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File: includes/js/webdgapjs.js

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File: includes/js/webdgapjs.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CliqonV4
Framework with modules to build Web applications
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Class file image Download
// Version: 1.2.5 // WebDGap, copyright (c) by Michael Schwartz and others // Distributed under an MIT license: // This is WebDGap (, Easily create multi-platform desktop apps. // implemented in JavaScript! function webdgap(os, YourName, AppImg, url) { // Detect if users browser can load and download files in Javascript if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) { // Detect if users browser can download files in Javascript } else { alert("The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser."); } var endExportMSG = function() { console.log("WebDGap built your "+ os +" application"); }; WebDGapLoadScripts(); var isAlreadyVisible = document.querySelectorAll("[data-webdgap=container]"); for (var i=0;i<isAlreadyVisible.length;i++) if (isAlreadyVisible[i].innerHTML.length == 0) isAlreadyVisible[i].parentNode.removeChild(isAlreadyVisible[i]); // Image Container for WebDGap var addwebdgap = document.createElement("div"); = "none"; addwebdgap.setAttribute("data-webdgap", "container"); document.body.appendChild(addwebdgap); var webdgapContainer = document.querySelector("[data-webdgap=container]"); webdgapContainer.innerHTML = '<div data-webdgapimg="webdgapimgholder"></div>'; // Load images var webdgaporigimg = document.createElement("img"); webdgaporigimg.setAttribute("data-webdgapimgload", "webdgapimg"); webdgaporigimg.src = AppImg; webdgapContainer.appendChild(webdgaporigimg); // Load image sizes function embedImage(AppImg, size) { // Load images var webdgap_img = new Image(); webdgap_img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; webdgap_img.src = AppImg; webdgap_img.onload = function() { var webdgap_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); webdgap_canvas.width = size; webdgap_canvas.height = size; var webdgap_ctx = webdgap_canvas.getContext("2d"); webdgap_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); webdgap_ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, size, size); var webdgap_dataURL = webdgap_canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var webdgap_image = document.createElement("img"); webdgap_image.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; webdgap_image.setAttribute("data-webdgapsize", "f" + size); webdgap_image.src = webdgap_dataURL; // Image Container for WebDGap webdgapContainer.appendChild(webdgap_image); }; } embedImage(AppImg, "16"); embedImage(AppImg, "32"); embedImage(AppImg, "64"); embedImage(AppImg, "128"); // Load Scripts function WebDGapLoadScripts() { var jszipurl = document.createElement("script"); var jsziputilsurl = document.createElement("script"); var filesaverurl = document.createElement("script"); jszipurl.type = "text/javascript"; jszipurl.src = ""; jsziputilsurl.type = "text/javascript"; jsziputilsurl.src = ""; filesaverurl.type = "text/javascript"; filesaverurl.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(jszipurl); document.head.appendChild(jsziputilsurl); document.head.appendChild(filesaverurl); } // Export Application function executeApp() { // Detect Chosen Operating System if (os === "win") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent("", function(err, data) { if(err) { throw err // or handle err } var zip = new JSZip(data); // Your Logo zip.file("resources/default_app/icons/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("resources/default_app/icons/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("resources/default_app/icons/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("resources/default_app/icons/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("resources/default_app/icons/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app zip.file("resources/default_app/css/style.css", "html, body {\n height: 100%;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\niframe {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n border: 0;\n}"); zip.file("resources/default_app/index.html", "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>"+ YourName +"</title>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1.0\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=9\" />\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/style.css\" />\n </head>\n <body>\n <iframe src=\""+ url +"\">\n Your browser does not support the iFrame html elements.\n </iframe>\n </body>\n</html>"); zip.file("resources/default_app/package.json", "{\n \"name\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"productName\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n \"main\": \"default_app.js\",\n \"license\": \"MIT\"\n}\n"); // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); return false; }); } else if (os === "win32") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent("", function(err, data) { if(err) { throw err // or handle err } var zip = new JSZip(data); // Your Logo zip.file("app/icons/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("app/icons/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("app/icons/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("app/icons/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("app/icons/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app zip.file("package.json", '{\n "main" : "app/index.html",\n "name" : "'+ YourName +'",\n "window": {\n "toolbar" : false,\n "icon" : "app/icons/128.png",\n "width" : 1000,\n "height" : 600,\n "position": "center"\n }\n}'); zip.file("app/index.html", '<!doctype html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>'+ YourName +'</title>\n <style>\n iframe {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n overflow: visible;\n border: 0;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <iframe src="'+ url +'">\n Your browser does not support the iFrame html elements.