* Copyright (C) 2013 Jstar
* This file is part of OPBE.
* OPBE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OPBE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with OPBE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package OPBE
* @author Jstar < [email protected]>
* @copyright 2013 Jstar < [email protected]>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU AGPLv3 License
* @version beta(26-10-2013)
* @link https://github.com/jstar88/opbe
$path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__dir__ ))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
require ($path . 'utils' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includer.php');
require ($path . 'implementations' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '2Moons' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '1_6_1_injectionmode' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'LangImplementation.php');
define('ID_MIN_SHIPS', 100);
define('ID_MAX_SHIPS', 300);
define('HOME_FLEET', 0);
define('DEFENDERS_WON', 'r');
define('ATTACKERS_WON', 'a');
define('DRAW', 'w');
define('METAL_ID', 901);
define('CRYSTAL_ID', 902);
* calculateAttack()
* Calculate the battle using OPBE.
* OPBE ,to decrease memory usage, don't save both the initial and end state of fleets in a single round: only the end state is saved.
* Then OPBE store the first round in BattleReport and don't start it, just to show the fleets before the battle.
* Also,cause OPBE start the rounds without saving the initial state, the informations about how many shots were fired etc must be asked to the next round.
* Logically, the last round can't ask the next round because there is not.
* @param array &$attackers
* @param array &$defenders
* @param mixed $FleetTF
* @param mixed $DefTF
* @return array
function calculateAttack(&$attackers, &$defenders, $FleetTF, $DefTF)
//null == use default handlers
$errorHandler = null;
$exceptionHandler = null;
$CombatCaps = $GLOBALS['CombatCaps'];
$pricelist = $GLOBALS['pricelist'];
/********** BUILDINGS MODELS **********/
/** Note: we are transform array of data like
* fleetID => infos
* into object tree structure like
* playerGroup -> player -> fleet -> shipType
$attackerGroupObj = new PlayerGroup();
foreach ($attackers as $fleetID => $attacker)
$player = $attacker['user'];
//techs + bonus. Note that the bonus is divided by the factor because the result sum will be multiplied by the same inside OPBE
$attTech = $player['military_tech'] + $player['factor']['attack'] / WEAPONS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
$shieldTech = $player['shield_tech'] + $player['factor']['shield'] / SHIELDS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
$defenceTech = $player['defence_tech'] + $player['factor']['defensive'] / ARMOUR_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
$attackerPlayerObj = $attackerGroupObj->createPlayerIfNotExist($player['id'], array(), $attTech, $shieldTech, $defenceTech);
$attackerFleetObj = new Fleet($fleetID);
foreach ($attacker['detail'] as $element => $amount)
if (empty($amount))
$shipType = getShipType($element, $amount);
$defenderGroupObj = new PlayerGroup();
foreach ($defenders as $fleetID => $defender)
$player = $defender['user'];
//techs + bonus. Note that the bonus is divided by the factor because the result sum will be multiplied by the same inside OPBE
$attTech = $player['military_tech'] + $player['factor']['attack'] / WEAPONS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
$shieldTech = $player['shield_tech'] + $player['factor']['shield'] / SHIELDS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
$defenceTech = $player['defence_tech'] + $player['factor']['defensive'] / ARMOUR_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
$defenderPlayerObj = $defenderGroupObj->createPlayerIfNotExist($player['id'], array(), $attTech, $shieldTech, $defenceTech);
$defenderFleetObj = getFleet($fleetID);
foreach ($defender['def'] as $element => $amount)
if (empty($amount))
$shipType = getShipType($element, $amount);
/********** BATTLE ELABORATION **********/
$opbe = new Battle($attackerGroupObj, $defenderGroupObj);
$startBattle = DebugManager::runDebugged(array($opbe,'startBattle'),$errorHandler,$exceptionHandler);
$report = $opbe->getReport();
/********** WHO WON **********/
if ($report->defenderHasWin())
elseif ($report->attackerHasWin())
elseif ($report->isAdraw())
$won = DRAW;
throw new Exception('problem');
/********** ROUNDS INFOS **********/
$ROUND = array();
$lastRound = $report->getLastRoundNumber();
for ($i = 0; $i <= $lastRound; $i++)
// in case of last round, ask for rebuilt defenses. to change rebuils prob see constants/battle_constants.php
$attackerGroupObj = ($lastRound == $i) ? $report->getAfterBattleAttackers() : $report->getResultAttackersFleetOnRound($i);
$defenderGroupObj = ($lastRound == $i) ? $report->getAfterBattleDefenders() : $report->getResultDefendersFleetOnRound($i);
$attInfo = updatePlayers($attackerGroupObj, $attackers, "detail");
