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  Classes of Mohamed Ahmed   Feature Flag   Download  
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Class: Feature Flag
Enable and disable features of Laravel application
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Feature Flag

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Feature Flag is the easiest way to enable and disable features on your different Laravel enviroments it also enable you to do A/B testing and supporting your users with different features sets.


  • Adding the package using composer
    composer require mohamedahmed01/feature-flag
  • publishing configuration 
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mohamedahmed01\FeatureFlag\FeatureFlagServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  • Facade is automatically loaded using composer unless you have laravel version < 5.4
    you will need to add the facade manually in config/app.php
    'FeatureFlag'=> Mohamedahmed01\FeatureFlag\FeatureFlagFacade::class
    ## Usage
    //Feature Flagging can be simple done by creating the flag $featureFlag = new FeatureFlag([ 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test feature flag', ]); $featureFlag->save(); //using the flag to scope your your code using if condition or any other way you like if ($featureFlag->isEnabled()) { // Implement the feature for the user } //or you can use the method Targted and checking the audience to match to specific audience if($featureFlag->isTargeted() && in_array($user->id, $featureFlag->getAudience())) { // Implement the feature for the user } //Feature Flagging can be also used to target users based on percentage $featureFlag = new FeatureFlag([ 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test feature flag', 'percentage'=>50 ]); $featureFlag->save(); // you can use the method isEnabledForUser and checking the audience to match to specific audience i.e 50% if($featureFlag->isEnabledForUser($user)) { // Implement the feature for the user } //Feature Flagging can be also used to flag based on datetime $featureFlag = new FeatureFlag([ 'name' => 'test flag', 'finish_date' => '01/04/2023', 'enabled' => true, ]); $featureFlag->save(); // you can use the env either to throw an exception or send a notification when flag expires if($featureFlag->isEnabled()) { // Implement the feature for the user } //then simply call feature-flag:manage followed by the name of your flag to enable Or disable it php artisan feature-flag:manage {flag : The name of the feature flag} {--enable : Enable the feature flag} {--disable : Disable the feature flag}

    ### Configuration :

| Config Name | Description | | --- | --- | | FEATURE_FLAG_DRIVER | Allow you to change the backend driver currently support eleqount| | FEATURE_FLAG_FINISH_DATE_ACTION | Choose What to do when a date based feature flag expires options "exception,notification"| | FEATURE_FLAG_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | set the email to receive on notifications in case you used notification option|

Methods :

| Method | Description | | --- | --- | | getName() | getthe name of the flag | | getDescription() | get the description of the flag | | setEnabled(bool) | enable the flag or disable it depending on the value | | isEnabled() | check if the flag is enabled or not | | Targted() | check if the flag has specific audience | | setAudience(array) | set the flag audience by sending array of user's id's i.e [1,2,3,4] | | getAudience() | get the audience id's of the users for this flag | | isEnabledForUser($user) | check random user for falling within the percentage |


Thank you for considering contributing to Feature-Flag! You can read the contribution guide here.


composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

<a name="license"></a>


Feature-Flag is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.