\n </iframe>\n </body>\n</html>'); // zip.file("README", "If WebDGap was at all helpful for you. Would you consider donating to the project?\n\n\n") // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); return false; }); } else if (os === "mac") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent("", function(err, data) { if(err) { throw err // or handle err } var zip = new JSZip(data); // Your Logo zip.file("data/content/icons/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("data/content/icons/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("data/content/icons/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("data/content/icons/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("data/content/icons/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app zip.file("data/package.json", '{\n "main" : "content/index.html",\n "name" : "'+ YourName +'",\n "window": {\n "toolbar" : false\n }\n}'); zip.file("data/content/index.html", '<!doctype html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>'+ YourName +'</title>\n <style>\n iframe {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n overflow: visible;\n border: 0;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <iframe src="'+ url +'"></iframe>\n\n <script src="js/main.js"></script>\n </body>\n</html>'); zip.file("data/content/js/main.js", 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {\n // Load library\n var gui = require("nw.gui");\n\n // Reference to window\n var win = gui.Window.get();\n\n // Create menu container\n var Menu = new gui.Menu({\n type: "menubar"\n });\n\n //initialize default mac menu\n Menu.createMacBuiltin("'+ YourName +'");\n\n // Get the root menu from the default mac menu\n var rootMenu = Menu.items[0].submenu;\n var windowMenu = Menu.items[2].submenu;\n\n // Append new item to root menu\n windowMenu.insert(\n new gui.MenuItem({\n type: "normal",\n label: "Toggle Fullscreen",\n key: "F",\n modifiers: "cmd",\n click : function () {\n win.toggleFullscreen();\n }\n })\n );\n\n windowMenu.insert(\n new gui.MenuItem({\n type: "normal",\n label: "Reload App",\n key: "r",\n modifiers: "cmd",\n click : function () {\n win.reload();\n }\n })\n );\n\n // Remove About Node-Webkit\n rootMenu.removeAt(0);\n\n // Append Menu to Window\n gui.Window.get().menu = Menu;\n});'); zip.file("", "open -a /Applications/"+ YourName +".app/Contents/data/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "") +".app"); // zip.file("README", "If WebDGap was at all helpful for you. Would you consider donating to the project?\n\n\n"); // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); return false; }); } else if (os === "lin") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent("", function(err, data) { if(err) { throw err // or handle err } var zip = new JSZip(); // Put all application files in subfolder for shell script var appName = zip.folder( YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") ); appName.load(data); // Your Logo appName.file("resources/default_app/icons/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("resources/default_app/icons/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("resources/default_app/icons/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("resources/default_app/icons/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("resources/default_app/icons/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app appName.file("resources/default_app/index.html", '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>'+ YourName +'</title>\n <style>\n html, body {\n height: 100%;\n }\n body {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n }\n iframe {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n border: 0;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <iframe src="'+ url +'"></iframe>\n </body>\n</html>'); appName.file("resources/default_app/package.json", "{\n \"name\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"productName\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"version\": \"1.0.0\",\n \"main\": \"default_app.js\",\n \"license\": \"MIT\"\n}\n"); zip.file("", "if [ -d ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" ]; then\n typeset LP_FILE=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\n\n # Remove the target file if any\n rm -f ${LP_FILE}\n printf \"%s[Desktop Entry]\\nName="+ YourName +"\\nPath=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"\\nActions=sudo\\nExec=./"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/electron\\nIcon=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/resources/default_app/icons/128.png\\nTerminal=true\\nType=Application\\nStartupNotify=true > ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\" >> ${LP_FILE}\n\n echo 'Your application and launcher are now located at ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"'\n rm\n rm\n cd ../\n rmdir "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"-linsite\n cd ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/\n chmod 775 electron\nfi\n\nif [ ! -d ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" ]; then\n mv "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" ${HOME}\n\n typeset LP_FILE=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\n\n # Remove the target file if any\n rm -f ${LP_FILE}\n printf \"%s[Desktop Entry]\\nName="+ YourName +"\\nPath=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"\\nActions=sudo\\nExec=./"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/electron\\nIcon=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/resources/default_app/icons/128.png\\nTerminal=true\\nType=Application\\nStartupNotify=true > ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\" >> ${LP_FILE}\n\n echo 'Your application and launcher are now located at ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"'\n rm\n rm\n cd ../\n rmdir "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"-linsite\n cd ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/\n chmod 775 electron\nfi\n\n# For Windows OS\n#if EXIST ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" (\n #echo Yes\n#) ELSE (\n #echo No\n#)\n"); zip.file("", "### Instructions\n 1. Extract the `"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"` folder anywhere on your computer except the home folder. \n 2. Open a terminal and then navigate to "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"'s directory and `run the file`.