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File: public/images/flags/tm.svg
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3.3-3.5-1.6-1.8-5 1.8-1.6-1.8-.8 4.7-9.1 5.5 3.2 2zm4.6 8.2l8.3-5.3h4.9l-1.7-1.8 3.3-3.5-1.6-1.7-5 1.8-1.6-1.8-.8 4.7-9.1 5.5 3.3 2z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M180.2 51.2h-2.1l-2.1-2-2.1 2h-44.1V22.6h2.1l-2.1-2v-2.1l6.3 6.1v2H134v-2h-2.1v2l17 9.1h14.4v8.9l6.4 4.6h4.2l2-2-2-2.1h2l4.3 6.1z"/> <path fill="#28ae66" d="M170.6 51.2h-40.8V26.7L148 36.9h13.6v8.2l9.1 6.1z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M149 65.5l8.2 5.3h5l-1.7 1.7 3.3 3.5-1.6 1.8-5-1.8-1.6 1.8-.8-4.7-9.1-5.6 3.3-2z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M158 61.4l8.3 5.3h5l-1.7 1.7 3.3 3.5-1.6 1.8-5-1.8-1.6 1.8-.8-4.7-9.1-5.5 3.2-2zm4.6-8.2l8.3 5.3h4.9l-1.7 1.7 3.3 3.5-1.6 1.8-5-1.8-1.6 1.8-.8-4.7-9.1-5.5 3.3-2z"/> <path fill="#faae29" d="M180.2 51.2h-2.1l-2.1 2-2.1-2h-44.1v28.6h2.1l-2.1 2V84l6.3-6.1v-2H134v2h-2.1v-2l17-9h14.4v-9l6.4-4.5h4.2l2 2-2 2h2l4.3-6z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M170.6 51.2h-40.8v24.5L148 65.5h13.6v-8.2l9.1-6.1zM89 51.2h40.8V26.7l-18.1 10.2H98.1v8.2l-9 6.1z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M134.3 51.2l11.4-6.1h6.8l-2.3-2 4.6-4.2-2.3-2-6.8 2-2.3-2-1 5.5-12.6 6.4 4.5 2.4zm-9 0L114 57.3h-6.8l2.2 2-4.5 4.2 2.3 2 6.8-2 2.2 2 1-5.5 12.6-6.4-4.5-2.4z"/> <path fill="#28ae66" d="M125.3 51.2L114 45.1h-6.8l2.3-2-4.5-4.2 2.3-2 6.8 2 2.2-2 1 5.5 12.6 6.4-4.5 2.4zm9 0l11.4 6.1h6.8l-2.3 2 4.6 4.2-2.3 2-6.8-2-2.3 2-1-5.5-12.6-6.4 4.5-2.4z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M116.2 51.2L129.8 41l13.6 10.2-13.6 10.2-13.6-10.2z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M85.7 55.3l2.1 2-2 2h-2.2l-6.3-8.1h2.1l4.2 6.1h2.1l-2-2 2-2H90v2h-4.2z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M85.7 47.1l2.1-2-2-2h-2.2l-6.3 8.1h2.1l4.2-6.1h2.1l-2 2 2 2H90v-2h-4.2zm88.2 8.2l-2 2 2 2h2.1l6.3-8.1h-2l-4.3 6.1h-2l2-2-2-2h-4.3v2h4.2z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M174 47.1l-2.2-2 2.1-2h2.1l6.3 8.1h-2l-4.3-6.1h-2l2 2-2 2h-4.3v-2h4.2zm-46.3-4h4.2v16.3h-4.2z"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M121.4 47.1h16.8v8.2h-16.8z"/> <path fill="#28ae66" stroke="#000" stroke-width=".1" d="M333 170l-10.6 5.4v8.8l10.7 5.4h10.6l10.6-5.4v-8.8l-10.6-5.3h-10.6z" transform="matrix(3.555 0 0 3.847 -1073.2 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stroke-width=".1" d="M-177.2 368.5h21.3l-21.3-10.6v10.6zm24.8-1.8v17.7H-186v-14.1h-7.1l-8.9-5.3v-12.4l5.4-5.4h-7.1V365h-1.8v-19.5h17.7l35.4 21.2z" transform="matrix(-1.0321 0 0 -.92 -82.3 753.2)"/> <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-width=".1" d="M-177.2 368.5h21.3l-21.3-10.6v10.6zm24.8-1.8v17.7H-186v-14.1h-7.1l-8.9-5.3v-12.4l5.4-5.4h-7.1V365h-1.8v-19.5h17.7l35.4 21.2z" transform="matrix(-1.0321 0 0 .92 -82.3 45.9)"/> <path fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-width=".1" d="M-177.2 368.5h21.3l-21.3-10.6v10.6zm24.8-1.8v17.7H-186v-14.1h-7.1l-8.9-5.3v-12.4l5.4-5.4h-7.1V365h-1.8v-19.5h17.7l35.4 21.2z" transform="matrix(1.0321 0 0 -.92 342 753.2)"/> <path fill="#ca3745" d="M86 412.6h2.2v-5h4.6v5h2.3v-11.4h-2.3v4.9h-4.6v-5H86v11.5zm21.9 16.3h2.3v-5h4.5v5h2.3v-11.4h-2.3v4.9h-4.5v-5h-2.3V429zm-22-42.4h2.3v4.9h4.6v-5h2.3V398h-2.3V393h-4.6v4.9H86v-11.4zm22-16.3h2.3v4.9h4.5v-5h2.3v11.5h-2.3v-4.9h-4.5v5h-2.3v-11.5zm34.7 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2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2v-15h13.7zm-65.2 0v15l-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.8-2-1.7 2v-15h13.7z"/> <path fill="#28ae66" d="M-62.4 154.8v9.3l1.8-1.9 1.7 2 1.7-2 1.7 2 1.7-2 1.7 2 1.8-2 1.7 2 1.7-2V138l-15.5 16.8zm-20.5 0v9.3l-1.8-1.9-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.8-2V138l15.5 16.8zm0-41v-9.3l-1.8 1.8-1.7-1.8-1.7 1.8-1.7-1.8-1.7 1.8-1.7-1.8-1.7 1.8-1.7-1.8-1.8 1.8v24.3l15.5-16.8zm20.5 0v-9.3l1.8 1.8 1.7-1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7-1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7-1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8-1.8 1.7 1.8v24.3l-15.5-16.8zm-49.7 35.4l-1.7-1.9-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.8 2-1.7-2-1.7 2v-30l1.7 2 1.7-2 1.8 2 1.7-2 1.7 2 1.7-2 1.7 2 1.7-2v11.3h-6.8l-3.5 3.7 3.5 3.7h6.8v11.2zm78.9 0l1.7-1.9 1.7 2 1.7-2 1.8 2 1.7-2 1.7 2 1.7-2 1.7 2v-30l-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2-1.8 2-1.7-2-1.7 2-1.7-2v11.3h6.9l3.4 3.7-3.4 3.7h-6.9v11.2z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M-91.4 156s-1.4 1.4-1.4 2.2c0 .7 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.2.8 0 2.1-1.5 2.1-2.2s-1.4-2.2-1.4-2.2v-3s3 5.1 3 2.9c0-1.6-3-4.3-3-4.3h-1.5s-3 3.2-3 4.3c0 2.2 3-2.9 3-2.9v3z"/> <path 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