
PHPExcelFormatter is class to make it more simple to get data from Excel documents.
Read columns what you really need
Set column names for documents what dosen't have column names on first row
Set your DB field names for columns
Retrieve data in array or MySQL query format
Greate for importing files and then letting user to connect document columns with your DB fields :) (example coming)
composer require renekorss/phpexcelformatter
// Require needed files
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use RKD\PHPExcelFormatter\PHPExcelFormatter;
use RKD\PHPExcelFormatter\Exception\PHPExcelFormatterException;
// Load file
$formatter = new PHPExcelFormatter('example1.xls');
// Output columns array (document must have column names on first row)
$formatterColumns = array(
'username' => 'username',
'phone' => 'phone_no',
'email' => 'email_address'
// Output columns array (document dosen't have column names on first row)
// Skip foruth column (age) (third in array), because we don't need that data
// NOTE: if document dosen't have column names on first line, second parameter for PHPExcelFormatter should be $readColumns = false, otherwise it will skip first line of data
$formatterColumns = array(
4 => 'sex'
// Set our columns
// Output as array
$output = $formatter->output('a');
// OR
// $output = $formatter->output('array');
// Print array
echo '<pre>'.print_r($output, true).'</pre>';
// Set MySQL table
// Output as mysql query
$output = $formatter->output('m');
// OR
// $output = $formatter->output('mysql');
// Print mysql query
echo '<pre>'.print_r($output, true).'</pre>';
}catch(PHPExcelFormatterException $e){
echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();
View examples
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Fork us or create issue!
Uses (thanks)
PHPExcelFormatter is licensed under MIT