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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/abstract.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/gentelella/vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/abstract.js   Download  
File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/abstract.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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Date: 3 years ago
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import $ from 'jquery'; import ParsleyUtils from './utils'; var ParsleyAbstract = function () { this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.generateID(); }; ParsleyAbstract.prototype = { asyncSupport: true, // Deprecated _pipeAccordingToValidationResult: function () { var pipe = () => { var r = $.Deferred(); if (true !== this.validationResult) r.reject(); return r.resolve().promise(); }; return [pipe, pipe]; }, actualizeOptions: function () { ParsleyUtils.attr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, this.domOptions); if (this.parent && this.parent.actualizeOptions) this.parent.actualizeOptions(); return this; }, _resetOptions: function (initOptions) { this.domOptions = ParsleyUtils.objectCreate(this.parent.options); this.options = ParsleyUtils.objectCreate(this.domOptions); // Shallow copy of ownProperties of initOptions: for (var i in initOptions) { if (initOptions.hasOwnProperty(i)) this.options[i] = initOptions[i]; } this.actualizeOptions(); }, _listeners: null, // Register a callback for the given event name // Callback is called with context as the first argument and the `this` // The context is the current parsley instance, or window.Parsley if global // A return value of `false` will interrupt the calls on: function (name, fn) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; var queue = this._listeners[name] = this._listeners[name] || []; queue.push(fn); return this; }, // Deprecated. Use `on` instead subscribe: function(name, fn) { $.listenTo(this, name.toLowerCase(), fn); }, // Unregister a callback (or all if none is given) for the given event name off: function (name, fn) { var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name]; if (queue) { if (!fn) { delete this._listeners[name]; } else { for (var i = queue.length; i--; ) if (queue[i] === fn) queue.splice(i, 1); } } return this; }, // Deprecated. Use `off` unsubscribe: function(name, fn) { $.unsubscribeTo(this, name.toLowerCase()); }, // Trigger an event of the given name // A return value of `false` interrupts the callback chain // Returns false if execution was interrupted trigger: function (name, target, extraArg) { target = target || this; var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name]; var result; var parentResult; if (queue) { for (var i = queue.length; i--; ) { result = queue[i].call(target, target, extraArg); if (result === false) return result; } } if (this.parent) { return this.parent.trigger(name, target, extraArg); } return true; }, // Reset UI reset: function () { // Field case: just emit a reset event for UI if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__) { this._resetUI(); return this._trigger('reset'); } // Form case: emit a reset event for each field for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) this.fields[i].reset(); this._trigger('reset'); }, // Destroy Parsley instance (+ UI) destroy: function () { // Field case: emit destroy event to clean UI and then destroy stored instance this._destroyUI(); if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__) { this.$element.removeData('Parsley'); this.$element.removeData('ParsleyFieldMultiple'); this._trigger('destroy'); return; } // Form case: destroy all its fields and then destroy stored instance for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) this.fields[i].destroy(); this.$element.removeData('Parsley'); this._trigger('destroy'); }, asyncIsValid: function (group, force) { ParsleyUtils.warnOnce("asyncIsValid is deprecated; please use whenValid instead"); return this.whenValid({group, force}); }, _findRelated: function () { return this.options.multiple ? this.parent.$element.find(`[${this.options.namespace}multiple="${this.options.multiple}"]`) : this.$element; } }; export default ParsleyAbstract;