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File: src/components/table/Table.tsx

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   WordPress React Plugin Kit   src/components/table/Table.tsx   Download  
File: src/components/table/Table.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress React Plugin Kit
Environment to develop new WordPress plugins
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,460 bytes


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/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Pagination from '../pagination/Pagination'; import { ITableHeader, ITable, ITableCell } from './TableInterface'; import Input from '../inputs/Input'; /** * Generate Default Props for Table component. */ export const defaultTableProps = { headers: [], rows: [], showPagination: true, totalItems: 0, perPage: 10, currentPage: 1, checkedAll: false, onChangePage: () => {}, onCheckAll: () => {}, noDataMessage: __('Sorry ! No data found.', 'jobplace'), }; /** * Get Header Row class name. * * @param header Table Header Definition * @param index Table Header Index * @param headers * * @return string */ export const getHeaderRowClassName = ( header: ITableHeader, index: number, headers: Array<object> ) => { let className = `border-b border-gray-lite text-sm px-3 py-4 uppercase ${header.className}`; // Add style for first header className += `${index === 0 ? ' pl-6 w-0 ' : ' '}`; // Add style for last header className += headers.length === index + 1 ? 'text-right pr-7' : 'text-left'; // Add custom style className += ` ${header.className ? header.className : ''}`; return className; }; /** * Get Body Row class name. * * @param cells * @param index int * @param customClass string|undefined * * @return string */ export const getBodyCellClassName = ( cells: Array<ITableCell>, index: number, customClass: string | undefined ) => { let className = `border-b border-gray-lite text-sm p-3 text-left`; // Add style for first cell className += `${index === 0 ? ' pl-6 w-0 ' : ' '}`; // Add style for last cell className += cells.length === index + 1 ? 'text-right pr-7 ' : 'text-left '; // Add custom class className += typeof customClass !== 'undefined' ? customClass : ''; return className; }; /** * Table Component. * * Handles table component rendering. * * @param props */ const Table = (props: ITable) => { const { headers, rows, showPagination, totalItems, perPage, onChangePage, currentPage, checkedAll, onCheckAll, noDataMessage, } = props; const isChecked = typeof checkedAll === 'boolean' ? checkedAll : false; return ( <> <div className="table-outer overflow-x-auto"> <table className="table-auto border-collapse border border-gray-lite bg-white mb-2 w-full"> <thead> <tr className="h-12"> {, index) => ( <th key={header.key} className={getHeaderRowClassName( header, index, headers )} > {header.key === 'checkbox' ? ( <Input type="checkbox" value={isChecked ? '1' : '0'} onChange={() => typeof onCheckAll === 'function' && onCheckAll(!isChecked) } /> ) : ( header.title )} </th> ))} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {rows.length === 0 && ( <tr> <td colSpan={headers.length}> <div className="text-center text-gray-dark p-3"> <p>{noDataMessage}</p> </div> </td> </tr> )} {, index) => ( <tr key={index} className="h-12"> { (cell: ITableCell, indexCell: number) => ( <td key={indexCell} className={getBodyCellClassName( row.cells, indexCell, cell.className )} > {cell.value} </td> ) )} </tr> ))} </tbody> </table> </div> {showPagination && ( <Pagination perPage={ typeof perPage !== 'undefined' ? perPage : defaultTableProps.perPage } currentPage={ typeof currentPage !== 'undefined' ? currentPage : defaultTableProps.currentPage } total={ typeof totalItems !== 'undefined' ? totalItems : defaultTableProps.totalItems } paginate={(page: number) => { typeof onChangePage === 'function' ? onChangePage(page) : ''; }} /> )} </> ); }; Table.defaultProps = defaultTableProps; export default Table;