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File: public/assets/flotchart/dashboard-bar-chart.js

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  Classes of Fabrice Fesch   Melis CMS Prospects   public/assets/flotchart/dashboard-bar-chart.js   Download  
File: public/assets/flotchart/dashboard-bar-chart.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Melis CMS Prospects
Melis CMS module to track business prospects
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,562 bytes



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$(function() { var $body = $("body"); $body.on("change", '.cms-pros-dash-chart-bar', function() { cmsProsDashBarGraphInit($(this)); }); if (typeof charts == 'undefined') return; charts.cmsProsDashBarGraph = { // data data: { d1: [] }, // will hold the chart object plot: null, // chart options options: { grid: { color: "#dedede", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#eee", clickable: true, hoverable: true, labelMargin: 20, }, series: { bars: { show: true, // lineWidth: 100, barWidth: 12*24*60*60*60, fill: true, align : "center" }, shadowSize: 0 }, xaxis: { mode: 'time', timeformat: '%b %d', // tickSize: [1, 'day'], position: 'bottom', tickColor: '#eee', }, yaxis: { show : true, tickColor: '#eee', tickDecimals: 0, min: 0 }, legend: { position: "nw", noColumns: 2, backgroundColor: null, backgroundOpacity: 0 }, shadowSize: 0, tooltip: true, tooltipOpts: { content: "%y %s - %x", shifts: { x: -30, y: -50 }, defaultTheme: false }, }, placeholder: ".cms-pros-dash-chart-bar-graph", // initialize init: function() { if (this.plot == null){ // hook the init function for plotting the chart cmsProsDashBarGraphInit(); } } }; // INIT PLOTTING FUNCTION [also used as callback in the app.interface for when we refresh the chart] window.cmsProsDashBarGraphInit = function(target, targetDevId) { if ( typeof target === "undefined" ) { chartFor = 'daily'; placeholder = targetDevId; } else { chartFor = target.val(); placeholder = "#"+target.closest(".tab-pane").find(".cms-pros-dash-chart-bar-graph").attr("id"); } $(placeholder).css("width", "100%"); // get the statistics data $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : '/melis/dashboard-plugin/MelisCmsProspectsStatisticsPlugin/getDashboardStats', data : {chartFor : chartFor}, dataType : 'json', encode : true }).done(function(data){ // plot the bar chart var opts = charts.cmsProsDashBarGraph.options; // Set Bar With Depend on Type of Chart switch (chartFor) { case 'daily': opts.xaxis.timeformat = '%b %d'; opts.series.bars.barWidth = 12*24*60*60*60; break; case 'monthly': opts.xaxis.timeformat = '%b'; opts.series.bars.barWidth = 12*24*60*60*60*25; break; case 'yearly': opts.xaxis.timeformat = '%Y'; opts.series.bars.barWidth = 12*24*60*60*60*280; break; default: break; } var tmpData = data.values, tmpdataLength = tmpData.length, finalData = [], curTime = null; for(var i = 0; i < tmpdataLength ; i++) { var newDate = new Date(tmpData[i][0]), tmpDate = new Date(), m = newDate.getMonth(), y = newDate.getFullYear(), newMonth = new Date(y, m, 1.5 ), newYear = new Date(y,0, 2); if(chartFor == 'daily'){ curTime = newDate.getTime(); } else if (chartFor == 'monthly'){ curTime = newMonth.getTime(); } else if (chartFor == 'yearly'){ curTime = newYear.getTime(); } finalData.push([ curTime , tmpData[i][1]]); } charts.cmsProsDashBarGraph.plot = $.plot( $(placeholder), [{ label: translations.tr_melistoolprospects_tool_prospects, data: finalData, color: successColor, }], charts.cmsProsDashBarGraph.options ); }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ alert("ERROR !! Status = "+ textStatus + "\n Error = "+ errorThrown + "\n xhr = "+ xhr.statusText); }); } // Tab shon event $body.on('', '.chart-simple-lines-tab', function(e) { // ----=[ Melis customize ]=---- // modified this event, used event delegation and hooked it up in the body so it still works after the zone is reloaded. // created var flot; and added or '|| flot === undefined' in the condition to make other charts reinitialize after zoneReloading. targetDevId = "#"+$($(this).attr("href")).find(".cms-pros-dash-chart-bar-graph").attr("id"); var flot = $(targetDevId).data('plot'); if ( charts.cmsProsDashBarGraph.plot == null || flot === undefined ) { cmsProsDashBarGraphInit(undefined, targetDevId); } }); });