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File: CoffeeCMS/contents/themes/cfnews/assets/moment/src/locale/br.js

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File: CoffeeCMS/contents/themes/cfnews/assets/moment/src/locale/br.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Coffee CMS
Content management system using MVC based themes
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,826 bytes



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//! moment.js locale configuration //! locale : Breton [br] //! author : Jean-Baptiste Le Duigou : import moment from '../moment'; function relativeTimeWithMutation(number, withoutSuffix, key) { var format = { 'mm': 'munutenn', 'MM': 'miz', 'dd': 'devezh' }; return number + ' ' + mutation(format[key], number); } function specialMutationForYears(number) { switch (lastNumber(number)) { case 1: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 9: return number + ' bloaz'; default: return number + ' vloaz'; } } function lastNumber(number) { if (number > 9) { return lastNumber(number % 10); } return number; } function mutation(text, number) { if (number === 2) { return softMutation(text); } return text; } function softMutation(text) { var mutationTable = { 'm': 'v', 'b': 'v', 'd': 'z' }; if (mutationTable[text.charAt(0)] === undefined) { return text; } return mutationTable[text.charAt(0)] + text.substring(1); } export default moment.defineLocale('br', { months : 'Genver_C\'hwevrer_Meurzh_Ebrel_Mae_Mezheven_Gouere_Eost_Gwengolo_Here_Du_Kerzu'.split('_'), monthsShort : 'Gen_C\'hwe_Meu_Ebr_Mae_Eve_Gou_Eos_Gwe_Her_Du_Ker'.split('_'), weekdays : 'Sul_Lun_Meurzh_Merc\'her_Yaou_Gwener_Sadorn'.split('_'), weekdaysShort : 'Sul_Lun_Meu_Mer_Yao_Gwe_Sad'.split('_'), weekdaysMin : 'Su_Lu_Me_Mer_Ya_Gw_Sa'.split('_'), weekdaysParseExact : true, longDateFormat : { LT : 'h[e]mm A', LTS : 'h[e]mm:ss A', L : 'DD/MM/YYYY', LL : 'D [a viz] MMMM YYYY', LLL : 'D [a viz] MMMM YYYY h[e]mm A', LLLL : 'dddd, D [a viz] MMMM YYYY h[e]mm A' }, calendar : { sameDay : '[Hiziv da] LT', nextDay : '[Warc\'hoazh da] LT', nextWeek : 'dddd [da] LT', lastDay : '[Dec\'h da] LT', lastWeek : 'dddd [paset da] LT', sameElse : 'L' }, relativeTime : { future : 'a-benn %s', past : '%s \'zo', s : 'un nebeud segondennoù', m : 'ur vunutenn', mm : relativeTimeWithMutation, h : 'un eur', hh : '%d eur', d : 'un devezh', dd : relativeTimeWithMutation, M : 'ur miz', MM : relativeTimeWithMutation, y : 'ur bloaz', yy : specialMutationForYears }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(añ|vet)/, ordinal : function (number) { var output = (number === 1) ? 'añ' : 'vet'; return number + output; }, week : { dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week. doy : 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year. } });