= USER INFO ============================================
» Coded by:
»» Jonas Raoni Saores Silva
» Delphi Developer :: WebDeveloper
»» jonblackjack@ig.com.br
» NetWorks - Fast Solutions
»» http://www.networks.com.br
= CLASS INFO ===========================================
» My user account at phpclasses.org:
»» http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/author/84147.html
» Get the latest version of this class at:
»» http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/1150.html
= FILE VERSION =========================================
» Revision date: 2003/06/06 22:00:00 GMT -3:00
»» Status: Ok
» File Version: TypeInfo.php v1.0
My name is Jonas, I'm from Brazil, etc, etc, etc...
I tell you that you can change this class as you want and, I'd
be very happy by seeing my name included on things that use this
class, but don't worry...
Ah, the complete documentation of this class can be obtained at:
I don't have anything more to say, so...
Bye, have a good programming day huaheaueahaue :]