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File: classes/css/parser/css-parser.php

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File: classes/css/parser/css-parser.php
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Class: PHP Query
Parse and access XML documents as arrays
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<?php /** * This file contains the CssParser class. * * PHP Version 5.3 * * @category Css * @package CssParser * @author Gonzalo Chumillas <[email protected]> * @license BSD 2-Clause License * @link */ namespace com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser; use \ArrayObject; use \Closure; use \DOMDocument; use \DOMElement; use \DOMNode; use com\soloproyectos\common\arr\ArrHelper; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\combinator\CssParserCombinator; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\combinator\CssParserCombinatorFactory; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\filter\CssParserFilter; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\filter\CssParserFilterAttr; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\filter\CssParserFilterClass; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\filter\CssParserFilterId; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\filter\CssParserFilterPseudo; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\filter\CssParserFilterPseudoFactory; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\model\CssParserModelElement; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\model\CssParserModelFactor; use com\soloproyectos\common\css\parser\model\CssParserModelSelector; use com\soloproyectos\common\dom\DomHelper; use com\soloproyectos\common\text\parser\exception\TextParserException; use com\soloproyectos\common\text\parser\TextParser; /** * Class CssParser. * * <p>This class parses and evaluates a CSS expression.</p> * * <pre> * selectorList = selector {"," selector} * selector = factor {factor} * factor = combinator element | element * element = ("*" | identifier) {filter} * filter = class-filter | id-filter | attr-filter | pseudo-filter * class-filter = "." identifier * id-filter = "#" identifier * attr-filter = "[" identifier [attr-operator value] "]" * pseudo-filter = ":" ( pseudo-first-child-filter * | pseudo-nth-child-filter ) * pseudo-nth-child-filter = "nth-child" "(" number ")" * pseudo-first-child-filter = "first-child" * identifier = ( "_" | alphanum ) { "_" | "-" | alphanum } * attr-operator = "=" | "~=" * combinator = ">" | "+" | "~" * value = quoted-string | alphanum {alphanum} * </pre> * * @category Css * @package CssParser * @author Gonzalo Chumillas <[email protected]> * @license BSD 2-Clause License * @link */ class CssParser extends TextParser { /** * Identifier pattern. * This regular pattern describes an identifier. */ const IDENTIFIER = "[_a-z0-9][_\-a-z0-9]*"; /** * A node context. * @var DOMNode */ private $_node; /** * List of pseudo filters. * @var array of CssParserFilterPseudo */ private $_pseudoFilters; /** * List of combinators. * @var array of strings */ private $_combinators; /** * Constructor. * * <p>The target can be either a document (DOMDocument), a node (DOMNode), a * filename, a URL or a string.</p> * * <p>When the $target parameter is a URL or a filename, you can also specify * the mimetype and the charset. If this info is not provided, they will be * automatically detected. For example:</p> * <pre> * // charset and mime-type are provided * $selector = new CssParser( * '', 'UTF-8', 'text/xml' * ); * * // charset and mime-type will be automatically detected * $selector = new CssParser(''); * </pre> * * <p>Example 1: The target is a document</p> * <pre> * $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); * $doc->loadXML( * '&lt;root&gt;&lt;item id="101" /&gt;&lt;item id="102" /&gt;&lt;/root&gt;' * ); * $selector = new CssParser($doc); * </pre> * * <p>Example 2: The targt is a node</p> * <pre> * $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); * $doc->loadXML( * '&lt;root&gt;&lt;item id="101" /&gt;&lt;item id="102" /&gt;&lt;/root&gt;' * ); * $root = $doc->documentElement; * $selector = new CssParser($root); * </pre> * * <p>Example 3: The target is a filename</p> * <pre> * $selector = new CssParser('/path/to/my/document.xml'); * </pre> * * <p>Example 4: The target is an URL</p> * <pre> * $selector = new CssParser(''); * </pre> * * @param DOMDocument|DOMNode|string $target Target object * @param string $charset Charset (default is "") * @param string $mimetype Mime-type (default is "") * * @return void */ public function __construct($target, $charset = "", $mimetype = "") { $this->_pseudoFilters = array(); $this->_combinators = array(); if ($target instanceof DOMDocument) { $this->_node = $target->documentElement; } elseif ($target instanceof DOMNode) { $this->_node = $target; } elseif (is_string($target)) { $this->_load($target, $charset, $mimetype); } // registers pseudo filters $this->registerPseudoFilter("first", "CssParserFilterPseudoFirst"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("last", "CssParserFilterPseudoLast"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("eq", "CssParserFilterPseudoEq"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("nth", "CssParserFilterPseudoEq"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("even", "CssParserFilterPseudoEven"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("odd", "CssParserFilterPseudoOdd"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("lt", "CssParserFilterPseudoLt"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("gt", "CssParserFilterPseudoGt"); $this->registerPseudoFilter("nth-child", "CssParserFilterPseudoNthChild"); $this->registerPseudoFilter( "not", "CssParserFilterPseudoNot", "selectorList" ); $this->registerPseudoFilter( "first-child", "CssParserFilterPseudoFirstChild" ); // registers combinators $this->registerCombinator("", "CssParserCombinatorDescendant"); $this->registerCombinator(">", "CssParserCombinatorChild"); $this->registerCombinator("+", "CssParserCombinatorAdjacent"); $this->registerCombinator("~", "CssParserCombinatorGeneral"); parent::__construct(""); } /** * Selects nodes from the target. * * <p>Example:</p> * <pre> * $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); * $doc->loadXML( * '&lt;root&gt;&lt;item id="101" /&gt;&lt;item id="102" /&gt;&lt;/root&gt;' * ); * $selector = new CssSelector($doc); * * // selects the first and the odd elements and prints them * $items = $selector->query('item:odd, item:first-child'); * foreach ($items as $item) { * echo DomHelper::dom2str($item) . "\n"; * } * </pre> * * @param array $selectorList List of css selectors separated by commas * * @return array of DOMElement */ public function query($selectorList) { return $this->parse($selectorList); } /** * Registers a new user defined pseudo-filter. * * <p>Example 1:</p> * <pre> * // is the node in penultimate position? * $selector->registerPseudoFilter( * "penultimate", function ($node, $input, $position, $items * ) { * return $position == count($items) - 2; * }); * $items = $selector->query('item:penultimate'); * </pre> * * <p>Example 2:</p> * <pre> * // is node position a Fibonacci number? * $css->registerPseudoFilter( * "fibonacci", function ($node, $input, $position, $items * ) { * $isFibonacci = false; * if ($position > 0) { * $n = sqrt(5 * pow($position, 2) + 4); * $isFibonacci = $n - floor($n) == 0; * if (!$isFibonacci) { * $n = sqrt(5 * pow($position, 2) - 4); * $isFibonacci = $n - floor($n) == 0; * } * } * return $isFibonacci; * }); * $items = $selector->query('item:fibonacci'); * </pre> * * <p>Example 3:</p> * <pre> * // is the node position divisible by a given number? * $css->registerPseudoFilter( * "divisible", function ($node, $input, $position, $items * ) { * $n = intval($input); * return $n > 0 && $position % $n == 0; * }); * * // selects all nodes 'divisible' by 3 * $items = $selector->query('item:divisible(3)'); * </pre> * * @param string $name Pseudo-filter name * @param string|Closure $object Class name or user defined function. * @param string $entity Entity (default is 'value') * * @return void */ public function registerPseudoFilter($name, $object, $entity = "value") { if (is_callable($object)) { // user defined pseudo-filter $this->_pseudoFilters[$name] = array( "classname" => "CssParserFilterPseudoUserDefined", "user_def_function" => $object, "entity" => $entity ); } else { $this->_pseudoFilters[$name] = array( "classname" => $object, "user_def_function" => null, "entity" => $entity ); } } /** * Registers a new user defined combinator. * * <p>Example:</p> * <pre> * // the following user defined combinator returns all child nodes that * // have no children. The user defined function should return an array of * // DOMElement objects. * $selector->registerCombinator("&", function ($node, $tagname) { * $ret = array(); * $items = DomHelper::getElementsByTagName($node, $tagname); * foreach ($items as $item) { * $childs = DomHelper::getChildElements($item); * if (count($childs) == 0) { * array_push($ret, $item); * } * } * return $ret; * }); * * // we have defined the '&amp;' combinator * $selector->query("genres &amp; item"); * </pre> * * @param string $name Combinator name * @param string|Closure $object Class name or user defined function * * @return void */ public function registerCombinator($name, $object) { if (is_callable($object)) { $this->_combinators[$name] = array( "classname" => "CssParserCombinatorUserDefined", "user_def_function" => $object ); } else { $this->_combinators[$name] = array( "classname" => $object, "user_def_function" => null ); } } /** * Gets the string representation of a node. * * @param DOMNode $node DOMNode object * * @return string */ public function dom2str($node) { return DomHelper::dom2str($node); } /** * Is the next thing a combinator? * * @return false|CssParserCombinator */ protected function combinator() { $ret = false; $combinatorNames = array_keys($this->_combinators); if (list($name) = $this->in($combinatorNames)) { $combinator = $this->_combinators[$name]; $ret = CssParserCombinatorFactory::getInstance( $combinator["classname"], $combinator["user_def_function"] ); } return $ret; } /** * Is the next thing an attribute operator? * * @return false|array of a single string */ protected function attrOperator() { return $this->in(CssParserFilterAttr::getOperators()); } /** * Is the next thing an identifier? * * @return false|array of a single string */ protected function identifier() { if (list($id) = $this->match(CssParser::IDENTIFIER)) { return array($id); } return false; } /** * Is the next thing a value? * * <p>The following examples are values:</p> * <pre> * 'hello' * "hello\"man" * 'hello\'man' * 0015blah * _blah_ * </pre> * * @return false|array of a single string */ protected function value() { if ( !(list($value) = $this->str()) && !(list($value) = $this->number()) && !(list($value) = $this->match(CssParser::IDENTIFIER)) ) { return false; } return array($value); } /** * Is the next thing a speudo filter? * * @return false|CssParserFilterPseudo */ protected function pseudoFilter() { if (!$this->match("/^\:/")) { return false; } if (!list($name) = $this->is("identifier")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid identifier", $this); } $filter = ArrHelper::get($this->_pseudoFilters, $name, null); if ($filter === null) { throw new TextParserException("Unknown pseudo-filter", $this); } $input = ""; if ($this->eq("(")) { if (!$input = $this->is($filter["entity"])) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid input", $this); } if (is_array($input)) { $input = $input[0]; } if (!$this->eq(")")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid expression", $this); } } $pseudoFilter = CssParserFilterPseudoFactory::getInstance( $filter["classname"], $input, $filter["user_def_function"] ); return $pseudoFilter; } /** * Is the next thing an attribute filter? * * @return false|CssParserFilterAttr */ protected function attrFilter() { $attrName = ""; $op = ""; $value = ""; if (!$this->match("/^\[/")) { return false; } if (!list($attrName) = $this->is("identifier")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid identifier", $this); } if (list($op) = $this->is("attrOperator")) { if (!list($value) = $this->is("value")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid attribute operator", $this); } } if (!$this->eq("]")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid expression", $this); } return new CssParserFilterAttr($attrName, $op, $value); } /** * Is the next thing an id filter? * * @return false|CssParserFilterId */ protected function idFilter() { $id = ""; if (!$this->match("/^\#/")) { return false; } if (!list($id) = $this->is("identifier")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid identifier", $this); } return new CssParserFilterId($id); } /** * Is the next thing a class filter? * * @return false|CssParserFilterClass */ protected function classFilter() { $className = ""; if (!$this->match("/^\./")) { return false; } if (!list($className) = $this->is("identifier")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid identifier", $this); } return new CssParserFilterClass($className); } /** * Is the next thing a filter? * * @return false|CssParserFilter */ protected function filter() { $filter = null; if ( (!$filter = $this->is("classFilter")) && (!$filter = $this->is("idFilter")) && (!$filter = $this->is("attrFilter")) && (!$filter = $this->is("pseudoFilter")) ) { return false; } return $filter; } /** * Is the next thing an element? * * <p>The following example is an element:</p> * <pre>[title = hello]:nth-child(1)</pre> * * <p>In the above example, 'div' is the tag name * and the following strings are filters:</p> * <pre> * .my-class // a class filter * [title = hello] // an attribute filter * :nth-child(1) // a pseudo filter * </pre> * * @return false|CssParserModelElement */ protected function element() { $element = null; $filter = null; $tagName = "*"; // ignores left spaces $this->match("\s+"); if ( (list($name) = $this->eq("*")) || (list($name) = $this->is("identifier")) ) { $tagName = $name? $name : "*"; } elseif (!$filter = $this->is("filter")) { return false; } $element = new CssParserModelElement($tagName); // first filter if ($filter) { $element->addFilter($filter); } // additional filters while ($filter = $this->is("filter")) { $element->addFilter($filter); } return $element; } /** * Is the next thing a factor? * * <p>The following example is a factor:</p> * <pre>&gt;[title = hello]</pre> * * <p>In the above example, ">" is an combinator and * "[title = hello]" is an element.