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File: security.class.php

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File: security.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: Security System
Search for files that may present security risks
Author: By
Last change: Added PHPdoc
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 3,606 bytes



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 * @name Security class
 * @author ß àöêèé îäìèí, éà ñ÷àñ â ñåðâåðíîé êîòà ÷åðåç øðåäåð çà 25 ñåêíä ïðîïóñòèë o_0
 * @copyright 2009 êîò, àäìèí, øðåäåð.
 * @uses This class can help you to find risky files
class Security
     * @var String|false
     * @uses Mail of admin
private $admin_mail = false;

     * @var Array
     * @uses Risky files
private $risky = array ();

     * @var Array
     * @uses What to search. Optional: if it not called, script will check - "executable" or not.
private $search = array ();

     * @var Array
     * @uses All files in directory
private $files = array ();

     * @var Array
     * @uses Temp var
private $temp_dir = array ();

     * @param String
     * @uses Activate and create structure
public function __construct ($start_folder = '/')
$this->create_structure ($start_folder);

     * @param String
     * @return Create structure
private function create_structure ($start_folder)
        if (
is_dir ($start_folder))
            if (
class_exists ('RecursveDirectoryIteratorIterator') && class_exists ('RecursiveDirectoryIterator'))
$this->files = new RecursveDirectoryIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_folder));
$this->scan_dir ($start_folder, true);
                while (
count ($this->temp_dir))
$dir = reset ($this->temp_dir);
                    if (empty (
$this->scan_dir ($dir);
            throw new
Exception("$start_folder is not directory");

     * @param $dir - String
     * @param $first - true|false
     * @uses Create structure of $dir
private function scan_dir ($dir, $first = false)
$array = scandir ($dir);
array_splice($array, 0, 2);
        if (!
        unset (
$this->temp_dir [array_search ($dir, $this->temp_dir)]);

        if (
count ($array) > 1)
            foreach (
$array as $value)
$a = substr ($dir, - 1);
$temp = (substr ($dir, - 1)==='/' ? $dir : $dir.'/').$value;
                if (
is_dir ($temp))
$this->temp_dir[] = $temp;
                else if (
is_file ($temp))
$this->files[] = $temp;

     * @param Array - What to search
public function search ()
$this->search = array_unique (array_merge (func_get_args (), $this->search));

     * @uses Main action. Finder.
     * @return Risky files|false
public function scan ()
        if (
count ($this->search))
$gc = true;

        foreach (
$this->files as $value)
            if (
is_executable ($value))
$this->risky['executable'][] = $value;

            if (
$temp = file_get_contents ($value);
                foreach (
$this->search as $val)
                    if (
stristr ($temp, $val))
$this->risky[$val][] = $value;
$temp = null;

        if (
count ($this->risky))
            if (
$this->send_mail ();


     * @param String
     * @uses Set receiver of the mail.
public function mail_alert ($mail)
$this->admin_mail = $mail;

     * @uses Mail sender
private function send_mail ()
$count = count($this->risky, 0);
mail($this->admin_mail, "Founded risky files", "It is PHP Security class.\nNow was found $count risky files.\nPlease check its.");