\n\n **example**:\n cd Downloads/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"-linsite\n\n 3. This will move the "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" sibling folder and it's descendants to your home directory and create an application launcher.\n"); // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); return false; }); } else if (os === "lin32") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent("", function(err, data) { if(err) { throw err // or handle err } var zip = new JSZip(); // Put all application files in subfolder for shell script var appName = zip.folder( YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") ); appName.load(data); // Your Logo appName.file("app/icons/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("app/icons/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("app/icons/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("app/icons/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); appName.file("app/icons/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app appName.file("package.json", '{\n "main" : "app/index.html",\n "name" : "'+ YourName +'",\n "window": {\n "toolbar" : false,\n "icon" : "app/icons/128.png",\n "width" : 1000,\n "height" : 600,\n "position": "center"\n }\n}'); appName.file("app/index.html", '<!doctype html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>'+ YourName +'</title>\n <style>\n iframe {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n overflow: visible;\n border: 0;\n }\n </style>\n </head>\n <body>\n <iframe src="app/index.html"></iframe>\n </body>\n</html>'); zip.file("", "if [ -d ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" ]; then\n typeset LP_FILE=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\n\n # Remove the target file if any\n rm -f ${LP_FILE}\n printf \"%s[Desktop Entry]\\nName="+ YourName +"\\nPath=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"\\nActions=sudo\\nExec=./"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/nw\\nIcon=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/app/icons/128.png\\nTerminal=true\\nType=Application\\nStartupNotify=true > ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\" >> ${LP_FILE}\n\n echo 'Your application and launcher are now located at ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"'\n rm\n rm\n cd ../\n rmdir "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"-lin32site\n cd ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/\n chmod 775 nw\nfi\n\nif [ ! -d ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" ]; then\n mv "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" ${HOME}\n\n typeset LP_FILE=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\n\n # Remove the target file if any\n rm -f ${LP_FILE}\n printf \"%s[Desktop Entry]\\nName="+ YourName +"\\nPath=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"\\nActions=sudo\\nExec=./"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/nw\\nIcon=${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/app/icons/128.png\\nTerminal=true\\nType=Application\\nStartupNotify=true > ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +".desktop\" >> ${LP_FILE}\n\n echo 'Your application and launcher are now located at ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"'\n rm\n rm\n cd ../\n rmdir "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"-lin32site\n cd ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"/\n chmod 775 nw\nfi\n\n# For Windows OS\n#if EXIST ${HOME}/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" (\n #echo Yes\n#) ELSE (\n #echo No\n#)\n"); zip.file("", "### Instructions\n 1. Extract the `"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"` folder anywhere on your computer except the home folder. \n 2. Open a terminal and then navigate to "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"'s directory and `run the file`.\n\n **example**:\n cd Downloads/"+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +"-lin32site\n\n 3. This will move the "+ YourName.replace(/ /g, "-") +" sibling folder and it's descendants to your home directory and create an application launcher.\n"); // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); return false; }); } else if (os === "chrome") { var zip = new JSZip(); // Your Logo zip.file("img/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("img/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("img/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("img/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("img/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app zip.file("css/reset.css", "/* \n v2.0 | 20110126\n License: none (public domain)\n*/\n\nhtml, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,\nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,\na, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,\ndel, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,\nsmall, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,\nb, u, i, center,\ndl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,\nfieldset, form, label, legend,\ntable, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,\narticle, aside, canvas, details, embed, \nfigure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, \nmenu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,\ntime, mark, audio, video {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n border: 0;\n font-size: 100%;\n font: inherit;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */\narticle, aside, details, figcaption, figure, \nfooter, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {\n display: block;\n}\nbody {\n line-height: 1;\n}\nol, ul {\n list-style: none;\n}\nblockquote, q {\n quotes: none;\n}\nblockquote:before, blockquote:after,\nq:before, q:after {\n content: '';\n content: none;\n}\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse;\n border-spacing: 0;\n}"); zip.file("css/style.css", "webview {\n width: 100vw;\n height: 100vh;\n}"); zip.file("html/embed.html", "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n <title>"+ YourName +"</title>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../css/reset.