</p> * * @return false|CssParserModelFactor */ protected function factor() { $combinator = null; if ($combinator = $this->is("combinator")) { if (!$element = $this->is("element")) { throw new TextParserException("Invalid expression", $this); } } elseif ($element = $this->is("element")) { // 'descendant' is the default combinator $combinator = CssParserCombinatorFactory::getInstance( "CssParserCombinatorDescendant" ); } else { return false; } return new CssParserModelFactor($combinator, $element); } /** * Is the next thing a selector? * * <p>A selector is a list of factors. The following example is a selector:</p> * <pre>div &gt; div.class h2[title = 'main-title'] + h3</pre> * * <p>In the above example, the following strings are factors:</p> * <pre> * div * &gt; div.class * h2[title = 'main-title'] * + h3 * </pre> * * @return false|CssParserModelSelector */ protected function selector() { $factor = null; // first factor if (!$factor = $this->is("factor")) { return false; } $selector = new CssParserModelSelector(); $selector->addFactor($factor); // additional factors while ($factor = $this->is("factor")) { $selector->addFactor($factor); } return $selector; } /** * Is the next thing a selectorList? * * <p>A selectorList is one or more css selectors separated by commas. * For example:</p> * * <pre>div &gt; div.class div#id, div &gt; p, pre</pre> * * <p>In the above example, the following strings are terms:</p> * <pre> * div > div.class div * div > p * pre * </pre> * * @return ArrayObject of DOMElement objects */ protected function selectorList() { $nodes = array(); do { if (!$selector = $this->is("selector")) { // throw new TextParserException("Invalid expression", $this); break; } $nodes = DomHelper::mergeNodes( $nodes, $selector->filter($this->_node) ); } while ($this->eq(",")); return new ArrayObject($nodes); } /** * Parses and evaluates a list of CSS expressions. * * This function parses and evaluates a list of CSS expressions separated by * commas. * * @return ArrayObject */ protected function evaluate() { return $this->is("selectorList"); } /** * Loads an XML or HTML document. * * <p>This function loads an XML or HTML document from a filename, url or * string.</p> * * @param string $source A filename or a URL * @param string $charset Charset, autodetected (default is "") * @param string $mimetype Mime-type, autodetected (default is "") * * @return void */ private function _load($source, $charset = "", $mimetype = "") { // loads the contents $content = null; if ($this->_isURL($source)) { list($content, $charset, $mimetype) = $this->_loadUrl( $source, $charset, $mimetype ); } elseif (!is_file($source)) { $content = $source; } if (strlen($charset) == 0) { $charset = "iso-8859-1"; } // creates a new XML document $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", $charset); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $doc->formatOutput = true; // loads a string, a file or a URL if ($content != null) { if ($mimetype == "text/html") { $doc->loadHTML($content); } else { $doc->loadXML($content); } } else { if ($mimetype == "text/html") { $doc->loadHTMLFile($source); } else { $doc->load($source); } } $this->_node = $doc->documentElement; } /** * Loads url contents. * * <p>Loads the contents of a URL and, optionally, the mimetype and the * charset of the page.</p> * * @param string $source A filename or a URL * @param string $charset Charset, autodetected (default is "") * @param string $mimetype Mime-type, autodetected (default is "") * * @return array */ private function _loadUrl($source, $charset = "", $mimetype = "") { $loadHeaders = (strlen($mimetype) == 0) || (strlen($charset) == 0); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $source); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $loadHeaders); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 120); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // loads mime-type and charse if ($loadHeaders) { $headers = null; $separator = "\r\n\r\n"; $pos = strpos($result, $separator); if ($pos !== false) { $headers = substr($result, 0, $pos); $content = substr($result, $pos + strlen($separator)); } $lines = explode("\r\n", $headers); foreach ($lines as $line) { $regexp = '@Content-Type:\s*([\w/+]+)(;\s*charset=(\S+))?@i'; if (preg_match($regexp, $line, $matches) > 0) { if (strlen($mimetype) == 0) { $mimetype = ArrHelper::is($matches, 1) ? $matches[1] : null; } if (strlen($charset) == 0) { $charset = ArrHelper::is($matches, 3) ? $matches[3] : null; } } } } else { $content = $result; } return array($content, $mimetype, $charset); } /** * Is the given string a URL? * * @param string $str An arbitrary string * * @return bool */ private function _isURL($str) { $regexp = '#^https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?#'; return preg_match($regexp, $str) > 0; } }