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File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/fullpage/plugin.min.js

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  Classes of Duong Huynh Nghia   Lego PHP   Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/fullpage/plugin.min.js   Download  
File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/plugins/fullpage/plugin.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Lego PHP
Blog and shopping cart system
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,978 bytes


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tinymce.PluginManager.add("fullpage", function(a){function b(){var b = c();{title:"Document properties", data:b, defaults:{type:"textbox", size:40}, body:[{name:"title", label:"Title"}, {name:"keywords", label:"Keywords"}, {name:"description", label:"Description"}, {name:"robots", label:"Robots"}, {name:"author", label:"Author"}, {name:"docencoding", label:"Encoding"}], onSubmit:function(a){d(tinymce.extend(b,}})}function c(){function b(a, b){var c = a.attr(b); return c || ""}var c, d, f = e(), g = {}; return g.fontface = a.getParam("fullpage_default_fontface", ""), g.fontsize = a.getParam("fullpage_default_fontsize", ""), c = f.firstChild, 7 == c.type && (g.xml_pi = !0, d = /encoding="([^"]+)"/.exec(c.value), d && (g.docencoding = d[1])), c = f.getAll("#doctype")[0], c && (g.doctype = "<!DOCTYPE" + c.value + ">"), c = f.getAll("title")[0], c && c.firstChild && (g.title = c.firstChild.value), k(f.getAll("meta"), function(a){var b, c = a.attr("name"), d = a.attr("http-equiv"); c?g[c.toLowerCase()] = a.attr("content"):"Content-Type" == d && (b = /charset\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/gi.exec(a.attr("content")), b && (g.docencoding = b[1]))}), c = f.getAll("html")[0], c && (g.langcode = b(c, "lang") || b(c, "xml:lang")), g.stylesheets = [], tinymce.each(f.getAll("link"), function(a){"stylesheet" == a.attr("rel") && g.stylesheets.push(a.attr("href"))}), c = f.getAll("body")[0], c && (g.langdir = b(c, "dir"), = b(c, "style"), g.visited_color = b(c, "vlink"), g.link_color = b(c, "link"), g.active_color = b(c, "alink")), g}function d(b){function c(a, b, c){a.attr(b, c?c:void 0)}function d(a){g.firstChild?g.insert(a, g.firstChild):g.append(a)}var f, g, h, j, m, n = a.dom; f = e(), g = f.getAll("head")[0], g || (j = f.getAll("html")[0], g = new l("head", 1), j.firstChild?j.insert(g, j.firstChild, !0):j.append(g)), j = f.firstChild, b.xml_pi?(m = 'version="1.0"', b.docencoding && (m += ' encoding="' + b.docencoding + '"'), 7 != j.type && (j = new l("xml", 7), f.insert(j, f.firstChild, !0)), j.value = m):j && 7 == j.type && j.remove(), j = f.getAll("#doctype")[0], b.doctype?(j || (j = new l("#doctype", 10), b.xml_pi?f.insert(j, f.firstChild):d(j)), j.value = b.doctype.substring(9, b.doctype.length - 1)):j && j.remove(), j = null, k(f.getAll("meta"), function(a){"Content-Type" == a.attr("http-equiv") && (j = a)}), b.docencoding?(j || (j = new l("meta", 1), j.attr("http-equiv", "Content-Type"), j.shortEnded = !0, d(j)), j.attr("content", "text/html; charset=" + b.docencoding)):j && j.remove(), j = f.getAll("title")[0], b.title?(j?j.empty():(j = new l("title", 1), d(j)), j.append(new l("#text", 3)).value = b.title):j && j.remove(), k("keywords,description,author,copyright,robots".split(","), function(a){var c, e, g = f.getAll("meta"), h = b[a]; for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++)if (e = g[c], e.attr("name") == a)return void(h?e.attr("content", h):e.remove()); h && (j = new l("meta", 1), j.attr("name", a), j.attr("content", h), j.shortEnded = !0, d(j))}); var o = {}; tinymce.each(f.getAll("link"), function(a){"stylesheet" == a.attr("rel") && (o[a.attr("href")] = a)}), tinymce.each(b.stylesheets, function(a){o[a] || (j = new l("link", 1), j.attr({rel:"stylesheet", text:"text/css", href:a}), j.shortEnded = !0, d(j)), delete o[a]}), tinymce.each(o, function(a){a.remove()}), j = f.getAll("body")[0], j && (c(j, "dir", b.langdir), c(j, "style",, c(j, "vlink", b.visited_color), c(j, "link", b.link_color), c(j, "alink", b.active_color), n.setAttribs(a.getBody(), {, dir:b.dir, vLink:b.visited_color, link:b.link_color, aLink:b.active_color})), j = f.getAll("html")[0], j && (c(j, "lang", b.langcode), c(j, "xml:lang", b.langcode)), g.firstChild || g.remove(), h = new tinymce.html.Serializer({validate:!1, indent:!0, apply_source_formatting:!0, indent_before:"head,html,body,meta,title,script,link,style", indent_after:"head,html,body,meta,title,script,link,style"}).serialize(f), i = h.substring(0, h.indexOf("</body>"))}function e(){return new tinymce.html.DomParser({validate:!1, root_name:"#document"}).parse(i)}function f(b){function c(a){return a.replace(/<\/?[A-Z]+/g, function(a){return a.toLowerCase()})}var d, f, h, l, m = b.content, n = "", o = a.dom; if (!b.selection && !("raw" == b.format && i || b.source_view && a.getParam("fullpage_hide_in_source_view"))){0 !== m.length || b.source_view || (m = tinymce.trim(i) + "\n" + tinymce.trim(m) + "\n" + tinymce.trim(j)), m = m.replace(/<(\/?)BODY/gi, "<$1body"), d = m.indexOf("<body"), - 1 != d?(d = m.indexOf(">", d), i = c(m.substring(0, d + 1)), f = m.indexOf("</body", d), - 1 == f && (f = m.length), b.content = m.substring(d + 1, f), j = c(m.substring(f))):(i = g(), j = "\n</body>\n</html>"), h = e(), k(h.getAll("style"), function(a){a.firstChild && (n += a.firstChild.value)}), l = h.getAll("body")[0], l && o.setAttribs(a.getBody(), {style:l.attr("style") || "", dir:l.attr("dir") || "", vLink:l.attr("vlink") || "", link:l.attr("link") || "", aLink:l.attr("alink") || ""}), o.remove("fullpage_styles"); var p = a.getDoc().getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; n && (o.add(p, "style", {id:"fullpage_styles"}, n), l = o.get("fullpage_styles"), l.styleSheet && (l.styleSheet.cssText = n)); var q = {}; tinymce.each(p.getElementsByTagName("link"), function(a){"stylesheet" == a.rel && a.getAttribute("data-mce-fullpage") && (q[a.href] = a)}), tinymce.each(h.getAll("link"), function(a){var b = a.attr("href"); q[b] || "stylesheet" != a.attr("rel") || o.add(p, "link", {rel:"stylesheet", text:"text/css", href:b, "data-mce-fullpage":"1"}), delete q[b]}), tinymce.each(q, function(a){a.parentNode.removeChild(a)})}}function g(){var b, c = "", d = ""; return a.getParam("fullpage_default_xml_pi") && (c += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' + a.getParam("fullpage_default_encoding", "ISO-8859-1") + '" ?>\n'), c += a.getParam("fullpage_default_doctype", "<!DOCTYPE html>"), c += "\n<html>\n<head>\n", (b = a.getParam("fullpage_default_title")) && (c += "<title>" + b + "</title>\n"), (b = a.getParam("fullpage_default_encoding")) && (c += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + b + '" />\n'), (b = a.getParam("fullpage_default_font_family")) && (d += "font-family: " + b + ";"), (b = a.getParam("fullpage_default_font_size")) && (d += "font-size: " + b + ";"), (b = a.getParam("fullpage_default_text_color")) && (d += "color: " + b + ";"), c += "</head>\n<body" + (d?' style="' + d + '"':"") + ">\n"}function h(b){b.selection || b.source_view && a.getParam("fullpage_hide_in_source_view") || (b.content = tinymce.trim(i) + "\n" + tinymce.trim(b.content) + "\n" + tinymce.trim(j))}var i, j, k = tinymce.each, l = tinymce.html.Node; a.addCommand("mceFullPageProperties", b), a.addButton("fullpage", {title:"Document properties", cmd:"mceFullPageProperties"}), a.addMenuItem("fullpage", {text:"Document properties", cmd:"mceFullPageProperties", context:"file"}), a.on("BeforeSetContent", f), a.on("GetContent", h)});