File: database_pgsql.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Auth Class
Register and login users stored in a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,529 bytes



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DROP TABLE IF EXISTS config; CREATE TABLE config ( setting character varying(100) NOT NULL, value character varying(100) DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE (setting) ); INSERT INTO config (setting, value) VALUES ('attack_mitigation_time', '+30 minutes'), ('attempts_before_ban', '30'), ('attempts_before_verify', '5'), ('bcrypt_cost', '10'), ('cookie_domain', NULL), ('cookie_forget', '+30 minutes'), ('cookie_http', '0'), ('cookie_name', 'authID'), ('cookie_path', '/'), ('cookie_remember', '+1 month'), ('cookie_secure', '0'), ('emailmessage_suppress_activation', '0'), ('emailmessage_suppress_reset', '0'), ('mail_charset','UTF-8'), ('password_min_score', '3'), ('site_activation_page', 'activate'), ('site_email', ''), ('site_key', 'fghuior.)/!/jdUkd8s2!7HVHG7777ghg'), ('site_name', 'PHPAuth'), ('site_password_reset_page', 'reset'), ('site_timezone', 'Europe/Paris'), ('site_url', ''), ('smtp', '0'), ('smtp_auth', '1'), ('smtp_host', ''), ('smtp_password', 'password'), ('smtp_port', '25'), ('smtp_security', NULL), ('smtp_username', ''), ('table_attempts', 'attempts'), ('table_requests', 'requests'), ('table_sessions', 'sessions'), ('table_users', 'users'), ('verify_email_max_length', '100'), ('verify_email_min_length', '5'), ('verify_email_use_banlist', '1'), ('verify_password_min_length', '3'), ('request_key_expiration', '+10 minutes'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attempts; CREATE TABLE attempts ( id serial NOT NULL, ip character varying(39) NOT NULL, expiredate timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS requests; CREATE TABLE requests ( id serial NOT NULL, uid integer NOT NULL, rkey character varying (20) NOT NULL, expire timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, type character varying (20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sessions; CREATE TABLE sessions ( id serial NOT NULL, uid integer NOT NULL, hash character varying(40) NOT NULL, expiredate timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, ip character varying(39) NOT NULL, agent character varying(200) NOT NULL, cookie_crc character varying(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users; CREATE TABLE users ( id serial NOT NULL, email character varying(100) DEFAULT NULL, password character varying(60) DEFAULT NULL, isactive smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id) );