* @return bool
function protector_postcommon()
global $xoopsUser, $xoopsModule;
// patch for 2.2.x from xoops.org (I know this is not so beautiful...)
if (substr(@XOOPS_VERSION, 6, 3) > 2.0 && false !== stripos(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences')) {
/* @var XoopsModuleHandler $module_handler */
$module_handler = xoops_getHandler('module');
$module = $module_handler->get((int)(@$_GET['mod']));
if (is_object($module)) {
// configs writable check
if (@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/admin.php' && !is_writable(dirname(__DIR__) . '/configs')) {
trigger_error('You should turn the directory ' . dirname(__DIR__) . '/configs writable', E_USER_WARNING);
// Protector object
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/class/protector.php';
$db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
$protector = Protector::getInstance();
$conf = $protector->getConf();
if (empty($conf)) {
return true;
} // not installed yet
// phpmailer vulnerability
// http://larholm.com/2007/06/11/phpmailer-0day-remote-execution/
if (in_array(substr(XOOPS_VERSION, 0, 12), array('XOOPS 2.0.16', 'XOOPS 2.0.13', 'XOOPS 2.2.4'))) {
/* @var XoopsConfigHandler $config_handler */
$config_handler = xoops_getHandler('config');
$xoopsMailerConfig = $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_MAILER);
if ($xoopsMailerConfig['mailmethod'] === 'sendmail' && md5_file(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/mail/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php') === 'ee1c09a8e579631f0511972f929fe36a') {
echo '<strong>phpmailer security hole! Change the preferences of mail from "sendmail" to another, or upgrade the core right now! (message by protector)</strong>';
// global enabled or disabled
if (!empty($conf['global_disabled'])) {
return true;
// group1_ips (groupid=1)
if (is_object($xoopsUser) && in_array(1, $xoopsUser->getGroups())) {
$group1_ips = $protector->get_group1_ips(true);
if (implode('', array_keys($group1_ips))) {
$group1_allow = $protector->ip_match($group1_ips);
if (empty($group1_allow)) {
die('This account is disabled for your IP by Protector.<br>Clear cookie if you want to access this site as a guest.');
// reliable ips
$reliable_ips = @unserialize(@$conf['reliable_ips']);
if (is_array($reliable_ips)) {
foreach ($reliable_ips as $reliable_ip) {
if (!empty($reliable_ip) && preg_match('/' . $reliable_ip . '/', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
return true;
// user information (uid and can be banned)
if (is_object(@$xoopsUser)) {
$uid = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$can_ban = count(@array_intersect($xoopsUser->getGroups(), @unserialize(@$conf['bip_except']))) ? false : true;
} else {
// login failed check
if ((!empty($_POST['uname']) && !empty($_POST['pass'])) || (!empty($_COOKIE['autologin_uname']) && !empty($_COOKIE['autologin_pass']))) {
$uid = 0;
$can_ban = true;
// CHECK for spammers IPS/EMAILS during POST Actions
if (@$conf['stopforumspam_action'] !== 'none') {
// If precheck has already judged that he should be banned
if ($can_ban && $protector->_should_be_banned) {
} elseif ($can_ban && $protector->_should_be_banned_time0) {
$protector->register_bad_ips(time() + $protector->_conf['banip_time0']);
// DOS/CRAWLER skipping based on 'dirname' or getcwd()
$dos_skipping = false;
$skip_dirnames = explode('|', @$conf['dos_skipmodules']);
if (!is_array($skip_dirnames)) {
$skip_dirnames = array();
if (is_object(@$xoopsModule)) {
if (in_array($xoopsModule->getVar('dirname'), $skip_dirnames)) {
$dos_skipping = true;
} else {
foreach ($skip_dirnames as $skip_dirname) {
if ($skip_dirname && false !== strpos(getcwd(), $skip_dirname)) {
$dos_skipping = true;
// module can control DoS skipping
if (defined('PROTECTOR_SKIP_DOS_CHECK')) {
$dos_skipping = true;
// DoS Attack
if (empty($dos_skipping) && !$protector->check_dos_attack($uid, $can_ban)) {
$protector->output_log($protector->last_error_type, $uid, true, 16);
// check session hi-jacking
$masks = @$conf['session_fixed_topbit'];
$maskArray = explode('/', $masks);
$ipv4Mask = empty($maskArray[0]) ? 24 : $maskArray[0];
$ipv6Mask = (!isset($maskArray[1])) ? 56 : $maskArray[1];
$ip = \Xmf\IPAddress::fromRequest();
$maskCheck = true;
if (isset($_SESSION['protector_last_ip'])) {
$maskCheck = $ip->sameSubnet($_SESSION['protector_last_ip'], $ipv4Mask, $ipv6Mask);
if (!$maskCheck) {
if (is_object($xoopsUser) && count(array_intersect($xoopsUser->getGroups(), unserialize($conf['groups_denyipmove'])))) {
$_SESSION['protector_last_ip'] = $ip->asReadable();
// SQL Injection "Isolated /*"
if (!$protector->check_sql_isolatedcommentin(@$conf['isocom_action'] & 1)) {
if (($conf['isocom_action'] & 8) && $can_ban) {
} elseif (($conf['isocom_action'] & 4) && $can_ban) {
$protector->register_bad_ips(time() + $protector->_conf['banip_time0']);
$protector->output_log('ISOCOM', $uid, true, 32);
if ($conf['isocom_action'] & 2) {
// SQL Injection "UNION"
if (!$protector->check_sql_union(@$conf['union_action'] & 1)) {
if (($conf['union_action'] & 8) && $can_ban) {
} elseif (($conf['union_action'] & 4) && $can_ban) {
$protector->register_bad_ips(time() + $protector->_conf['banip_time0']);
$protector->output_log('UNION', $uid, true, 32);
if ($conf['union_action'] & 2) {
if (!empty($_POST)) {
// SPAM Check
if (is_object($xoopsUser)) {
if (!$xoopsUser->isAdmin() && $conf['spamcount_uri4user']) {
$protector->spam_check((int)$conf['spamcount_uri4user'], $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
} elseif ($conf['spamcount_uri4guest']) {
$protector->spam_check((int)$conf['spamcount_uri4guest'], 0);
// filter plugins for POST on postcommon stage
// register.php Protection - both core and profile module have a register.php
// There should be an event to trigger this check instead of filename sniffing.
if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == 'register.php') {
return null;