PHP Classes

File: apps/codiad/languages/sr.php

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  Classes of Mark Richards   CliqonV4   apps/codiad/languages/sr.php   Download  
File: apps/codiad/languages/sr.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: CliqonV4
Framework with modules to build Web applications
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 18,406 bytes


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<?php $lang = array( "Access ALL Projects" => "??????? ???? ??????????", "Account Deleted" => "????? ?? ????????", "Account Modified" => "????? ?? ???????", "Account" => "?????", "Account:" => "?????:", "Active Project Cannot Be Removed" => "???????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????????", "Administration" => "??????????????", "All" => "???", "Are You Sure You Wish To Delete The Following:" => "?? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????????:", "At Least One Project Must Be Selected" => "?????? ???????? ??? ????? ????????", "Available" => "????????", "Branch" => "?????", "Cancel" => "????????", "Cannot Paste Directory Into Itself" => "?? ???? ?? ??????? ???????????? ? ???? ?????.", "Changes On Codiad" => "?????? ?? Codiad-?", "Change %{username}%&apos;s Password" => "?????? ??????? ????????? %{username}%", "Click" => "????", "Close All" => "??????? ???", "Close Unsaved Files?" => "??????? ?????????? ?????????", "Close Unsaved File?" => "??????? ?????????? ?????????", "Close Uploader" => "??????? ?????", "Close" => "???????", "CODIAD" => "CODIAD", "Codiad Marketplace" => "Codiad ??????????", "Collapse" => "?????", "Color Tool" => "????", "Col" => "???", "Complete!" => "????????", "Confirm" => "???????", "Confirm Password" => "??????? ???????", "Confirm Project Deletion" => "??????? ??????? ????????", "Confirm User Deletion" => "??????? ??????? ?????????", "Congratulation, Your System Is Up To Date." => "????????, ??? ?????? ?? ? ?????????? ???????.", "Connection Error" => "?????? ? ????", "Connection To The Market Place Can Not Be Made. Please Check Your Internet Connection." => "?? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ???????????. ????????? ???? ???? ?? ??????????.", "Contacting GitHub..." => "??????????? GitHub...", "Continue" => "???????", "Copied To Clipboard" => "???????? ? ?????????? ????????", "Create Account" => "??????? ?????", "Create Duplicate" => "??????? ????????", "Create Project" => "??????? ????????", "Create" => "???????", "Current Project" => "?????? ????????", "Default" => "??????", "Delete Project Files" => "??????? ???????? ????????", "Delete " => "??????? ", "Delete" => "???????", "Delete Plugin" => "??????? ???????", "Delete Theme" => "??????? ????", "Discard Changes" => "??????? ??????", "Double Click" => "????? ????", "Download " => "??????? ", "Download Codiad" => "??????? Codiad", "Drag Files Or Click Here To Upload" => "????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????", "Editor" => "????????", "Editor Settings" => "?????????? ?????????", "Enter GitHub Repository Url..." => "??????? ?????? GitHub ?????????...", "Explore" => "???????", "Extension" => "?????????", "Extensions" => "?????????", "File Could Not Be Saved" => "???? ?????? ???????? ????????", "Filemanager Trigger" => "?????? ????????? ??????????", "File Saved" => "???????? ?? ????????", "File Type:" => "????? ????????:", "Find:" => "???????:", "Find" => "???????", "Folder Name Or Absolute Path" => "??? ????????????? ??? ????????? ??????", "Follow Symbolic Links " => "????? ?????????? ????", "Font Size" => "???????? ?????", "...from Git Repo" => "...?? Git ?????????", "Git Repository" => "Git ?????????", "Help" => "?????", "Hide" => "??????", "Highlight Active Line" => "??????? ??????? ??????", "Hover" => "?????? ????", "Indent Guides" => "?????? ????????", "Inline Preview" => "??????? ? ??????", "Insert HEX" => "?????? HEX", "Insert RGB" => "?????? RGB", "Install " => "?????????? ", "Install" => "??????????", "Install Plugin" => "?????????? ???????", "Install Theme" => "?????????? ????", "Installed" => "???????????", "In:" => "?:", "Language" => "?????", "Last Update Was Done By " => "???????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ", "Latest Version" => "???????? ???????", "Ln" => "???", "Login" => "????????", "Logout" => "?????", "Merge All" => "????? ???", "Mode" => "?????", "More Than One Suggestions Selected. Might Be A Bug." => "???????