$defInfo = updatePlayers($defenderGroupObj, $defenders, "def");
$ROUND[$i] = roundInfo($report, $attackers, $defenders, $attackerGroupObj, $defenderGroupObj, $i + 1, $attInfo, $defInfo);
/********** DEBRIS **********/
$debAtt = $report->getAttackerDebris();
$debAttMet = $debAtt[0];
$debAttCry = $debAtt[1];
$debDef = $report->getDefenderDebris();
$debDefMet = $debDef[0];
$debDefCry = $debDef[1];
$debris = array('att' => array(METAL_ID => $debAttMet, CRYSTAL_ID => $debAttCry), 'deff' => array(METAL_ID => $debDefMet, CRYSTAL_ID => $debDefCry));
/********** LOST UNITS **********/
$totalLost = array('att' => $report->getTotalAttackersLostUnits(), 'def' => $report->getTotalDefendersLostUnits());
/********** RETURNS **********/
return array(
'won' => $won,
'debris' => $debris,
'rw' => $ROUND,
'lost' => $totalLost);
* roundInfo()
* Return the info required to fill $ROUND
* @param BattleReport $report
* @param array $attackers
* @param array $defenders
* @param PlayerGroup $attackerGroupObj
* @param PlayerGroup $defenderGroupObj
* @param int $i
* @return array
function roundInfo(BattleReport $report, $attackers, $defenders, PlayerGroup $attackerGroupObj, PlayerGroup $defenderGroupObj, $i, $attInfo, $defInfo)
$round = null;
// the last round doesn't has next round, so we not ask for fire etc
if($i <= $report->getLastRoundNumber())
$round = $report->getRound($i);
return array(
'attack' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getAttackersFirePower(),
'defense' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getDefendersFirePower(),
'defShield' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getDefendersAssorbedDamage(),
'attackShield' => ($i > $report->getLastRoundNumber()) ? 0 : $round->getAttachersAssorbedDamage(),
'attackers' => $attackers,
'defenders' => $defenders,
'attackA' => $attInfo[1],
'defenseA' => $defInfo[1],
'infoA' => $attInfo[0],
'infoD' => $defInfo[0]);
* updatePlayers()
* Update players array as default 2moons require.
* OPBE keep the internal array data full to decrease memory size, so a PlayerGroup object don't have data about
* empty users(an user is empty when fleets are empty and fleet is empty when the ships count is zero)
* Instead, the old system require to have also array of zero: to update the array of users, after a round, we must iterate them
* and check the corrispective OPBE value if empty.
* @param PlayerGroup $playerGroup
* @param array &$players
* @return null
function updatePlayers(PlayerGroup $playerGroup, &$players, $index)
$plyArray = array();
$amountArray = array();
foreach ($players as $idFleet => $info)
foreach ($info[$index] as $idShipType => $amount)
if ($playerGroup->existPlayer($info['user']['id']))
$player = $playerGroup->getPlayer($info['user']['id']);
//used to show techs in the report .Empty player not exist in OPBE's result data
$players[$idFleet]['techs'] = array($player->getWeaponsTech(),$player->getArmourTech(),$player->getShieldsTech());
if ($player->existFleet($idFleet)) //if after battle still there are some ship types in this fleet
$fleet = $player->getFleet($idFleet);
if ($fleet->existShipType($idShipType)) //if there are some ships of this type
$shipType = $fleet->getShipType($idShipType);
//used to show life,power and shield of each ships in the report
$plyArray[$idFleet][$idShipType] = array('def' => $shipType->getHull(),'shield' => $shipType->getShield(),'att' => $shipType->getPower());
$players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = $shipType->getCount();
else //all ships of this type were destroyed
$players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = 0;
else //the fleet is empty, so all ships of this type were destroyed
$players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = 0;
else // is empty
$players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType] = 0;
$players[$idFleet]['techs'] = array(0,0,0);
if (!isset($amountArray[$idFleet]))
$amountArray[$idFleet] = 0;
if (!isset($amountArray['total']))
$amountArray['total'] = 0;
$currentAmount = $players[$idFleet][$index][$idShipType];
$amountArray[$idFleet] = $amountArray[$idFleet] + $currentAmount;
$amountArray['total'] = $amountArray['total'] + $currentAmount;
return array($plyArray, $amountArray);
* getShipType()
* Choose the correct class type by ID
* @param int $id
* @param int $count
* @return a Ship or Defense instance
function getShipType($id, $count)
$CombatCaps = $GLOBALS['CombatCaps'];
$pricelist = $GLOBALS['pricelist'];
$rf = isset($CombatCaps[$id]['sd']) ? $CombatCaps[$id]['sd'] : 0;
$shield = $CombatCaps[$id]['shield'];
$cost = array($pricelist[$id]['metal'], $pricelist[$id]['crystal']);
$power = $CombatCaps[$id]['attack'];
if ($id > ID_MIN_SHIPS && $id < ID_MAX_SHIPS)
return new Ship($id, $count, $rf, $shield, $cost, $power);
return new Defense($id, $count, $rf, $shield, $cost, $power);
* getFleet()
* Choose the correct class type by ID
* @param int $id
* @return a Fleet or HomeFleet instance
function getFleet($id)
if ($id == HOME_FLEET)
return new HomeFleet(HOME_FLEET);
return new Fleet($id);