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  Classes of Slava Ivanov   vCard Class   Download  
Role: Example script
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Description: example application, refer to for more information
Class: vCard Class
Class to manipulate with vCard information
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Date: 21 years ago
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<? /* * Class to manipulate date and time on the form. * * Author: Viatcheslav Ivanov, E-Witness Inc., Canada; * mail:,; * web:;;; * version: 1.40 /03.14.2002 * */ if ( !defined("DATETIMECLASS_INC") ) { define("DATETIMECLASS_INC",1); class DATETIME { var $current_names = array( 'yearname' => 'year', 'monthname' => 'month', 'dayname' => 'day', 'hourname' => 'hour', 'ampmname' => 'ampm', 'minutename' => 'minute', 'secondname' => 'second' ); var $current_selected = array(); function DATETIME() { // initialization } // set current name of select on the form // $keyname: "yearname", "monthname", "dayname", "hourname", "ampmname", "minutename", "secondname" function set_selectname($keyname, $new_name) { if($new_name) $this->current_names[$keyname] = $new_name; } // set current names of date selects (month, day, year) on the form (wrapper easy to use) function set_datename($new_name_month = "", $new_name_day = "", $new_name_year = "") { $this->set_selectname("monthname", $new_name_month); $this->set_selectname("dayname", $new_name_day); $this->set_selectname("yearname", $new_name_year); } // set current names of time selects (hour, minute, second, am-pm) on the form (wrapper easy to use) function set_timename($new_name_hour = "", $new_name_minute = "", $new_name_second = "", $new_name_ampm = "") { $this->set_selectname("hourname", $new_name_hour); $this->set_selectname("minutename", $new_name_minute); $this->set_selectname("secondname", $new_name_second); $this->set_selectname("ampmname", $new_name_ampm); } // set current names of date and time selects on the form (wrapper easy to use) function set_datetimename($new_name_month = "", $new_name_day = "", $new_name_year = "", $new_name_hour = "", $new_name_minute = "", $new_name_second = "", $new_name_ampm = "") { $this->set_datename($new_name_month, $new_name_day, $new_name_year); $this->set_timename($new_name_hour, $new_name_minute, $new_name_second, $new_name_ampm); } // set selected values by string variable date or(and) time format // use it for initialization by info from different sources (for example DB) // NOTE: it will return TRUE with date range "Dec 31 1969" and " Jan 18 2038", otherwise FALSE function set_datetime_byvar($datetimemix) { $timestamp = strtotime($datetimemix); if ($timestamp != -1) { $this->current_selected['yearname'] = date("Y", $timestamp); $this->current_selected['monthname'] = date("n", $timestamp); $this->current_selected['dayname'] = date("j", $timestamp); $this->current_selected['hourname'] = date("G", $timestamp); // keep internal 24 hour cycle $this->current_selected['minutename'] = (string)((int)date("i", $timestamp)); $this->current_selected['secondname'] = (string)((int)date("s", $timestamp)); return true; } else { return false; } } // set selected values by components of date // use it for initialization when date is out of range "Dec 31 1969" and " Jan 18 2038" // and you can't use set_datetime_byvar() method function set_datetime_bycomponents($new_month = "", $new_day = "", $new_year = "", $new_hour = "", $new_minute = "", $new_second = "", $new_ampm = "") { if ($this->isit_numeric($new_year) && (int)$new_year > 0 && (int)$new_year <= 9999) $this->current_selected['yearname'] = $new_year; if ($this->isit_numeric($new_month) && (int)$new_month > 0 && (int)$new_month <= 12) $this->current_selected['monthname'] = $new_month; if ($this->isit_numeric($new_day) && (int)$new_day > 0 && (int)$new_day <= 31) $this->current_selected['dayname'] = $new_day; if ($new_ampm && (strtolower($new_ampm) == "am" || strtolower($new_ampm) == "pm")) $this->current_selected['ampmname'] = strtolower($new_ampm); if ($this->isit_numeric($new_hour) && (int)$new_hour >= 0 && (int)$new_hour < 24) { $this->current_selected['hourname'] = $new_hour; $this->current_selected['hourname'] = $this->hours12to24(); } if ($this->isit_numeric($new_minute) && (int)$new_minute >= 0 && (int)$new_minute < 60) $this->current_selected['minutename'] = $new_minute; if ($this->isit_numeric($new_second) && (int)$new_second >= 0 && (int)$new_second < 60) $this->current_selected['secondname'] = $new_second; } // set selected values by global variables // $globalscope: "GLOBALS", "HTTP_POST_VARS", "HTTP_GET_VARS", "HTTP_COOKIE_VARS", "HTTP_SESSION_VARS" function set_datetime_byglobal($globalscope = "GLOBALS") { global $$globalscope; reset ($this->current_names); while (list($key,$val) = each($this->current_names)) $this->current_selected[$key] = ${$globalscope}[$val]; $this->current_selected['hourname'] = $this->hours12to24(); } // return string with input type select function get_select($select_name, $select_array_values, $selected_value = "", $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1) { $str_select = ""; $str_select.