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Classes of Muhammad Usman | PHP CRUD 360 Form Generator | README.MD | Download |
![]() //#########################DISCLAIMER############################ //#THIS FREE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND # //#ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # //#LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # //#FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # //#EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR ANY CONTRIBUTOR BE LIABLE FOR # //#ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # //#CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # //#EFFECTS OF UNAUTHORIZED OR MALICIOUS NETWORK ACCESS; # //#PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # //#DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # //#AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # //#LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # //#ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # //#IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # //############################################################### ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /------------------------------ NOTICE -------------------------------\ | Product Name : Crud360 | | Organization : Orbit360 (R) | | Type : Create, Read, Update & Delete CodeGen | | Author : Usman Mughal | | Created : 24-11-2016 | | Updated : 25-11-2016 | | Doctype : PHP | | Version : 1.0b | | Copyright : Orbit360(R) - | | License : Attribution Assurance License | | | | read for more info | | Dependencies : bootstrap 4.0, jquery 1.11.2, | | tinymce 4.4.3, maskedinput 1.4.1 | | Platform : LAMP/WAMP | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Serves as a major class to Manipulate database tables querying | | them, inserting data in a convinient way. This class incorporates | | Jquery/Bootstrap and several other plugins to make programmers life | | easier by allowing them to generate code like never before with | | extereme customization capabilities of crud360, developers can build | | any kind of a back end system with little or no coding at all. | | This software is capable of generation code for a database table to | | display records, edit records, and add records. All you need is to | | write name of the table you're trying to create a crud for, and | | voila! crud360 will take care of your tabular records editing, | | updating and deleting records. | | Note: Use unique keys to prevent accidental duplication upon page | | reload espacially when using more than one tables on one page. | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ PREREQUISITS:
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /-------------------- Crud360 Feature List ---------------------------\ | * PDO based (SQL injection free) | | * Use where clause (hide certain rows if you know SQL) | | * Hide/Show columns (change order of display/forms | | * Displays dropdowns against linked values (with 'where' clause | | filter (named placeholders :name) paired with associative key->val | | array to be used ) see examples | | * Override linked value dropdowns with radios (checks experimental) | | * Display custom dropdown values (by supplying an associative | | key/value pair array) | | * Compound values (with SQL CONCAT) in linked values | | * Compound values (with SQL CONCAT) in reports values | | * Auto Column Names | | * Auto Table Name Headings | | * Override Column Heading | | * Format column value(s) (as image, video, link, date, hexcolor ) | | * Force input types (override defaults) | | * Set Rich text fields (using tinymce | | * Auto date/datetime/timestamp picker | | * Override form templates using simple tpl files | | * Clip column values (all, certain fields) | | * Auto hide excess columns on mobile view | | * Adjust to mobile view | | * Load as many tables as you want on a single page | | * Style as per your needs (your own layout) | | * No javascript to write | | * Enforces a primary key with auto_increment (if your table lacks | | a Primary key and an auto_increment field Crud360 will not work) | | * Set inputs autorequired (based on database null/not null values | | * Set inputs required explicitly | | * Set inputs readonly | | * Auto readonly for timestamps | | * Prevention of primarykey editing | | AND MUCH MORE!!! AND MUCH MORE TO COME! | \--------------------------------------------------------------------/ |