// Author: Trabis
// URL: http://www.xuups.com
// E-Mail: lusopoemas@gmail.com
// Plugin version: 1.1
// Release date: 06-04-2009
// Usage : just place <{block id=1}> inside any template or theme, replace '1' with the id of the block you want to show
// Other options:
// display = 'title' -> shows just title
// display = 'none' -> renders the block but does not display it
// options = 'enter|block|options' -> overwrites block default options
// groups = 'enter|allowed|groups' -> overwrites block default group view permissions
// cache = 3600 -> overwrite cache time(in seconds)
// Examples:
// <{block id=1 display="title"}> displays just the block title
// <{block id=1}> displays just the block content
// <{block id=7 display="none"}> does not display nothing but executes the block, this can go for online block or to trigger some cron block
// <{block id=600 groups="0|1" cache=20}> display block just for this 2 groups and sets a cache of 20 seconds
// <{block id=600 options="100|100|s_poweredby.gif|0"}> displays block with diferent options
* @param $params
* @param $smarty
* @return mixed
function smarty_function_block($params, &$smarty)
if (!isset($params['id'])) {
return null;
$display_title = (isset($params['display']) && $params['display'] === 'title');
$display_none = (isset($params['display']) && $params['display'] === 'none');
$options = isset($params['options']) ? $params['options'] : false;
$groups = isset($params['groups']) ? explode('|', $params['groups']) : false;
$cache = isset($params['cache']) ? (int)$params['cache'] : false;
$block_id = (int)$params['id'];
static $block_objs;
if (!isset($block_objs[$block_id])) {
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsblock.php';
$blockObj = new XoopsBlock($block_id);
if (!is_object($blockObj)) {
return null;
$block_objs[$block_id] = $blockObj;
} else {
$blockObj = $block_objs[$block_id];
$user_groups = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups() : array(XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
static $allowed_blocks;
if (!is_array(@$allowed_blocks) || count($allowed_blocks) == 0) {
$allowed_blocks = XoopsBlock::getAllBlocksByGroup($user_groups, false);
if ($groups) {
if (!array_intersect($user_groups, $groups)) {
return null;
} else {
if (!in_array($block_id, $allowed_blocks)) {
return null;
if ($options) {
$blockObj->setVar('options', $options);
if ($cache) {
$blockObj->setVar('bcachetime', $cache);
if ($display_title) {
return $blockObj->getVar('title');
$xoopsLogger = XoopsLogger::getInstance();
$template =& $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl'];
$bcachetime = (int)$blockObj->getVar('bcachetime');
if (empty($bcachetime)) {
$template->caching = 0;
} else {
$template->caching = 2;
$template->cache_lifetime = $bcachetime;
$template->setCompileId($blockObj->getVar('dirname', 'n'));
$tplName = ($tplName = $blockObj->getVar('template')) ? "db:{$tplName}" : 'db:system_block_dummy.tpl';
$cacheid = 'blk_' . $block_id;
if (!$bcachetime || !$template->is_cached($tplName, $cacheid)) {
if (!($bresult = $blockObj->buildBlock())) {
return null;
if (!$display_none) {
$template->assign('block', $bresult);
$template->display($tplName, $cacheid);
} else {
$xoopsLogger->addBlock($blockObj->getVar('name'), true, $bcachetime);
if (!$display_none) {
$template->display($tplName, $cacheid);
$template->setCompileId($blockObj->getVar('dirname', 'n'));
return null;