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File: Logaty/Translate/Translator.php

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  Classes of mohammad anzawi   PHP Multilingual Support Library   Logaty/Translate/Translator.php   Download  
File: Logaty/Translate/Translator.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Multilingual Support Library
Translate texts for Web sites from JSON or DB
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,397 bytes



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namespace PHPtricks\Logaty\Translate;


 * Class Translator
class Translator
$app = null;
$dir = '';

    public function
__construct(App $app)

$this->app = $app;
// get language directory - you can edit it from config/paths.php -
$this->dir = $app->config('paths.lang_files');

     * get translation from files
     * @param string $str
     * @param string $lang
     * @return string
public function getTranslate($str, $lang = '')
// check if language send and its enabled language or set language to default one.
$lang = ($lang && in_array($lang, $this->app->enabled()) ?
$lang :

// handel key to get translation from correct file
         * -remember- we store languages from directory (language/[language-code]/[page-key].php)
         * and inside file [page-key].php we have an array -> [ key => translation ]
         * example :
         * arabic language for home page
         * translation file -> /languages/ar/home.php
         * inside home.php -> [ 'welcome' => '????? ?? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????.' ]
         * to use it :
         * 1 - logaty('home.welcome');
         * 2 - logaty->__('home.welcome');
         * 3 - logaty->_x('home.welcome');
$target = explode('.', $str);
// get translation file
                /*our language directory*/
$file = $this->dir .
/* language-key/page-key */

// check if file exists
$str; // if translation file not exists just return given string
// get translation array from file
$translation = include $file;
$target[0]); // remove file name - we dont need file name language anymore

        // get the translation
foreach ($target as $item)
            if( isset(
$translation[$item]) ) {
$translation = $translation[$item];

// return translation if its a string otherwise return given string
return is_string($translation) ? $translation : $str;