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File: live_window.html

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File: live_window.html
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Live window page
Class: PHP Live Chat Browser
Live chat with users of the same or another site
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 7,508 bytes



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<!-- --> <!-- maybe the newer way --> <html> <head> <title>live window</title> <script> var blocks = [] ; var blockHeight ; var blocksNumber ; function isVisible( element, vp ) { /* This checks if the element is in the viewport area, you could also * check the display and visibility of its style. */ var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect( ) ; var x = rect.left ; var x2 = x + element.offsetWidth ; var y = ; var y2 = y + element.offsetHeight ; return !( x >= vp.w || y >= vp.h || x2 < 0 || y2 < 0 ) ; } function matches( element, vp ) { /* You can filter the elements even further */ return element && && element.tagName === "DIV" && isVisible( element, vp ) ; } function viewport( ) { this.x = window.pageXOffset ; this.w = window.innerWidth ; this.x2 = this.x + this.w - 1 ; this.y = window.pageYOffset ; this.h = window.innerHeight ; this.y2 = this.y + this.h - 1 ; return this ; } function addMatch( element, array ) { /* An element may be in more than one block, so you need * to check if it wasn't already added. */ for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; ++i ) { if( array[i] === element ) return ; } array.push( element ) ; } function onWindowScroll( ) { var msg = document.getElementById( "msg" ) ; var str = "" ; var vp = new viewport( ) ; var from = Math.trunc( vp.y / blockHeight ) ; var to = Math.trunc( vp.y2 / blockHeight ) ; str += "Nodes: " + document.body.childNodes.length + ", blocks: " + blocks.length + ", searching blocks " + from + "-" + to + "<br>" + "Founded: " ; var array = [] ; for( var b = from ; b <= to ; ++b ) { var block = blocks[b] ; for( var i = 0 ; i < block.length ; ++i ) { if( matches( block[i], vp ) ) { addMatch( block[i], array ) ; } } } if( array.length ) { for( var i = 0 ; i < array.length-1 ; ++i ) { str += array[i].id + " " ; } str += array[array.length-1].id ; } else { str += "none" ; } msg.innerHTML = str ; } function onWindowLoad( ) { setTimeout( function( ) { var i = 0 ; /* Lets populate the page */ while( i < 10000 ) { var element = document.createElement( "DIV" ) ; element.className = "first" ; element.innerHTML = i ; = i++ ; document.body.appendChild( element ) ; element = document.createElement( "SECOND" ) ; element.className = "second" ; element.innerHTML = i ; = i++ ; document.body.appendChild( element ) ; } /* Lets add random positioned elements */ var i = 0 ; while( i < 500 ) { var x = Math.floor( Math.random( ) * document.body.offsetWidth ) ; var y = Math.floor( Math.random( ) * document.body.offsetHeight ) ; if( Math.random( ) < 0.5 ) { var element = document.createElement( "DIV" ) ; element.className = "absolute-first" ; } else { var element = document.createElement( "SECOND" ) ; element.className = "absolute-second" ; } = x + "px" ; = y + "px" ; = "r" + i++ ; element.innerHTML = ; document.body.appendChild( element ) ; } /* Now we create the blocks */ var nodes = document.body.childNodes ; blockHeight = window.innerHeight ; blocksNumber = Math.ceil( document.body.offsetHeight / blockHeight ) ; for( var b = 0 ; b < blocksNumber ; ++b ) { blocks[b] = new Array( ) ; } /* And we add all the nodes into they corresponding blocks */ for( var i = 0 ; i < nodes.length ; ++i ) { addElement( nodes[i] ) ; } addEventListener( "scroll", onWindowScroll, false ) ; onWindowScroll( ) ; // Initialize msg }, 20 ) ; } function addElement( element ) { /* This works fine if the rest of the nodes stayed in the * same position with the same size when element was added. */ if( !element.getBoundingClientRect ) return ; var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect( ) ; var y = + window.pageYOffset ; var y2 = y + element.offsetHeight ; var from = Math.trunc( y / blockHeight ) ; var to = Math.trunc( y2 / blockHeight ) ; for( var b = from ; b <= to ; ++b ) { blocks[b].push( element ) ; } var nodes = element.childNodes ; if( nodes ) { for( var i = 0 ; i < nodes.length ; ++i ) { addElement( nodes[i] ) ; } } } function removeElement( element ) { /* This works fine if the rest of the nodes stayed in the * same position with the same size when element was added. */ if( !element.getBoundingClientRect ) return ; var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect( ) ; var y = + window.pageYOffset ; var y2 = y + element.offsetHeight ; var from = Math.trunc( y / blockHeight ) ; var to = Math.trunc( y2 / blockHeight ) ; for( var b = from ; b <= to ; ++b ) { var i = blocks[b].indexOf( element ) ; if( i > -1 ) { blocks[b].splice( i, 1 ) ; } } } addEventListener( "load", onWindowLoad, false ) ; </script> <style> body { margin: 0 auto ; text-align: center ; font-family: sans-serif ; } /* Filtered in elements are light green */ .first { height: 50px ; line-height: 50px ; background-color: #cfc ; } /* Filtered out elements are light red */ .second { display: block ; height: 30px ; line-height: 30px ; background-color: #fcc ; box-sizing: border-box ; } /* Filtered in elements are light green */ .absolute-first { background-color: #cfc ; } /* Filtered out elements are light red */ .absolute-second { background-color: #fcc ; } .absolute-first, .absolute-second { position: absolute ; padding: 1pt 5pt 1pt 5pt ; } .first, .second, .absolute-first, .absolute-second { border: 1px solid #444 ; } #msg { position: fixed ; z-index: 1 ; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; width: 100% ; min-height: 24pt ; line-height: 24pt ; border: 1px solid #000 ; background-color: #ffd ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-size: 14pt ; vertical-align: middle ; text-align: left ; padding-left: 3pt ; opacity: 0.7 ; } </style> <body> <div id="a"> <div id="a1"> <div id="a11" class="first">a11</div> <div id="a12" class="first">a12</div> </div> <div id="a2" class="first">a2</div> </div> <msg id="msg">Loading page, please wait...</msg> </body> </html>