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File: PGSL_Connection.class

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File: PGSL_Connection.class
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Description: Class file
Class: PGSQL_Connection
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Date: 22 years ago
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<?php /* Daniel Afonso Heisler CPD - UNIVATES */ class Connection { var $filename; var $fp; var $port; function Connection() { GLOBAL $REMOTE_ADDR; GLOBAL $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $this->filename = "/tmp/Login.$REMOTE_ADDR"; $this->log = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../logs/sql.log"; $this->result = "/tmp/Result.$REMOTE_ADDR"; $this->port = '5432'; } function SQLFields($table,$LoginDB=null) { if ( $this->fp = fopen($this->filename, "r") ) { $contents = fread($this->fp, filesize($this->filename)); fclose ($this->fp); list($LoginDB,$this->port,$LoginUID,$LoginPSW) = split(":",$contents); $LoginPSW = base64_decode($LoginPSW); if ( $LoginUID && $LoginPSW ) { $sql = "select * from $table where id = 0"; system("echo -e '{$LoginUID}\n{$LoginPSW}\n{$sql};' | /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql $LoginDB -u > $this->result"); $this->fp = fopen($this->result, "r"); $contents = fread($this->fp, filesize($this->result)); $cont = explode("\n",$contents); $contents = $cont[0]; $result = str_replace(' ','',$contents); $contents = explode('|',$result); fclose ($this->fp); unlink($this->result); return($contents); } else return null; } else return null; } function SQLData($sql,$LoginDB=null,$uid=null,$pwd=null,$host=null,$port=null) { if ( $tab = $this->SQLExec($sql,$LoginDB,$uid,$pwd,$host,$port) ) { if ( pg_fetch_array($tab,0) ) { for ( $x=0; $x<pg_numrows($tab); $x++ ) { $z = pg_fetch_array($tab,$x); $temp[$x] = $z; for ( $y=0; $y<((count($z)+1)/2); $y++ ) $dados[$x][$y] = $temp[$x][$y]; } } else return null; return $dados; } else return null; } function SQLExec($sql,$LoginDB=null,$uid=null,$pwd=null,$host=null,$port=null) { if ( $this->fp = fopen($this->filename, "r") ) { $contents = fread($this->fp, filesize($this->filename)); fclose ($this->fp); if ( ! $LoginDB ) list($LoginDB,$this->port,$LoginUID,$LoginPSW) = split(":",$contents); else list($temp,$this->port,$LoginUID,$LoginPSW) = split(":",$contents); $LoginPSW = base64_decode($LoginPSW); $parametros = "dbname=$LoginDB port=$this->port user=$LoginUID password=$LoginPSW"; if ( $LoginDB && $uid && $pwd ) { if ( $host ) $parametros = "dbname=$LoginDB host=$host user=$uid password=$pwd"; else $parametros = "dbname=$LoginDB user=$uid password=$pwd"; if ( $port ) $parametros .= " port=$port"; else $parametros .= " port=$this->port"; } $con = pg_connect ($parametros); if ( empty($sql) or !($con) ) return null; else { if ( $res = pg_exec($con,$sql) ) $this->SQLLogs($sql,$LoginUID); return $res; } } else return null; } function SQLLogs($sql,$LoginUID) { GLOBAL $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $this->log = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/../logs/sql.log"; if ( $this->fp = fopen($this->log, "a+") ) { $sql_sel = stristr($sql,'select'); if ( ! $sql_sel ) { $contents = date("d/m/Y - H:i"); $contents .= (" -> $LoginUID\n -> $sql\n"); fputs($this->fp, $contents); } fclose ($this->fp); } } } ?>