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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/dom/StyleSheetLoader.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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/** * StyleSheetLoader.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * This class handles loading of external stylesheets and fires events when these are loaded. * * @class tinymce.dom.StyleSheetLoader * @private */ define( 'tinymce.core.dom.StyleSheetLoader', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Future', 'ephox.katamari.api.Futures', 'ephox.katamari.api.Result', 'global!navigator', 'tinymce.core.util.Delay', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools' ], function (Arr, Fun, Future, Futures, Result, navigator, Delay, Tools) { "use strict"; return function (document, settings) { var idCount = 0, loadedStates = {}, maxLoadTime; settings = settings || {}; maxLoadTime = settings.maxLoadTime || 5000; var appendToHead = function (node) { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(node); }; /** * Loads the specified css style sheet file and call the loadedCallback once it's finished loading. * * @method load * @param {String} url Url to be loaded. * @param {Function} loadedCallback Callback to be executed when loaded. * @param {Function} errorCallback Callback to be executed when failed loading. */ var load = function (url, loadedCallback, errorCallback) { var link, style, startTime, state; var passed = function () { var callbacks = state.passed, i = callbacks.length; while (i--) { callbacks[i](); } state.status = 2; state.passed = []; state.failed = []; }; var failed = function () { var callbacks = state.failed, i = callbacks.length; while (i--) { callbacks[i](); } state.status = 3; state.passed = []; state.failed = []; }; // Sniffs for older WebKit versions that have the link.onload but a broken one var isOldWebKit = function () { var webKitChunks = navigator.userAgent.match(/WebKit\/(\d*)/); return !!(webKitChunks && webKitChunks[1] < 536); }; // Calls the waitCallback until the test returns true or the timeout occurs var wait = function (testCallback, waitCallback) { if (!testCallback()) { // Wait for timeout if ((new Date().getTime()) - startTime < maxLoadTime) { Delay.setTimeout(waitCallback); } else { failed(); } } }; // Workaround for WebKit that doesn't properly support the onload event for link elements // Or WebKit that fires the onload event before the StyleSheet is added to the document var waitForWebKitLinkLoaded = function () { wait(function () { var styleSheets = document.styleSheets, styleSheet, i = styleSheets.length, owner; while (i--) { styleSheet = styleSheets[i]; owner = styleSheet.ownerNode ? styleSheet.ownerNode : styleSheet.owningElement; if (owner && === { passed(); return true; } } }, waitForWebKitLinkLoaded); }; // Workaround for older Geckos that doesn't have any onload event for StyleSheets var waitForGeckoLinkLoaded = function () { wait(function () { try { // Accessing the cssRules will throw an exception until the CSS file is loaded var cssRules = style.sheet.cssRules; passed(); return !!cssRules; } catch (ex) { // Ignore } }, waitForGeckoLinkLoaded); }; url = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url); if (!loadedStates[url]) { state = { passed: [], failed: [] }; loadedStates[url] = state; } else { state = loadedStates[url]; } if (loadedCallback) { state.passed.push(loadedCallback); } if (errorCallback) { state.failed.push(errorCallback); } // Is loading wait for it to pass if (state.status == 1) { return; } // Has finished loading and was success if (state.status == 2) { passed(); return; } // Has finished loading and was a failure if (state.status == 3) { failed(); return; } // Start loading state.status = 1; link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; = 'u' + (idCount++); link.async = false; link.defer = false; startTime = new Date().getTime(); // Feature detect onload on link element and sniff older webkits since it has an broken onload event if ("onload" in link && !isOldWebKit()) { link.onload = waitForWebKitLinkLoaded; link.onerror = failed; } else { // Sniff for old Firefox that doesn't support the onload event on link elements // TODO: Remove this in the future when everyone uses modern browsers if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0) { style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = '@import "' + url + '"'; waitForGeckoLinkLoaded(); appendToHead(style); return; } // Use the id owner on older webkits waitForWebKitLinkLoaded(); } appendToHead(link); link.href = url; }; var loadF = function (url) { return (resolve) { load( url, Fun.compose(resolve, Fun.constant(Result.value(url))), Fun.compose(resolve, Fun.constant(Result.error(url))) ); }); }; var unbox = function (result) { return result.fold(Fun.identity, Fun.identity); }; var loadAll = function (urls, success, failure) { Futures.par(, loadF)).get(function (result) { var parts = Arr.partition(result, function (r) { return r.isValue(); }); if ( > 0) { failure(; } else { success(; } }); }; return { load: load, loadAll: loadAll }; }; } );