= "\n<select name=\"".$select_name."\" size=".$select_size; $str_select.= ($select_style)? " ".$select_style.">\n" : ">\n"; $str_select.= ($select_first_line)? "<option value=\"\">".$select_first_line."\n" : ""; while(list($key,$val) = each($select_array_values)) { $str_select.= "<option value=\"".$key."\""; $str_select.= ($this->isit_numeric($selected_value) && $key == $selected_value) ? " SELECTED>" : ">"; $str_select.= $val."\n"; } $str_select.= "</select>\n"; return $str_select; } // return select with years or text with selected year // year_syle may has values : ldigit (4 digit year), sdigit (2 last digit year) function get_select_years($year_style = "ldigit", $year_from = "", $year_to = "", $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1, $textonly = 0) { if ($year_to == "") $year_to = date("Y"); if ($year_from == "") $year_from = $year_to - 10; if ($year_from <= $year_to) for ($i = $year_from; $i <= $year_to; $i++) $arr_years[$i] = ($year_style == "ldigit")? $i : substr($i, -2); else for ($i = $year_from; $i >= $year_to; $i--) $arr_years[$i] = ($year_style == "ldigit")? $i : substr($i, -2); if ($textonly) return $arr_years[$this->current_selected["yearname"]]; else return $this->get_select($this->current_names["yearname"], $arr_years, $this->current_selected["yearname"], $select_first_line, $select_style, $select_size); } // return select with months or text with selected month // month_style may has values: digit (number of month), lword (3 letter abbreviation), sword (full word) function get_select_months($leading_zeros = 1, $month_style = "digit", $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1, $textonly = 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) if ($month_style == "lword") $arr_months[$i] = strftime("%B", mktime( 0,0,0,$i,1,2000 )); elseif ($month_style == "sword") $arr_months[$i] = strftime("%b", mktime( 0,0,0,$i,1,2000 )); else $arr_months[$i] = ($leading_zeros && $i < 10)? "0".$i : $i; if ($textonly) return $arr_months[$this->current_selected["monthname"]]; else return $this->get_select($this->current_names["monthname"], $arr_months, $this->current_selected["monthname"], $select_first_line, $select_style, $select_size); } // return select with days or text with selected day function get_select_days($leading_zeros = 1, $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1, $textonly = 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) $arr_days[$i] = ($leading_zeros && $i < 10)? "0".$i : $i; if ($textonly) return $arr_days[$this->current_selected["dayname"]]; else return $this->get_select($this->current_names["dayname"], $arr_days, $this->current_selected["dayname"], $select_first_line, $select_style, $select_size); } // return select with hours or text with selected hour // ONLY if use 12 hours cycle, use select am - pm ! function get_select_hours($leading_zeros = 1, $hour_style = 24, $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1, $textonly = 0) { if ($hour_style == 12) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) $arr_hours[$i] = ($leading_zeros && $i < 10)? "0".$i : $i; if ($this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["hourname"])) { if ($this->current_selected["hourname"] > 0 && $this->current_selected["hourname"] <= 12) { $temp_selected = $this->current_selected["hourname"]; $this->current_selected["ampmname"] = ($this->current_selected["hourname"] == 12)? "pm" : "am"; } elseif ($this->current_selected["hourname"] > 12) { $temp_selected = $this->current_selected["hourname"] - 12; $this->current_selected["ampmname"] = "pm"; } else { $temp_selected = 12; $this->current_selected["ampmname"] = "am"; } } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) $arr_hours[$i] = ($leading_zeros && $i < 10)? "0".$i : $i; $temp_selected = $this->current_selected["hourname"]; } if ($textonly) return $arr_hours[$temp_selected]; else return $this->get_select($this->current_names["hourname"], $arr_hours, $temp_selected, $select_first_line, $select_style, $select_size); } // return select with am - pm options. Use ONLY with 12 hours cycle select function get_select_ampm($select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1) { $str_select = ""; $str_select.= "\n<select name=\"".$this->current_names["ampmname"]."\" size=".$select_size; $str_select.= ($select_style)? " style=\"".$select_style."\">\n" : ">\n"; $str_select.= ($select_first_line)? "<option value=\"\">".$select_first_line."\n" : ""; $str_select.= "<option value=\"am\""; $str_select.= ($this->current_selected["ampmname"] == "am") ? " SELECTED>am\n" : ">am\n"; $str_select.