arg_name: option
name: _id
type: mixed
description: |
Value to use as the file document identifier. Defaults to a new
:php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\ObjectId <class.mongodb-bson-objectid>` object.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: chunkSizeBytes
type: integer
description: |
The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to the bucket's ``chunkSizeBytes`` option.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: disableMD5
type: boolean
description: |
Whether to disable automatic MD5 generation when storing files.
Defaults to ``false``.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: metadata
type: array|object
description: |
User data for the ``metadata`` field of the file document. If not specified,
the ``metadata`` field will not be set on the file document.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: revision
type: integer
description: |
The revision of the file to retrieve. Files with the name ``filename`` will be
differentiated by their ``uploadDate`` field.
Revision numbers are defined as follows:
- 0 = the original stored file
- 1 = the first revision
- 2 = the second revision
- etc...
- -2 = the second most recent revision
- -1 = the most recent revision
Defaults to -1 (i.e. the most recent revision).
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true