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File: app/inputEmoji.js

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  Classes of Faris AL-Otabi   PHP Chat Application with API   app/inputEmoji.js   Download  
File: app/inputEmoji.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Chat Application with API
Exchange user messages on a page or using an API
Author: By
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 4,058 bytes



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(function ($) { $.fn.emoji = function (params) { var defaults = { button: "&#x1F642;", place: "before", emojis: [ "&#x1F642;", "&#x1F641;", "&#x1f600;", "&#x1f601;", "&#x1f602;", "&#x1f603;", "&#x1f604;", "&#x1f605;", "&#x1f606;", "&#x1f607;", "&#x1f608;", "&#x1f609;", "&#x1f60a;", "&#x1f60b;", "&#x1f60c;", "&#x1f60d;", "&#x1f60e;", "&#x1f60f;", "&#x1f610;", "&#x1f611;", "&#x1f612;", "&#x1f613;", "&#x1f614;", "&#x1f615;", "&#x1f616;", "&#x1f617;", "&#x1f618;", "&#x1f619;", "&#x1f61a;", "&#x1f61b;", "&#x1f61c;", "&#x1f61d;", "&#x1f61e;", "&#x1f61f;", "&#x1f620;", "&#x1f621;", "&#x1f622;", "&#x1f623;", "&#x1f624;", "&#x1f625;", "&#x1f626;", "&#x1f627;", "&#x1f628;", "&#x1f629;", "&#x1f62a;", "&#x1f62b;", "&#x1f62c;", "&#x1f62d;", "&#x1f62e;", "&#x1f62f;", "&#x1f630;", "&#x1f631;", "&#x1f632;", "&#x1f633;", "&#x1f634;", "&#x1F493;", "&#x1f635;", "&#x1f636;", "&#x1f637;", "&#x1f638;", "&#x1f639;", "&#x1f63a;", "&#x1f63b;", "&#x1f63c;", "&#x1f63d;", "&#x1f63e;", "&#x1f63f;", "&#x1f640;", "&#x1f643;", "&#x1f4a9;", "&#x1f644;", "&#x2620;", "&#x1F44C;", "&#x1F44D;", "&#x1F44E;", "&#x1F648;", "&#x1F649;", "&#x1F64A;", ], fontSize: "20px", listCSS: { position: "absolute", border: "1px solid gray", "background-color": "#fff", display: "none", }, rowSize: 10, }; var settings = {}; if (!params) { settings = defaults; } else { for (var n in defaults) { settings[n] = params[n] ? params[n] : defaults[n]; } } this.each(function (n, input) { var $input = $(input); function showEmoji() { $; $input.focus(); setTimeout(function () { $(document).on("click", closeEmoji); }, 1); } function closeEmoji() { $list.hide(); $(document).off("click", closeEmoji); } function clickEmoji(ev) { if (input.selectionStart || input.selectionStart == "0") { var startPos = input.selectionStart; var endPos = input.selectionEnd; input.value = input.value.substring(0, startPos) + ev.currentTarget.innerHTML + input.value.substring(endPos, input.value.length); } else { input.value += ev.currentTarget.innerHTML; } closeEmoji(); $input.focus(); input.selectionStart = startPos + 2; input.selectionEnd = endPos + 2; } var $button = $("<span>") .html(settings.button) .css({ cursor: "pointer", "font-size": settings.fontSize }) .on("click", showEmoji); var $list = $("<div>").css(defaults.listCSS).css(settings.listCSS); for (var n in settings.emojis) { if (n > 0 && n % settings.rowSize == 0) { $("<br>").appendTo($list); } $("<span>") .html(settings.emojis[n]) .css({ cursor: "pointer", "font-size": settings.fontSize }) .on("click", clickEmoji) .appendTo($list); } if ( === "before") { $button.insertBefore(this); } else { $button.insertAfter(this); } $list.insertAfter($input); }); return this; }; })(jQuery);