* Copyright (C) 2013 Jstar
* This file is part of OPBE.
* OPBE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OPBE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with OPBE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package OPBE
* @author Jstar <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2013 Jstar <[email protected]>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU AGPLv3 License
* @version beta(26-10-2013)
* @link https://github.com/jstar88/opbe
/*** System constants, do not edit! ***/
define('BATTLE_WIN', 1);
define('BATTLE_LOSE', -1);
define('BATTLE_DRAW', 0);
define('SHIELD_CELLS', 100); //how many cells a ship's shield should contain. Carefull to edit: more cells = better accuracy but less bounces in some cases.
define('USE_BIEXPLOSION_SYSTEM', true); // enable below system value
define('PROB_TO_REAL_MAGIC', 2); //value used to adapt probability theory to critical cases.
/*** Battle constants, default as Ogame ***/
define('ROUNDS', 6); //how many rounds a battle have, no limits.
define('SHIELDS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR', 0.1); //how much a level increase the shield, in percentage from 0 to 1.
define('ARMOUR_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR', 0.1); //how much a level increase the armour, in percentage from 0 to 1.
define('WEAPONS_TECH_INCREMENT_FACTOR', 0.1); //how much a level increase the weapon, in percentage from 0 to 1.
define('COST_TO_ARMOUR', 0.1); //how much cost equal the armour, from 0 to 1. 1 means the ships/defenses armour equal its cost.
define('MIN_PROB_TO_EXPLODE', 0.3); //minimum probability at one the ships/defenses can explode, from 0 to 1. 1 means that the ship/def can explode only when they lost all hp.
define('DEFENSE_REPAIR_PROB', 0.7); //probability to repair defenses. From 0 to 1, 1 means that defenses are always rebuilt.
define('SHIP_REPAIR_PROB', 0); //same as below but for ships.
define('USE_HITSHIP_LIMITATION', false); //this option will limit the number of exploding ships to the number of total shots received by all defender's ships.
define('USE_RANDOMIC_RF', true); // enable below system values
define('MAX_RF_BUFF', 0.1); // how much the rapid fire can be randomically increased.
define('MAX_RF_NERF', 0.1); // how much the rapid fire can be randomically decreased.
/*** Views and optimization options ***/
define('ONLY_FIRST_AND_LAST_ROUND', false); //This option is usefull to decrease RAM usage, but the battle report will not contain all rounds.
/*** After-battle constants, default as Ogame ***/
define('DEBRIS_FACTOR', 0.3); //Percentage of debris generated from destroyed resources.
define('POINT_UNIT', 1000); //Ogame point = 1000 resources.
define('MOON_UNIT_PROB', 100000);
define('MAX_MOON_PROB', 20); //max probability to moon creation.
define('MOON_MIN_START_SIZE', 2000);
define('MOON_MAX_START_SIZE', 6000);
define('MOON_MIN_FACTOR', 100);
define('MOON_MAX_FACTOR', 200);
define('DEFAULT_MOON_NAME', 'moon');