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../css/style.css\">\n </head>\n <body>\n <webview id=\"webview\" src=\""+ url +"\" partition=\"persist:applicationize\"></webview>\n </body>\n</html>"); zip.file("js/background.js", "/**\n * Listens for the app launching then creates the window\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\ () {\n runApp();\n});\n\n/**\n * Listens for the app restarting then re-creates the window.\n *\n * @see\n */\ () {\n runApp();\n});\n\n/**\n * Creates the window for the application.\n *\n * @see\n */\nfunction runApp() {\n // Creat a new Chrome app window\n'html/embed.html', {\"id\":\"embed\",\"frame\":{\"type\":\"chrome\"},\"innerBounds\":{\"width\":1180,\"height\":900}}, onWindowLoaded());\n}\n\n/**\n * Called before the contentWindow's onload event\n *\n * @see\n */\nfunction onWindowLoaded(popup) {\n return function (win) {\n // On window loaded event\n win.contentWindow.onload = function () {\n // Get webview \n var webview = win.contentWindow.document.getElementById('webview');\n\n // Sign up for 'permissionrequest' event\n webview.addEventListener('permissionrequest', function (e) {\n // Allow all permission requests\n e.request.allow();\n });\n\n // Sign up for 'newwindow' event\n // Emitted when a target='_blank' link is clicked within the webview\n webview.addEventListener('newwindow', function (e) {\n // Popup?\n if (e.initialWidth > 0 && e.initialHeight > 0) {\n // Open it in a popup window with a set width and height\n return'html/embed.html', { frame: { type: 'chrome' }, innerBounds: { width: e.initialWidth, height: e.initialHeight } }, onWindowLoaded(e));\n }\n\n // Open the link in a new browser tab/window\n;\n });\n\n // Is this a popup window?\n if (popup) {\n // Override webview source with popup's target URL\n webview.src = popup.targetUrl;\n }\n };\n };\n}\n"); zip.file("manifest.json", "{\n \"app\": {\n \"background\": {\n \"pages\": [ \"html/embed.html\" ],\n \"scripts\": [ \"js/background.js\" ]\n }\n },\n \"description\": \"A shortcut app generated via WebDGap.\",\n \"icons\": {\n \"128\": \"img/128.png\",\n \"16\" : \"img/16.png\",\n \"32\" : \"img/32.png\",\n \"64\" : \"img/64.png\"\n },\n \"manifest_version\": 2,\n \"name\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"permissions\": [ \"webview\", \"audioCapture\", \"videoCapture\", \"storage\", \"fileSystem\", \"unlimitedStorage\", \"http://*/\", \"https://*/\" ],\n \"version\": \"0.1\"\n}\n"); // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); } else if (os === "chromeext") { var zip = new JSZip(); // Your Logo zip.file("assets/16.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f16]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("assets/32.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f32]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("assets/64.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f64]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("assets/128.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapsize=f128]").src.split('base64,')[1],{base64: true}); zip.file("assets/logo.png", document.querySelector("[data-webdgapimgload=webdgapimg]").src.split("base64,")[1],{base64: true}); // Files for exported app zip.file("background.js", "/**\n * Listens for the app launching, then creates the window.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\ {\n\n 'index.html',\n {\n id: 'mainWindow',\n innerBounds: {\n 'width': 800,\n 'height': 600\n }\n }\n );\n});"); zip.file("css/style.css", "html, body {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\nbody {\n min-width: 300px;\n min-height: 420px;\n}\n\nwebview, iframe {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n border: 0;\n}"); zip.file("index.html", "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>"+ YourName +"</title>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/style.css\" />\n </head>\n <body>\n <iframe src=\""+ url +"\">\n Your version of Chrome does not support the iFrame element.\n </iframe>\n </body>\n</html>"); zip.file("manifest.json", "{\n \"manifest_version\": 2,\n \"name\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"short_name\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"description\": \"A shortcut app generated via WebDGap.\",\n \"version\": \"0.1\",\n \"minimum_chrome_version\": \"38\",\n \"permissions\": [ \"storage\", \"unlimitedStorage\", \"http://*/\", \"https://*/\" ],\n \"icons\": {\n \"16\": \"assets/16.png\",\n \"32\": \"assets/32.png\",\n \"64\": \"assets/64.png\",\n \"128\": \"assets/128.png\"\n },\n\n \"browser_action\": {\n \"default_icon\": \"assets/128.png\",\n \"default_title\": \""+ YourName +"\",\n \"default_popup\": \"index.html\"\n },\n \n \"content_security_policy\": \"script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'\"\n}"); // Export application var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"}); saveAs(content, YourName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase() + ""); endExportMSG(); } else { alert("Oops something went wrong. Maybe wrong argument for operating system? Are you using a valid image url? -"); } return false; } console.log("WebDGap is exporting your "+ os +" application..."); setTimeout(function() { executeApp(); }, 1000); return false; }