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File: sql2table.class.php

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File: sql2table.class.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: sql2table class file
Class: sql2table
Easy way to display Mysql sql content.
Author: By
Last change: SqlAdmStart() is the new class method for this update. It would add "Edit","Delete" & "Insert" link when displaing table.This method would be handy when you want to do some management in specific table.
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 8,504 bytes


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<?php /* * @version V1.1 2002/July/12 (c) Erh-Wen,Kuo ( All rights reserved. * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. * Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, * the BSD license will take precedence. * * purpose: providing a easy method to display mysql sql content. */ /* New class method:SqlAdmStart() is implemented at V1.1,2002/July/12 */ class Sql2Table{ var $db_host; var $db_user; var $db_pwd; var $db_name; var $db_link; var $db_query; var $navigator; var $pages; var $grids; var $limit; /*Sql2Table is class constructor Return: None */ function Sql2Table($db_host="localhost",$db_user="",$db_pwd="",$db_name="") { $this->db_host=$db_host; $this->db_user=$db_user; $this->db_pwd=$db_pwd; $this->db_name=$db_name; //connect mysql database $this->db_link=mysql_pconnect($this->db_host,$this->db_user,$this->db_pwd) or die("Mysql database connecion failed!"); }//Sql2Table() END /*SqlStart() is one of the key method to let this class works(the other one is SqlAdmStart()). It needs to be called everytime using this class.(If you want to add "Edit","Insert"&"Delete" link when display table, then you need to use SqlAdmStart() instead!! Return: None */ function SqlStart($query="",$offset=0,$limit=10) { if(!isset($limit) or $limit==0){ $limit=10; } if(!isset($offset)){ $offset=0; } //localize text string $first = '<code>|&lt;</code>'; $prev = '<code>&lt;&lt;</code>'; $next = '<code>>></code>'; $last = '<code>>|</code>'; //connect mysql database mysql_select_db($this->db_name,$this->db_link); //get origin result $numresults=mysql_query($query); //get the totoal number of rows $numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); //calculate total pages $totalpages=intval($numrows/$limit); if($numrows%$limit){ $totalpages++; } //calculate current pages if($offset==0){ $currentpage=1; }else{ $currentpage=($offset/$limit)+1; } //construct page string $pages="Pages: $currentpage / $totalpages"; //construct navigator string if ($currentpage>1){ $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=0\">$first</a> &nbsp; \n"; }else{ $navigator.="$first &nbsp; \n"; } if ($currentpage>1) { // bypass PREV link if offset is 0 $prevoffset=$offset-$limit; $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$prevoffset\">$prev</a> &nbsp; \n"; }else{ $navigator.="$prev &nbsp; \n"; } // check to see if last page if ($currentpage<$totalpages) { // not last page so give NEXT link $newoffset=$offset+$limit; $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoffset\">$next</a> &nbsp; \n"; }else{ $navigator.="$next &nbsp; \n"; } if($currentpage<$totalpages){ $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=".($limit*($totalpages-1))."\">$last</a><p>\n"; }else{ $navigator.="$last<p>\n"; } // get display results $query.=" limit $offset,$limit"; #echo "$query"; $result=mysql_query($query); $numoffields=mysql_num_fields($result); // now you can display the results returned $grids.="<table border=1 bgcolor=white>\n"; $grids.=" <tr>\n"; for($i=0;$i<$numoffields;$i++){ $grids.=" <th>".mysql_field_name($result,$i)."</th>\n"; } $grids.=" </tr>\n"; while ($data=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $grids.=" <tr>\n"; // include code to display results as you see fit for($i=0;$i<$numoffields;$i++){ if(!isset($data[$i]) or $data[$i]==""){$data[$i]='&nbsp;';} $grids.=" <td>".$data[$i]."</td>\n"; }//for END $grids.=" </tr>\n"; } $grids.