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File: infrastructure/libraries/Moment/Locales/eo.php

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File: infrastructure/libraries/Moment/Locales/eo.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Potato Service
Framework that extracts route details from classes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,393 bytes


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// locale: esperanto (eo)
// author: Maxime Valy
// Adapted from MomentJS

return array(
"months" => explode('_', 'januaro_februaro_marto_aprilo_majo_junio_julio_a?gusto_septembro_oktobro_novembro_decembro'),
"monthsShort" => explode('_', 'jan_feb_mart_apr_maj_jun_jul_a?g_sept_okt_nov_dec'),
"weekdays" => explode('_', 'lundo_mardo_merkredo_?a?do_vendredo_sabato_diman?o'),
"weekdaysShort" => explode('_', 'lun_mard_merk_?a?_ven_sab_dim'),
"calendar" => array(
"sameDay" => '[Hodia?]',
"nextDay" => '[Morga?]',
"lastDay" => '[Hiera?]',
"lastWeek" => '[pasintan] l[n]',
"sameElse" => 'l',
"withTime" => '[je] G:i',
"default" => 'Y-m-d',
"relativeTime" => array(
"future" => 'post %s',
"past" => 'anta? %s',
"s" => 'kelkaj sekundoj',
"ss" => '%d sekundoj',
"m" => 'unu minuto',
"mm" => '%d minutoj',
"h" => 'unu horo',
"hh" => '%d horoj',
"d" => 'unu tago',
"dd" => '%d tagoj',
"M" => 'unu monato',
"MM" => '%d monatoj',
"y" => 'unu jaro',
"yy" => '%d jaroj',
"ordinal" => function ($number) {
$number . '-a';
"week" => array(
"dow" => 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
"doy" => 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
"customFormats" => array(
"LT" => "G:i", // 22:00
"LTS" => "G:i:s", // 22:00:00
"L" => "Y-m-d", // 2010-06-09
"l" => "Y-n-j", // 2010-6-9
"LL" => "[la] j[-an de] F, Y", // la 9-an de junio, 2010
"ll" => "j M Y", // 9 jun 2010
"LLL" => "[la] j[-an de] F, Y G:i", // la 9-an de junio, 2010 22:00
"lll" => "j M Y G:i", // 9 jun 2010 22:00
"LLLL" => "l[n], [la] j[-an de] F, Y G:i", // Merkredon, la 9-an de junio, 2010 22:00
"llll" => "d, [la] j[-an de] M, Y G:i", // Merk, 9-an de jun, 2010 22:00