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ????????. ?????? ?? ?? ??????.", "More" => "????", "New Account" => "???? ?????", "New Extension" => "???? ?????????", "New Password" => "???? ???????", "New Project" => "???? ????????", "No" => "??", "No Open Files Or Selected Text" => "???? ????????? ???????? ??? ????????? ??????", "No Open Files To save" => "???? ????????? ???????? ?? ??????", "No Suggestion Selected. Might Be A Bug." => "??????? ???? ???????. ?????? ?? ?? ??????.", "Note: This Will Only Work If Your Git Repo Does Not Require Interactive Authentication And Your Server Has Git Installed." => "????????: ??? ?? ?????? ???? ? ??????? ?? ???? Git ????????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ???????????? ? ??? ?? Git ?????????? ?? ????? ???????.", "Note: Your Installation Is A Nightly Build. Codiad Might Be Unstable." => "????????: ???? ??????????? ?? ????? ??????, ?? ???? ???? ???????????.", "Nothing In Your Clipboard" => "?????????? ???????? ?? ??????", "No Wrap" => "??? ?????????", "Off" => "?????????", "Only Selected Projects" => "???? ???????? ????????", "On" => "????????", "Open" => "??????", "Overwrite Original" => "??????? ????????", "Password Changed" => "?????? ???????", "Passwords Do Not Match" => "??????? ?? ????????", "Password" => "???????", "Path:" => "??????:", "Path" => "??????", "Plugins" => "??????", "Persistent Modal" => "???????? ???????", "Prefix" => "???????", "Press Enter To Search" => "?? ???????? ?????????? ?????", "Print Margin" => "??????? ??????", "Project Access For " => "??????? ???????? ?? ", "Project Deleted" => "???????? ?? ????????", "Project List" => "????? ?????????", "Project Loaded" => "???????? ?? ??????", "Project Name" => "??? ????????", "Project %{projectName}% Loaded" => "???????? %{projectName}% ?? ??????", "Project Renamed" => "???????? ?? ???????????", "Projects" => "????????", "Recovered Unsaved Content For: " => "????????? ??????????? ??????? ??: ", "Regular Expression" => "????????? ??????", "Reload Codiad" => "?????? ?????? Codiad", "Rename" => "?????????", "Rename Project" => "????????? ????????", "Replace ALL" => "?????? ???", "Replace:" => "??????:", "Replace" => "??????", "Restricted" => "?????????", "Right Sidebar Trigger" => "?????? ?? ????? ?????", "Save & Close" => "??????? ? ???????", "Save" => "???????", "Save All" => "??????? ???", "Search File Contents" => "??????? ??????? ????????", "Search Files:" => "??????? ????????:", "Search" => "???????", "Settings" => "??????????", "Show" => "???????", "Single Click" => "????? ????", "Soft Tabs" => "???? ??????????", "Space Seperated File Types Eg: Js C Php" => "????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???. js c php", "Split Horizontally" => "?????? ????????????", "Split Vertically" => "?????? ??????????", "Split" => "??????", "Split" => "?????? ??????", "Substring" => "??? ??????", "Sync Plugin Settings On All Devices" => "??????????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????????", "Sync System Settings On All Devices" => "??????????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????????", "System Settings" => "????????? ??????????", "System" => "??????", "Tab Size" => "???????? ??????????", "Terminal" => "????????", "Themes" => "????", "Theme" => "????", "Unable To Open File In Browser" => "?? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ? ??????????", "Update Check" => "??????? ??????????", "Update " => "?????? ", "Update" => "??????", "Update Plugin" => "?????? ???????", "Update Theme" => "?????? ????", "Upload Files" => "??????? ????????", "User Account Created" => "????????? ?? ?????????? ?????", "User List" => "????? ?????????", "Username Must Be Alphanumeric String" => "?????????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ? ???????", "Username" => "????????", "Users" => "?????????", "Warning: File Currently Opened By: " => "?????????: ???????? ???????? ??????? ?: ", "Workspace Projects" => "???????? ?????? ????????", "Would You Like To Overwrite Or Duplicate The Following:" => "?? ?? ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ?? ????????? ???????:", "Wrap Lines" => "??????? ???? ??????", "Yes" => "??", "You Can Not Access The Marketplace" => "?? ?????? ??????? ??????????", "You Can Not Check For Updates" => "?? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????? ??????????", "You Can Not Edit The User List" => "?? ?? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ?????????", "You Have Unsaved Files." => "????? ?????????? ????????.", "You Must Choose A Value" => "?????? ????????? ????????", "Your Version" => "???? ???????" );