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File: template/help/content/oview.php

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  Classes of Dave Smith   Amp Frame   template/help/content/oview.php   Download  
File: template/help/content/oview.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Amp Frame
MVC framework for developing Web applications
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,504 bytes



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AMP Frame ver 1.0.0
Help Template
Overview Help Content
if( !defined('AFALLOW') ){
'direct access not allowed');
<div class="jumbotron">
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                    <div class="col"><h4 class="text-center">AMP Frame Overview</h4></div>
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                            <dt>What is it?</dt>
                            <dd>AMP Frame is a core framework built for developers and designers to quickly launch web pages and services. It seperates the developers coding task on the back end from the designers display task on the front end with a controller driven templating system.</dd>
                            <dt>How does it work?</dt>
                            <dd>It is built using the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern where a controller manipulates a model which provides data for a view to deliver. It also contains a router so that different routes can be triggered from different requests and multiple models can be loaded as needed.</dd>
                            <dt>What can it do?</dt>
                            <dd>AMP Frame can do anything a model can be developed for. It ships with a page model and view for displaying web pages, two mySQLi models (procedural and object methods) for handling database operations, an error model for error handling and a model to manage clean URL's. While those models cover common uses, they really only scratch the surface of what is possible.</dd>
                            <dt>Is it easy to use?</dt>
                            <dd>When developing anything, you have to weigh the ease of use against the performance cost. AMP Frame was developed with performance and flexibility at the top of the requirements so it is not a plug and play system where you have to work around what you get. Anyone with a working knowledge of PHP and HTML should find it easy to work with, especially to implement the capabilities of models and systems already developed.</dd>
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