1. How to Implement a Multi-Level PHP Event Handler System To Develop Complex Projects Made of Many Separate Components
Updated on: 2023-03-25
Posted on: 2023-03-25
How to Implement a Multi-Level PHP Event Handler System To Develop Complex Projects Made of Many Separate Components
Event processing is an approach that developers can use to connect different parts of an application.
This way, a change in one part can trigger actions in other application parts.
For instance, if a user can push a button on a Web page, the application can use event processing to trigger the actions associated with the application button that the user pushed.
This package implements an inheritance model to process registered events.
This way, the package allows applications to implement event handlers that can process the events or pass the events to another event handling function registered to handle the same event.
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Event processing is an approach that developers can use to connect different parts of an application.
This way, a change in one part can trigger actions in other application parts.
For instance, if a user can push a button on a Web page, the application can use event processing to trigger the actions associated with the application button that the user pushed.
This package implements an inheritance model to process registered events.
This way, the package allows applications to implement event handlers that can process the events or pass the events to another event handling function registered to handle the same event.
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