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File: CoffeeCMS/contents/themes/cfnews/assets/moment/src/lib/duration/prototype.js

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  Classes of James Brows   Coffee CMS   CoffeeCMS/contents/themes/cfnews/assets/moment/src/lib/duration/prototype.js   Download  
File: CoffeeCMS/contents/themes/cfnews/assets/moment/src/lib/duration/prototype.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Coffee CMS
Content management system using MVC based themes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,763 bytes



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import { Duration } from './constructor'; var proto = Duration.prototype; import { abs } from './abs'; import { add, subtract } from './add-subtract'; import { as, asMilliseconds, asSeconds, asMinutes, asHours, asDays, asWeeks, asMonths, asYears, valueOf } from './as'; import { bubble } from './bubble'; import { get, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, weeks } from './get'; import { humanize } from './humanize'; import { toISOString } from './iso-string'; import { lang, locale, localeData } from '../moment/locale'; import { isValid } from './valid'; proto.isValid = isValid; proto.abs = abs; proto.add = add; proto.subtract = subtract; = as; proto.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds; proto.asSeconds = asSeconds; proto.asMinutes = asMinutes; proto.asHours = asHours; proto.asDays = asDays; proto.asWeeks = asWeeks; proto.asMonths = asMonths; proto.asYears = asYears; proto.valueOf = valueOf; proto._bubble = bubble; proto.get = get; proto.milliseconds = milliseconds; proto.seconds = seconds; proto.minutes = minutes; proto.hours = hours; proto.days = days; proto.weeks = weeks; proto.months = months; proto.years = years; proto.humanize = humanize; proto.toISOString = toISOString; proto.toString = toISOString; proto.toJSON = toISOString; proto.locale = locale; proto.localeData = localeData; // Deprecations import { deprecate } from '../utils/deprecate'; proto.toIsoString = deprecate('toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)', toISOString); proto.lang = lang;