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File: openssl_test.php

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  Classes of Ricky Robinson   TA_OpenSSL   openssl_test.php   Download  
File: openssl_test.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Test PHP CGI Script
Class: TA_OpenSSL
Encrypts and decrypts data using certificates
Author: By
Last change: Edited to use css
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 4,157 bytes



Class file image Download
* Steps to Using Class:
* 1. Include the class file in your source
* 2. Create an instance of the class
* 3. Set the public key path
* 4. Set the private key path
* 5. Set the passphrase ( set to "" if passphrase not used)
* 6. To Encrypt:
* a. Call encrypt_data_public() to encrypt
* b. Call get_encrypted_data() to retrieve data
* 7. To Decrypt:
* a. Call decrypt_data_private
* b. Call get_decrypted_data() to retrieve data

//1. Include the class file in your source

//2. Create an instance of the class
$cls_encrypt = new TA_OpenSSL;

//set or get? required parameters
//this way it works in development environment
//and through test posting page
if (!isset($_POST["public_key"]))
$path_to_cert = "F:\\ApacheGroup\\Apache\\htdocs\\cvs_working\\rterra\\online_signup\\includes\\cacert.pem";
$path_to_cert = $_POST["public_key"];

if (!isset(
$path_to_key = "F:\\ApacheGroup\\Apache\\htdocs\\cvs_working\\rterra\\online_signup\\includes\\privkey.pem";
$path_to_key = $_POST["private_key"];
if (!isset(
$pass_phrase = "testing";
$pass_phrase = $_POST["passphrase"];

if (!isset(
$string_to_encrypt = "411111111111-09/2004";
$string_to_encrypt = $_POST["encrypt_string"];

// 3. set the public key path

// 4. set the private key path

// 5. set the passphrase if applicable

echo (
"<div class=\"data-header\">Data to Encrypt:</div>\n");
echo (
"<div class=\"data\">".$string_to_encrypt."</div>\n");

echo (
"<div class=\"processing\">Encrypting Data....</div>\n\n");

// 6a. Call encrypt_data_public() to encrypt
$ret = $cls_encrypt->encrypt_data_public($string_to_encrypt);
if (
$ret != TA_SUCCESS )
print_error($cls_encrypt->get_error_number(), $cls_encrypt->get_error_string(),$cls_encrypt);

//6b. Call get_encrypted_data() to retrieve data
$encrypted_data = $cls_encrypt->get_encrypted_data();

//output encryption strength just for fun:)
$encryption_strength = strlen($encrypted_data) * 8;

echo (
"<div class=\"data-header\">Encryption Strength:</div>\n");
echo (
"<div class=\"data\">".$encryption_strength." bit Encryption</div>\n");

echo (
"<div class=\"data-header\">Encrypted Data:</div>\n");
echo (
"<div class=\"data\">".$encrypted_data."</div>\n");

echo (
"<div class=\"data-header\">URL Encoded Encrypted Data:</div>\n");
echo (
"<div class=\"data\">". urlencode($encrypted_data)."</div>\n");

echo (
"<div class=\"data-header\">Hex Encoded Encrypted Data:</div>\n");
echo (
"<div class=\"data\">". bin2hex($encrypted_data)."</div>\n");

echo (
"<div class=\"processing\">Decrypting Data...</div>\n\n");

//7a. Call decrypt_data_private
$ret = $cls_encrypt->decrypt_data_private($encrypted_data);
if (
$ret != TA_SUCCESS )
print_error($cls_encrypt->get_error_number(), $cls_encrypt->get_error_string(),$cls_encrypt);

//7b. Call get_decrypted_data() to retrieve data
$decrypted_data = $cls_encrypt->get_decrypted_data();

echo (
"<div class=\"data-header\">Decrypted Data:</div>\n");
echo (
"<div class=\"data\">".$decrypted_data."</div>\n");

echo (
"<div class=\"email\"><a href=\"mailto:".hex_encode("")."\">TA Developement Center Email</a></div>\n\n");

echo (
print_error($errno, $error, $cls)
"<div class=\"error\"><p>Class Error(s):</p>".$errno." ** ".$error."</div>");
"<div class=\"error\"><p>OpenSSL Error(s):</p>");

hex_encode ($email_address) {
$encoded = bin2hex("$email_address");
$encoded = chunk_split($encoded, 2, '%');
$encoded = '%' . substr($encoded, 0, strlen($encoded) - 1);
