Download0.4.0 (Tuesday, 12th May 2015)
Added support for badges, labels, images and thumbnails components.
Refactoring of few Base methods.
Guide updating.
Fix minor bugs.
0.3.2 (Friday, 1st May 2015)
Fix minor bug in progress bar label.
0.3.1 (Monday, 20th April 2015)
Adding full customizing options for modal button.
General namespace refactoring.
Guide bugs fixed.
Fix minor bugs.
0.3.0 (Thursday, 16th April 2015)
Adding support for generating Button Groups and Button Toolbars.
Improved documentation.
Fix minor bugs.
New tests for new compoments.
Updated test for Dropdown, Nav and Navbar components.
0.2.2 (Wednesday, 15th April 2015)
Better integration between Dropdown and Nav / Navbar.
Adding correct class when a Button is within a Navbar.
Fix minor bugs.
- upgraded.
0.2.1 (Friday, 10th April 2015)
Updating .gitignore file.
0.2.0 (Friday, 10th April 2015)
First public release.
Whole project refactored.
0.1.0 (Sunday, 21st September 2014)
Initial non public version (Classes based on traits)