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File: live_browser.js

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File: live_browser.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Live Chat Browser
Live chat with users of the same or another site
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 18,192 bytes


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local_domain = '' $('#button1').click(function(){ //alert('button1 clicked'); //var box = $('<div style="color: orange; position: absolute; top: -100px; right: 100px; height: 100px; width: 100px;">1</div>'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="simple_drop" style="background-color: orange; position: absolute; bottom: 500px; right: 0; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid black; z-index: 11; opacity: 1;">1</div>'); //$('#simple_drop').addClass('fade in'); //var div = $("div"); //box.animate({height: '300px', opacity: '0.4'}, 'slow'); //div.animate({width: '300px', opacity: '0.8'}, 'slow'); //div.animate({height: '100px', opacity: '0.4'}, 'slow'); //div.animate({width: '100px', opacity: '0.8'}, 'slow'); $('#simple_drop').animate({bottom: 'toggle'}, 2000).delay(800).fadeIn().fadeTo('slow', 0.33); //$('#simple_drop').animate({opacity: '0'}, 2000); //$('#simple_drop').fadeTo('slow', 0.33); //$('#simple_drop').css('slow', 0.33); //$('#simple_drop').removeClass('fade in'); //$('#simple_drop').addClass('fade out'); }); $('#button2').click(function(){ //var box1 = $('<div id="div1" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:black;"></div><br>'); //var box2 = $('<div id="div2" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:green;"></div><br>'); //var box3 = $('<div id="div3" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:blue;"></div><br>'); //var box4 = $('<div id="div4" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:red;"></div><br>'); //var box5 = $('<div id="div5" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:purple;"></div><br>'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="div1" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:black;"></div><br>'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="div2" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:green;"></div><br>'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="div3" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:blue;"></div><br>'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="div4" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:red;"></div><br>'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="div5" style="width:90px;height:90px;display:none;background-color:purple;"></div><br>'); $('#div1').delay('slow').fadeIn(); $('#div2').delay('fast').fadeIn(); $('#div3').animate({bottom: 'toggle'}, 2000).delay(800).fadeTo('slow', 0.33); //$('#div3').delay(800).animate({opacity: '0'}, 2000); $('#div4').delay(2000).fadeIn().delay(4000).remove(); $('#div5').delay(4000).fadeIn().delay(8000).remove(); }); $counter = 0; // White_square_with_question_mark.jpg // accolade-logo-400x400.png $('#button5').click(function(){ soundy('divx', 400, 'bounce contents'); }); $('#acc').click(function(){ soundy('acc', 400, '<img src="accolade-logo-400x400.png" width="100" height="100" />', '', 'text from title tag', 0.5, 'bell.wav'); }); $('#other').click(function(){ soundy('other', 400, '<img src="qm.jpg" width="100" height="100" />', '', 'other link', 1, 'expand.wav'); }); function get_column_bottom() { //button = null; a_button_exists = false; $('.button').each(function() { //return $(this).attr('bottom'); button = $(this); a_button_exists = true; //break; }); if(a_button_exists === false) { return 0; } else { //return button.attr('bottom') + 100 + 'px'; // bottom_string = button.attr('bottom'); // pixels = bottom_string.substr(0, bottom_string.indexOf('px')); //return (100 + pixels) + 'px'; // return Number(100) + Number(pixels); return Number(100) + bottom_pixels(button); // assumes they are always in order and 100px high } } function bottom_pixels(element) { return'bottom'); /*bottom_string ='bottom'); alert('bottom_string: ' + bottom_string); pixels = bottom_string.substr(0, bottom_string.indexOf('px')); return Number(pixels);*/ } function soundy(id, time, contents, link, code, volume, sound = false) { if(sound == false) { sound = 'expand.wav'; } id = id + $counter; column_bottom = get_column_bottom(); //alert('column_bottom: ' + column_bottom); bottom = Number(column_bottom) + Number(900); bottom_data = Number(column_bottom); target_blank_or_nothing = ''; if(link.indexOf(local_domain) != false) { target_blank_or_nothing = ' target="_blank"'; } $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<a href="' + link + '"' + target_blank_or_nothing + ' class="button_link"><div id="' + id + 'toggle" class="toggle" style="/*display: none;*/ bottom: ' + bottom + 'px; z-index: ' + (11 + $counter) + ';"><div>' + code + '</div></div><div id="' + id + '" class="button" style="bottom: ' + bottom + 'px; z-index: ' + (11 + $counter) + ';">' + contents + '</div></a>'); $('#' + id).data('bottom', bottom_data); $('#' + id).animate({bottom: '-=900px'}, 2 * time); $('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({bottom: '-=900px'}, 2 * time); setTimeout(function(){ $('<audio id="sound' + ($counter + 1) + '" class="sound-player" autoplay="autoplay" style="display:none;">' + '<source src="' + sound + '" />' + '<embed src="' + sound + '" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false"/>' + '</audio>' ).appendTo('body'); //$('audio').volume = 1/10; document.getElementById('sound' + ($counter + 1)).volume = volume; }, 2 * time); $('#' + id).animate({width: '+=10px'}, 0.01 * time); $('#' + id).animate({height: '-=10px'}, 0.01 * time); $('#' + id).animate({width: '-=10px'}, 0.01 * time); $('#' + id).animate({height: '+=10px'}, 0.01 * time); $('#' + id).animate({bottom: '+=300px'}, 2 * time); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({bottom: '+=300px'}, 2 * time); $('#' + id).animate({bottom: '-=300px'}, 2 * time); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({bottom: '-=300px'}, 2 * time); setTimeout(function(){ $('<audio id="sound' + ($counter + 2) + '" class="sound-player" autoplay="autoplay" style="display:none;">' + '<source src="' + sound + '" />' + '<embed src="' + sound + '" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false"/>' + '</audio>' ).appendTo('body'); //$('audio').volume = 1/10; document.getElementById('sound' + ($counter + 2)).volume = 1/3 * volume; }, 6 * time); $('#' + id).animate({width: '+=5px'}, 0.005 * time); $('#' + id).animate({height: '-=5px'}, 0.005 * time); $('#' + id).animate({width: '-=5px'}, 0.005 * time); $('#' + id).animate({height: '+=5px'}, 0.005 * time); $('#' + id).animate({bottom: '+=100px'}, 2 * time); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({bottom: '+=100px'}, 2 * time); $('#' + id).animate({bottom: '-=100px'}, 2 * time); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({bottom: '-=100px'}, 2 * time); setTimeout(function(){ $('<audio id="sound' + ($counter + 3) + '" class="sound-player" autoplay="autoplay" style="display:none;">' + '<source src="' + sound + '" />' + '<embed src="' + sound + '" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false"/>' + '</audio>' ).appendTo('body'); //$('audio').volume = 1/10; document.getElementById('sound' + ($counter + 3)).volume = 1/9 * volume; $counter++; $counter++; $counter++; }, 10 * time); $('#' + id).animate({width: '+=2px'}, 0.002 * time); $('#' + id).animate({height: '-=2px'}, 0.002 * time); $('#' + id).animate({width: '-=2px'}, 0.002 * time); $('#' + id).animate({height: '+=2px'}, 0.002 * time); $('#' + id).delay(2 * time).animate({opacity: '-=0.67'}, 'slow'); //$('#' + id).hover(function(){$('#' + id).css('opacity': 1)}, function(){$('#' + id).css('opacity': 0.2)}); $('#' + id).hover(function(){ $(this).css('opacity', 1); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').slideToggle(); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({width: 'toggle', display: 'inline'}, 'slow'); $('#' + id + 'toggle').toggleClass('showntoggle'); }, function(){ $(this).css('opacity', 0.33); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').slideToggle(); //$('#' + id + 'toggle').animate({width: 'toggle', display: 'inline'}, 'slow'); $('#' + id + 'toggle').toggleClass('showntoggle'); }); $('#' + id).click(function(){ //alert($(this).attr('id') + ' with bottom ' + $(this).data('bottom') + ' clicked.'); specific_button_pop($(this)); }); } $('#make').click(function(){ //alert('make'); $('#thumb_buttons_column').append('<div id="divx" style="background-color: green; position: absolute; bottom: 250px; right: 0; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 10px solid red; z-index: 11; opacity: 1;">divx</div>'); }); $('#up').click(function(){ //alert('up'); $('#divx').animate({bottom: '+=100px'}, 'slow'); }); $('#down').click(function(){ //alert('down'); $('#divx').animate({bottom: '-=100px'}, 'slow'); }); $('#pfadeout').click(function(){ //alert('pfadeout'); $('#divx').animate({opacity: '-=0.3'}, 'slow'); }); $('#pfadein').click(function(){ //alert('pfadein'); $('#divx').animate({opacity: '+=0.3'}, 'slow'); }); $('#sound').click(function(){ //alert('sound'); $.playSound('bell.wav', 'testid'); }); $('#delete').click(function(){ //alert('delete'); $('#divx').remove(); }); $('#delete_last').click(function(){ // deletes last created button $('.button').each(function() { button = $(this); }); button.remove(); }); $('#button_pop').click(function(){ // effectively delete earliest created button button_pop(); }); function button_pop() { $('.button').each(function() { button = $(this).remove(); //break; return true; }); } function specific_button_pop(button) { //alert('id: ' + button.attr('id') + ' with bottom: ' +'bottom')); $('.button').each(function() { //if(id == $(this).attr('id')) { //alert('id: ' + $(this).attr('id') + ' with bottom: ' + $(this).data('bottom')); //if(button == $(this)) { if(button.attr('id') == $(this).attr('id')) { //alert('matched button to pop'); popped_bottom = bottom_pixels(button); button.remove(); $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + 'toggle').remove(); // slide higher buttons down $('.button').each(function() { if(bottom_pixels($(this)) > popped_bottom) { $(this).animate({bottom: '-=100px'}, 'slow'); $(this).data('bottom', $(this).data('bottom') - 100); $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + 'toggle').animate({bottom: '-=100px'}, 'slow'); } }); //break; return true; } }); } $('#slide_all').click(function(){ //alert('delete'); $('.button').animate({bottom: '-=100px'}, 'slow'); }); $('#audit').click(function(){ string = ''; $('.button').each(function() { string = string + 'id: ' + $(this).attr('id') + ' bottom: ' + $(this).data('bottom') + "\r\n"; }); alert(string); }); //}); //$(document).ready(function(){ // keyboard capture id_counter = 0; fraction = ''; last_key_timestamp = -1; //saves = {}; // object, not array as would be defined using [] //maximum_input_delay = 1000; // milliseconds // how long does it take the average person to type a command? //maximum_intervening_input_delay = 500; // milliseconds maximum_intervening_input_delay = 1000; // milliseconds maximum_input_delay = 2000; // milliseconds // not used. minimum_input_spacing = 2000; // milliseconds accept_new_input = true; local = ''; local_icon = 'accolade-logo-400x400.png'; // we should adaptively change this value according to the user (typing or pecking speeds vary) //console.log('here001'); document.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) { fraction = fraction + e['key']; last_key_timestamp = e['timeStamp']; timeoutID = setTimeout(function(){ //if(load('last_key_timestamp') == last_key_timestamp) { // if another key has not been pressed if(last_key_timestamp == e['timeStamp']) { // if another key has not been pressed if(fraction.length > 0) { command(); } } }, maximum_intervening_input_delay); }, false); function save(variable, value) { saves[variable] = value; return true; } function load(variable) { return saves[variable]; } function command() { id_counter++; $('#fraction').append('<u><span id="drop' + id_counter + '">' + fraction + '</span></u> '); text_drop(id_counter); fraction = ''; //live(node, groweth); live('', fraction, local, local_icon, false); // we don't know which node is best and want to find out! } async function live(node, groweth, local, local_icon, add_thickness) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'live.php', //data: input data: {'node': node, 'groweth': groweth, 'local': local, 'local_icon': local_icon, 'add_thickness': add_thickness} }).then( // resolve/success callback async function(response) { //alert('response (from live.php): ' + response); //response = eval('(' + response + ')'); // parse the JSON //response = JSON.parse(response); // parse the JSON //response = $.parseJSON(response); //response = JQuery.parseJSON(response); // $actions, $friends, $downloads, $games //$.getJSON('http://localhost:8888/myfile.php', function(data) { // console.log(data); //}); //console.log(response); //alert('key1, key2, skey2, key3: ' + response.key1 + ', ' + response.key2 + ', ' + response.key2.skey2 + ', ' + response.key3); // just hack it instead of dealing with JSON nonsense if(response.substr(0, 6) != 'XXX9o9') { throw new Error('unexpected response response (from live.php) '); } //actions = response[0]; // 'newlink' => array($best_URL, $title, $icon) //alert('actions: ' + actions); //console.log(actions); // friends = response[1]; // downloads = response[2]; // games = response[3]; //actions.foreach() // dropping a button will go here (if the score is high enough?) //actions = response.toString(); // not sure why it needs to be cast as a string //actions = response + ''; // not sure why it needs to be cast as a string // not sure why need to cast to string //alert('actions, response: ' + actions + ', ' + response); //if(actions.newlink == false) { // newlink is the only action as of now actions = response; if(actions == 'XXX9o9XXXXXXXXX9o9XXX') { // newlink is the only action as of now // // // soundy('button', 400, '<img src="qm.jpg" width="100" height="100" />', '' + groweth, newlink_parameters[1], 1, 'expand.wav'); } else { //newlink_parameters = actions.newlink; //alert('newlink_parameters: ' + newlink_parameters); //$best_URL = newlink_parameters[0]; //$title = newlink_parameters[1]; //$icon = newlink_parameters[2]; actions = actions.substr(6); best_URL = actions.substr(0, actions.indexOf('XXX')); actions = actions.substr(actions.indexOf('XXX') + 3); title = actions.substr(0, actions.indexOf('XXX')); actions = actions.substr(actions.indexOf('XXX') + 3); icon = actions.substr(0, actions.indexOf('XXX9o9')); //throw new Error('debugging JSON decode'); //alert('best_URL, title, icon: ' + best_URL + ', ' + title + ', ' + icon); //alert('$best_URL, $title, $icon: ' + $best_URL, $title, $icon); if(best_URL.indexOf(local) == false) { soundy('button', 400, '<img src="' + icon + '" width="100" height="100" />', best_URL, title, 1, 'expand.wav'); } else { soundy('button', 400, '<img src="' + icon + '" width="100" height="100" />', best_URL, title, 0.5, 'bell.wav'); } } }, // reject/failure callback function() { alert('There was some error in live!'); } ); } function text_drop(id){ for(var j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { $('#drop' + id).animate({'top':(50 * j) +'px'},10); // 1 is like time taken in milliseconds $('#drop' + id).animate({'font-size':(520-(50 * j))+'px'},10); } } // selection capture function getSelectionText() { var text = ""; if (window.getSelection) { text = window.getSelection().toString(); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") { text = document.selection.createRange().text; } return text; } maximum_intervening_selection_input_delay = 1000; // milliseconds //document.onmouseup = document.onkeyup = document.onselectionchange = function() { last_selection_timestamp = -1; document.onselectionchange = function() { //document.getElementById("sel").value = getSelectionText(); // not sure whether to use the same input delay for selection and for typed strings... // for now just hard-code them separately but the same, as the need to adapt them separately is ideal. selection_text = getSelectionText(); if(selection_text.length > 0) { if(accept_new_input) { //last_selection_timestamp = Date(); // no idea why this timestamp stuff is not working, but this will work for tapping at least //timeoutID = setTimeout(function(){ //alert(', last_selection_timestamp, maximum_intervening_selection_input_delay: ' + + ', ' + last_selection_timestamp + ', ' + maximum_intervening_selection_input_delay); //}, maximum_intervening_selection_input_delay); //if( - last_selection_timestamp > maximum_intervening_selection_input_delay) { // if another selection has not been made selection_command(selection_text); accept_new_input = false; setTimeout(function(){ // wait the minimum amount between inputs accept_new_input = true; }, minimum_input_spacing); // last_selection_timestamp =; //} } } }; function selection_command(selection_text) { id_counter++; //selection_text = getSelectionText(); $('#fraction').append('<u><span id="drop' + id_counter + '">' + selection_text + '</span></u> '); text_drop(id_counter); live('', selection_text, local, local_icon, false); // we don't know which node is best and want to find out! }