= "<option value=\"pm\""; $str_select.= ($this->current_selected["ampmname"] == "pm") ? " SELECTED>pm\n" : ">pm\n"; $str_select.= "</select>\n"; return $str_select; } // return select with minutes or text with selected minute function get_select_minutes($leading_zeros = 1, $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1, $textonly = 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) $arr_minutes[$i] = ($leading_zeros && $i < 10)? "0".$i : $i; if ($textonly) return $arr_minutes[$this->current_selected["minutename"]]; else return $this->get_select($this->current_names["minutename"], $arr_minutes, $this->current_selected["minutename"], $select_first_line, $select_style, $select_size); } // return select with seconds or text with selected second function get_select_seconds($leading_zeros = 1, $select_first_line = "", $select_style = "", $select_size = 1, $textonly = 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) $arr_seconds[$i] = ($leading_zeros && $i < 10)? "0".$i : $i; if ($textonly) return $arr_seconds[$this->current_selected["secondname"]]; else return $this->get_select($this->current_names["secondname"], $arr_seconds, $this->current_selected["secondname"], $select_first_line, $select_style, $select_size); } // return date in format: month/day/year by information from the form function get_date_entered() { $str_ret = ""; if (count($this->current_selected)) if ($this->current_selected["monthname"] || $this->current_selected["dayname"] || $this->current_selected["yearname"]) { $str_ret = ($this->current_selected["monthname"])? $this->current_selected["monthname"]."/" : "__/"; $str_ret.= ($this->current_selected["dayname"])? $this->current_selected["dayname"]."/" : "__/"; $str_ret.= ($this->current_selected["yearname"])? $this->current_selected["yearname"] : "__"; } return $str_ret; } // return time in format hour:minute:second by information from the form function get_time_entered() { $str_ret = ""; if (count($this->current_selected)) if ($this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["hourname"]) || $this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["minutename"]) || $this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["secondname"])) { $str_ret = ($this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["hourname"]))? $this->current_selected["hourname"].":" : "__:"; $str_ret.= ($this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["minutename"]))? $this->get_select_minutes(1, "", "", 1, 1) : "__"; $str_ret.= ($this->isit_numeric($this->current_selected["secondname"]))? ":".$this->get_select_seconds(1, "", "", 1, 1) : ""; } return $str_ret; } // return unix timestamp by information from the form // NOTE: it will return -1 if timestamp out of range "Dec 31 1969" and " Jan 18 2038" function get_timestamp_entered() { return mktime($this->current_selected["hourname"], $this->current_selected["minutename"], $this->current_selected["secondname"], $this->current_selected["monthname"], $this->current_selected["dayname"], $this->current_selected["yearname"]); } // return error message by date entered function get_date_error() { $err_msg = ""; if (count($this->current_selected)) if ($this->current_selected["yearname"] || $this->current_selected["monthname"] || $this->current_selected["dayname"]) if ($this->current_selected["yearname"] && $this->current_selected["monthname"] && $this->current_selected["dayname"]) { if (!checkdate($this->current_selected["monthname"], $this->current_selected["dayname"], $this->current_selected["yearname"])) $err_msg = "Date ".$this->get_date_entered()." is incorrect"; } else { $err_msg = "Date ".$this->get_date_entered()." is incomplete"; } return $err_msg; } // return true if date entered is empty function is_date_empty() { $flag_ret = true; if (count($this->current_selected)) if ($this->current_selected["yearname"] || $this->current_selected["monthname"] || $this->current_selected["dayname"]) $flag_ret = false; return $flag_ret; } // private function to add to PHP3 is_numeric functionality function isit_numeric($anystring) { return (string)((int)$anystring) == (string)$anystring; } // private function correct time from 12 am-pm hours to 24 hours cycle function hours12to24() { if ($this->current_selected["ampmname"] == "pm") { if ($this->current_selected["hourname"] < 12) return 12 + $this->current_selected["hourname"]; elseif ($this->current_selected["hourname"] >= 12) return $this->current_selected["hourname"]; } elseif ($this->current_selected["ampmname"] == "am") { if ($this->current_selected["hourname"] < 12 || $this->current_selected["hourname"] > 12) return $this->current_selected["hourname"]; elseif ($this->current_selected["hourname"] == 12) return 0; } else { return $this->current_selected["hourname"]; } } } } // if ( !defined("DATETIMECLASS_INC") ) ?>