="</table>\n"; //put these string to variables $this->navigator=$navigator; $this->pages=$pages; $this->grids=$grids; }//SqlStart() END /*SqlAdmStart() is the other key method to let this class works.It needs to be called everytime using this class if you want this class add "Edit","Delete" & "Insert" link when displaing table.This method would be handy when you want to modify some record. Return: None */ function SqlAdmStart($action,$key,$query="",$offset=0,$limit=10) { if(!isset($action)){ $action=$PHP_SELF; } if(!isset($limit) or $limit==0){ $limit=10; } if(!isset($offset)){ $offset=0; } //localize text string $first = '<code>|&lt;</code>'; $prev = '<code>&lt;&lt;</code>'; $next = '<code>>></code>'; $last = '<code>>|</code>'; //connect mysql database mysql_select_db($this->db_name,$this->db_link); //get origin result $numresults=mysql_query($query); //get the totoal number of rows $numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); //calculate total pages $totalpages=intval($numrows/$limit); if($numrows%$limit){ $totalpages++; } //calculate current pages if($offset==0){ $currentpage=1; }else{ $currentpage=($offset/$limit)+1; } //construct page string $pages="Pages: $currentpage / $totalpages"; //construct navigator string if ($currentpage>1){ $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=0\">$first</a> &nbsp; \n"; }else{ $navigator.="$first &nbsp; \n"; } if ($currentpage>1) { // bypass PREV link if offset is 0 $prevoffset=$offset-$limit; $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$prevoffset\">$prev</a> &nbsp; \n"; }else{ $navigator.="$prev &nbsp; \n"; } // check to see if last page if ($currentpage<$totalpages) { // not last page so give NEXT link $newoffset=$offset+$limit; $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoffset\">$next</a> &nbsp; \n"; }else{ $navigator.="$next &nbsp; \n"; } if($currentpage<$totalpages){ $navigator.="<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=".($limit*($totalpages-1))."\">$last</a><p>\n"; }else{ $navigator.="$last<p>\n"; } // get display results $query.=" limit $offset,$limit"; #echo "$query"; $result=mysql_query($query); $numoffields=mysql_num_fields($result); // now you can display the results returned $grids.="<table border=1 bgcolor=white>\n"; $grids.=" <tr>\n"; for($i=0;$i<$numoffields;$i++){ $grids.=" <th>".mysql_field_name($result,$i)."</th>\n"; } $grids.=" <th colspan=2><a href=\"$action?action=insert\">Insert</a></th>\n"; $grids.=" </tr>\n"; while ($data=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $grids.=" <tr>\n"; // include code to display results as you see fit for($i=0;$i<$numoffields;$i++){ if(!isset($data[$i]) or $data[$i]==""){$data[$i]='&nbsp;';} $grids.=" <td>".$data[$i]."</td>\n"; }//for END $grids.=" <td><a href=\"$action?action=edit&$key=".$data[$key]."\">Edit</a></td>\n"; $grids.=" <td><a href=\"$action?action=delete&$key=".$data[$key]."\">Delete</a></td>\n"; $grids.=" </tr>\n"; } $grids.="</table>\n"; //put these string to variables $this->navigator=$navigator; $this->pages=$pages; $this->grids=$grids; }//SqlAdmStart() END /*GetNav() would return table navigation string Return: String */ function GetNav() { return $this->navigator; }//GetNav() END /*GetPages() would return table pages string Return: String */ function GetPages() { return $this->pages; }//GetPages() END /*GetGrids() would return a format HTML table string displaying SQL content Return: String */ function GetGrids() { return $this->grids; }//GetGrids() END /*ShowTable() method would return a string combine Pages,Navigation&Sql Content in HTML table format. Easy for debugging!! Return: String */ function ShowTable() { $show=""; $show.="<table border=1 bgcolor=beige>\n"; $show.=" <tr>\n"; $show.=" <td>\n".$this->navigator."</td>\n"; $show.=" </tr>\n"; $show.=" <tr>\n"; $show.=" <td>\n".$this->grids."</td>\n"; $show.=" </tr>\n"; $show.=" <tr>\n"; $show.=" <td>\n".$this->pages."</td>\n"; $show.=" </tr>\n"; $show.="</table>\n"; return $show; }//ShowTable() END }//class Sql2Table END ?>